Disclaimer: The only things I own in this Fanfic are The Gryphin and my new Shen Gong Wu.
Note: This Fanfic is set during series two.
The Consequences Of Evil - Chapter 3
Rai's thoughts
Kimiko's thoughts
Omi's thoughts
"Heylin Showdown!" The world twisted into a menacing shape around them. They found themselves in a circular arena surrounded by tall jagged stones. Clay was standing on a red platform slightly raised above the main arena, Omi was on a similar blue pedestal. The Gryphin and Kimiko were in the arena, the Gryphin with a red glow above its head, Kimiko with a blue glow. Omi was holding the reversing mirror, Kimiko the golden tiger claws, the Gryphin was wearing the eye of Dashi around its neck and Clay was wearing the third arm sash.
"GONG YE TAMPAI!" all four shouted. The Gryphin lunged at Kimiko, who quickly dodged out of the way. This is impossible! How can we beat a creature that strong! Kimiko summoned several fireballs and used the golden tiger claws. One fireball hit the griffons front, one from each side and one from the top. Nice move!
Kimiko flipped onto the Gryphin's back and started attacking it. As she did, there was a blinding flash. Kimiko fell to the ground and when she looked up she saw that the Gryphin was now on the platform and Clay was in the arena.
"THIRD ARM SASH, EARTH!" shouted Clay. The stone arm on the sash crashed down and knocked Kimiko to the ground, just as she was standing up. She signalled at Omi. With another flash of light, her and Omi switched places. As Clay used the sash again, Omi pulled out his own Shen Gong WU.
"REVERSING MIRROR!" shouted Omi. All Right! The third arm sash jerked back and slammed against Clay, knocking him to the ground. Omi then summoned a jet of water and sent it slamming into his former friend. With a flash of light, Clay and the Gryphin swapped positions again. Omi was knocked off guard for a moment by the surprise, enough for the Gryphin to pick him up. It shook him around for a while before tossing him out of the arena. AAARGH!
"Jeudalai Flip, Fire!" shouted Kimiko, leaping into the arena. She summoned up an inferno around her which was then hurled at the Gryphin. The Gryphin was sent flying out of the arena, joining Omi on the other side of the High stones. Dude, that was cool!
Clay then leapt into the arena to finish the challenge. He and Kimiko became locked in combat. Whenever one used a move, the other blocked it. Eventually Kimiko used the Golden tiger claws and knocked Clay to the ground from behind. Before she had time to move, the third arm sash wrapped itself around her legs and brought her crashing down. As Clay stood up, Kimiko was hurled out of the arena AAARGH! to join the other two. As she left the arena, the world returned to normal. Clay was holding the four Shen Gong Wu, with an evil grin on his face.
"And now as the victor," he stated, "I claim my other prize!"
"You can't!" shouted Kimiko!
"Yes I can," replied Clay, "And I choose Omi." A vortex erupted out of clay's mouth. It swirled it's way towards the Xiaolin warriors and wrapped around Omi. With an ear splitting scream, a bright white gas was dragged out of Omi and drawn into Clay. As the other Monks watched with horror, Omi collapsed as his 9 dots appeared on Clay's forehead in the Heylin formation.
"You've been fun," stated Clay as he left, "Let's do it again sometime!" With that he left. Kimiko, Raimundo, Dojo and Jack ran up to Omi. He was breathing, but not responding to anything. Dojo burst into tears, expressing what all of them were feeling. The group were in silence as they made their way back to the temple. Raimundo explained what had happened to Master Fung, then Kimiko, Raimundo and Jack went outside to talk as Dojo took the husk of Omi to his room.
"How could Clay be so evil?" asked Kimiko.
"For someone who used to be a Xiaolin dragon, he's fallen far," stated Raimundo sadly. The situation looked hopeless. None of the trio could think of any way to defeat the evil that was consuming their lives. The only idea that they had was to start training Jack and Dojo to be the dragons of Lighting and Soot, if they even counted as Xiaolin elements.
They started by teaching them the basic skills, meditation and energy Chi. Next they taught them how to summon up their element for use in combat. Dojo was very good at this, but Jack was more powerful. They were taught combat moves, and skills needed to use the Shen Gong Wu properly. But Dojo was getting more and more worried, why in all this time had a new Shen Gong Wu not been revealed? Something wasn't right.
Finally after three weeks of training, Dojo and Jack were fully trained in the first level of being a Xiaolin Dragon, but certainly weren't ready to move up to apprentice level. Finally after all that time, a Shen Gong Wu was revealed. Dojo described it to them as they flew.
"It's called the High Fry Blaster. It lets you shoot a stream of plasma at an enemy. It's also useful as it can be used with any element." Explained Dojo.
"What does Plasma do?" asked Raimundo.
"It can stun an opponent, body part by body part. But when combined with the elements it has different powers. For example with water it heals." Answered Dojo. As the group neared the Shen Gong Wu's hiding place they saw that Clay, Wuya and the Gryphin were already approaching.
"Whatever you do," explained Kimiko, "Don't get into a Heylin showdown!" Before Dojo had landed properly the three monks leapt off. They charged at Clay as Dojo flew alongside them. The fight that followed ended with all seven of them holding the Shen Gong Wu.
"Alright you lot," said Wuya, "I challenge you to a seven way every man or woman for themselves He…"
"Xiaolin showdown!" interrupted Kimiko. They all accepted. The waged Wu were the Eye of Dashi, Reversing mirror, third arm sash, monkey staff, belt of swiftness and sword of the storm."
"I don't have anything to wager!" complained Dojo. Without warning he pounced on clay and pulled out the golden tiger claws. "I wager the golden tiger claws." He added.
"The game is steal the Wu!" stated Kimiko.
"LET'S GO!" they all shouted, "XIAOLIN SHOWDOWN!
There you go. Please Review!