A new master walked the Temple corridors, followed closely by a bubbling young Padawan. The little boy struggled to follow, skipping most of the time.

"Master, you're walking too fast." The master stopped, turned around and waited. He smiled at the little apprentice.

"Alright, I'll walk slower." He gently said. They continued their walk.

"Where are we going, master?"

"To the Temple Gardens, my young Padawan."

"Why?" The Jedi sighed.

"You ask too much questions, Luke. You'll see once we get there." He kept walking; knowing the boy was still struggling to keep up.

"Are we there yet?" The master couldn't help but laugh at the slight tone of annoyance in his Padawan.

"Here we are, Luke." They stopped in front of a tall plaque; gold in colour and that was firmly attached to a block of marble. "Go ahead, read it." The little boy stood closer, reading the fine inscription.

"In memory of a great Jedi. Wise, brave and kind, he was considered the Hero without fear and was respected throughout the galaxy. Anakin Skywalker…" Luke's eyes lit up. "Hey! That's my name!" Obi-Wan smiled.

"You're father was my Padawan and a good friend. He risked his life trying to save mine."

"What happened?"

"It was during the battle on Kessel. I had been shot by a sniper droid and Anakin rushed by my side." Obi-Wan sat down at one of the benches. "He helped me get to the Healers, risking so much by doing so." Luke listened, eyes wide, caught up completely in his father's story. "He was killed that day…" Obi-Wan had stopped talking.

"How?" He turned to Luke.

"Bravely, taking a laser blaster for me." They stayed silent for a moment.

"Master Obi-Wan… I thought Jedi weren't allowed to have children."

"Oh, they aren't. But you father loved to bend the rules a little. I knew about your parents' relationship and should have done something to stop it… but I couldn't. I felt that Anakin deserved the happiness he felt when he was with your mother." Luke smiled. His father was a great Jedi.

"I want to be just like him when I grow up." Obi-Wan messed up the boy's hair.

"You already are. Your eyes, your laugh and even the way you hold your Lightsaber. You remind me so much of your father, Luke."

"Do I resemble my mother?"

"Yes. You're headstrong, you have her smile and her kindness." Obi-Wan stood, looking down at the ten-year-old boy. "Come, we should get back to your training. I'll be with you shortly."

"Okay, master." Luke headed back to the training room, leaving Obi-Wan alone in the gardens. He looked at the memorial, bowing his head.

"I miss you old friend…" He felt a breeze, sensing Anakin's life force in the wind. He smiled. "Watch over us, Anakin. We'll see each other again someday."


Ah ha! Thought I was going to kill Obi-Wan huh? Hope it isn't too confusing. But there is a phantom chapter that I didn't write whwre Anakin saves Obi-Wan's life but ges lilled in the process. I suck at writting really sappy so I didn't exacly want to ruin the story. Hope you liked my new randition of New Hope! Thanks 4 the support to everyone expecially... u know who u are! My biggest fan! wink