Author's Note: All of the votes are in and Return Address: None 2 WON! In second place is Sickness, third is I Scream for Ice Cream, fourth place is Dreams, fifth is Perfect Pet, sixth is Good and Bad, seventh is Squid Archives (not mentioned in voting time) eighth is New Neighbours, and ninth is Robin Hood. Unfortunately not many people voted, so some stories tied, but that's okay, because then I can decide the order. (And that's pretty nice for me, seeing as I'm writing them). Thanks to everyone who voted. The plot of Squid Archives will be given in the next reader's hint. This review credit is for the people who reviewed for Losing His Past. NOTE: I change some personality traits in this story. I made Flats and others a bit more violent, and the boss is WAY different. But I won't tell how. It would give away a really good twist. PLEASE don't send reviews telling me I'm not getting the personalities right. (P.S. To prevent confusion, when it goes to the flashback, 'the fish' is the aid to the boss and 'the boss' is…well…the boss.)

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except for the plot and the old toy. You can't sue me.

WoRdLiFeCeNa4: I'm glad you liked Losing His Past so much. I decided that I'm defiantly going to be doing the review awards. So far I have seven categories. I can hardly wait until you update Spongebob's Suspicion. Thanks for reviewing!

flaming-1251: I'm glad you liked the ending. The reason why I'm doing a sequel to Return Address: None is because I came up with this REALLY good idea for some of the plot. I'm not going to reveal it yet, but something tells me that it's going to put a really good twist into the story. Thanks for reviewing!

A. Nonymous: I'm glad you liked the last line. When I typed it I thought it was good, but now when I looked back, I think it is pretty corny. Oh well, as long as the reader likes it…lol. Lately I've been getting lots of dreams that would make really good stories. I got this one that would make a really good SB story, but the plot had already been taken by some other category. Talk about unfair! Anyway, I'm only going to be doing review awards. I'm not really sure story awards would work out. I'm glad you voted. Thanks for reviewing! (P.S. I live in Canada, so I don't really celebrate July 4th).

Bladequeen2000: I'm glad you liked the story. Thanks for voting and reviewing!

venusgal100: Thanks for voting!

Return Address: None 2

Chapter One: Reawakening

It was a normal day. Just like any other day. However, that would change soon enough. Spongebob was in his house, cleaning out his room. It was getting very messy, and he decided it could use a good cleaning. He was sorting through all kinds of interesting items he had long forgotten.

He was digging through a trunk in his room, full of all sorts of dusty souvenirs from his childhood. There was his very first toy, a plush jellyfish. Age had faded the colour, and now it looked more grey then pink. Spongebob smiled at the sight of his long forgotten toy.

He shifted through more of the mess, and saw a picture of when Patrick and himself were babies. Spongebob grinned at how cute they looked. They both had rattles and appeared to be laughing.

Spongebob noticed another picture. It showed his first pet; Shelly. Spongebob still owned her, in fact. Shelly was a pet scallop. He looked up at her cage, hanging from the ceiling. She was on her perch, like always. Shelly never did anything. Spongebob couldn't even remember the last time she chirped. Still, he loved her, and he changed her water and food daily. Spongebob placed both photos down, carefully, and continued to search through the mess.

He came across what appeared to be a letter. Spongebob knew right away what it was. Spongebob slipped it out of the already opened envelope and read it. It was the greeting letter he got when he first signed up for Mrs. Puff's boating school. Spongebob closed his eyes, recalling all the events that had happen to him at that school. There was the time when he stuck a radio in his head and Patrick on the other end was telling him what to do. He soon learned that this was called cheating, and he failed the test a thirty ninth time. Then there was the time when Mrs. Puff gave Spongebob his licence when he didn't deserve it, and the she tried to steal his car to stop him from driving.

There was one incident he would never forget. It was the day Flats the Flounder entered Mrs. Puff's class. Flats was a bully. He threatened to 'kick Spongebob's butt' as he so willingly put it. Spongebob tried running away, but it was no use. Eventually Flats caught up with him, but Spongebob's sponginess absorbed Flats's punches. Eventually, Flats wore himself out, and decided to leave Mrs. Puff's class. However, that wasn't the last Spongebob saw of Flats. Apparently, he took a more violent turn and forced Spognebob to lead a miserable life by killing his loved ones. Spongebob started to get teary eyed as he remembered Gary. Flats had killed him to 'make his point'. When the ordeal had passed, Spongebob bought a new snail. He looked remarkably like Gary, only the spots on his shell were blue, not red. Spongebob decided to name him Harry. Anyway, Sandy and Patrick soon found out what Flats was up to, and they decided to try and save Spongebob from Flats's violence. They eventually found him, but Flats wasn't about to go down without a fight. He unmasked himself and started a physical fight wit h Spongebob. Flats was winning, but he lost his footing, and then fell off a cliff. He was swallowed by the darkness and never seen again. It was now two months since that happened, and Spongebob's life was back to normal. However, he knew he would never forget Flats.

The sound of his doorbell woke Spongebob from his daydream. He put the letter back into the chest and closed it. He then walked downstairs to see who rand the doorbell. He opened the door and found Patrick waiting for him with a net.

"Do you want to go jellyfishing?" asked Patrick hopefully.

"Sure!" replied Spongebob, eagerly. "Let me go get my net."

Spongebob ran upstairs and sorted out Ol' Reliable from the mess. He knew he still needed to clean it up, but he shrugged off the thought, resolving to do the chore later. He then ran back downstairs and walked off towards Jellyfish Fields with Patrick. He spent the afternoon care-free and happy. Little did he know that great misfortunes were about to happen…

He sat in the cave. Thinking…just… thinking. It was two months since the accident. Why he waited this long, he did not know. The idiot got the best of him twice. He was not going to let it happen a third time. The first month he wasn't sure. Maybe he should have just left it and moved on? But no, his vengeful side got the best of him. And of course, there was the matter of what would happen to him if he didn't return. Since he first saw the sponge he knew what he needed to do. It was his mission. He never told Spongebob, the squirrel, or even Patrick, but he wasn't out for the kid just to satisfy his lust for violence. He was working for someone. However, he wasn't even going to think about them. Just the thought of what would happen when he returned, telling his boss that he failed a second time discomforted him.

He wasn't the only one working for the boss. There was a group of criminals out to get Spongebob. None of them knew why the boss wanted Spongebob, but they were more than happy to do the job. They all had grudges against the porous animal. However, over the years, the group of assassins out to get Spongebob had failed. He had always slipped through their grasp. However, the boss always thought that his head aid was able to do the job…


He was standing outside the door. Should he go in? He didn't know what the boss would do to him if he told him he failed to get the sponge-kid. He had never seen the boss angry before. However, by the way the others put it, it wasn't a pretty sight. He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in," said the voice behind the door. He took a nervous gulp and entered. He saw the back of a chair. It wheeled around; however the boss's face still remained in shadow. "Oh," said the boss upon spotting his aid. "It's you. Please sit down." The fish grabbed a seat and sat in front of his boss. "So?" sad the boss eagerly. "How did it go?"

The fish took a nervous gulp. The anger was going to unleash any minute now. "I…didn't manage to do it, sir."

There was a pause. Neither sea creature said anything. This wasn't what the fish was expecting. "I see…" said the boss. The fish paused. Was that disappointment he heard in his boss's voice? "I hoped you would have done better. I thought you were better than the others. I guess I thought wrong," said the boss.

"You didn't think wrong!" protested the fish, knowing he was too outgoing for his own good. "I can do better, I swear!"

"I don't know if I can really believe that," said the boss. "I'm not sure I can tolerate a failure as my head aid. Maybe I should take that fellow with the knife instead…"

Deep anger bubbled in the fish. The man with the knife the boss had described was his working rival. He wasn't going to let that pretty boy take his spot as head aid…

"NO!" screamed the fish, pounding his fins on the table. "Give me another chance! I can prove I'm worthy enough for head aid!"

The boss paused for a second, considering how 'passionate' his aid was about his job. "Very well…" said the boss. "But if you fail me again, I'll replace you with someone better."

The aid knew that the boss was talking about his worker rival. "I won't fail you," said the aid.

"Glad to hear it."

Back To Present

Now he had failed again. His head title would be no more. He was dreading when he would have to step back inside that office and hear the cold disappointment again.

He knew he sounded crazy; thinking all of these things in his head. Maybe he was crazy. Two months alone in a cave at the side of a cliff with little food would do that to you. His mind made up, he rose to his feet. He didn't want to wait any more. He would return. He was going to kill Spongebob, or his name wasn't Flats Flounder.

(A/N: Please review! Also, in your reviews, tell me who you think the boss is. (None of you are going to guess!) Thanks for reading!)