-Disclaimer: I own absolutely nada.

-A/N: Omg, could it be? Is Gene Kelly aka SuckerForGrint actually re-posting Accidentally In Love? No, this isn't a dream! I have actually decided to start re-posting and then finally FINISH What I Like About You! After having some time to think, I realized that I didn't want to let my readers down. I won't necessarily be re-posting everything that got deleted, but since AIL and WILAY were two major highlights of my fan fic career, I decided to just go for it.

So without further babbling, here's the story that started it all….

September 1

Hogwarts Express

So of course, it's our sixth year and I should really be worried about the fact You-Know-Who is still roaming around, looking for his next victim and the fact that this year means I'm one step closer to graduating and I'll have about three hours of school work after practice and I'll be a complete mess by the times exams role around but all in all, that's really taken the back burner.

I told Alicia and Katie I'd never be bogged down by guy problems but I contradicted myself. I had a lot of fun this summer, visiting some of my relatives in New York (which is in the states if you didn't know), but there was always something on my mind.

It was rather annoying, really, because I'd promised myself before going away that I wouldn't think about school or a certain someone who went to that school. I had sat myself down and said, "Angie. This summer you'll have a blast and not think about that horrible Fred Weasley."

Too bad I had trouble following my own vow.

I mean really, how pathetic is it that whenever I see a joke shop, I think of a certain prankster with red hair? It was a well-known secret that I'd fallen for one of the Weasley Twins, much to my regret. When I say well-known secret, I mean it in the most possible literal way.

You see, I had never come out and vocally stated in the bloody common room that I, Angelina Johnson, had a raging crush for Frederick Weasley but somehow, everyone could tell. It really is frustrating. I mean, everyone with two eyes can see that Alicia fancies George but no one gives her slack about it. But that's probably because they have a better chance of Fred and I getting together.

Unlike George, Fred's become somewhat of a player. All right, maybe he is a player. A total player. He can't keep a girlfriend for more than a week and always boasts that the day he falls in love is the day Professor Snape washes his hair. (Which we all know is absolutely never.) He didn't use to be like that, you know. Way back in the days of adolescence, when the twins still had the misconception that girls possessed cooties, we all were in second year.

I remember Hannah Salwaters asked Fred to sit with her at lunch and he nearly turned as bright as his hair. Then third year rolled around and suddenly Fred transformed into the next Casanova. Whenever we went to Hogsmeade, he had about two girls glued to his side and then usually ditched those two to meet another pair later on. Maybe there was something in the water, but I really didn't see it. I mean, not to say I was completely deaf, blind and dumb.

He'd had a growth spurt and was nearly 6 feet tall. He had finally insisted that his Mum stop cutting his hair and had let it grow out a bit. It was more so shaggy than straggly, like all those guys in those punk rock muggle bands. It was really cute, actually. I guess he noticed it was a winning look for him, because he never changed his hair style after that. Well, this year was probably the longest it had ever been, but it still suited him well.

Anyway, on top of the height and the hair, he was starting to develop a rather nice…body. All that Qudditch was really starting to take its toll, and in a beneficial way. Too often had I stopped by the loo and heard girls giggle about "Fred Weasley's gorgeous six pack."

So you can see how he was just the total package. He had the looks and though his personality was a bit tainted, girls still adored him all the same. He does have certain charm about him that just draws you in. Like a moth to the flame.

Fred and I actually weren't the best of friends in the beginning. The first time I met him, he was trying to turn my hair purple in Potions. Of course, I didn't appreciate it. I tried to avoid him because I really wasn't in the mood to be the butt of one of his jokes. As fate would have it, a few months later we were assigned to work on a project together in Defense Against The Dark Arts and we've been friends ever since.

Although things lately have been getting…weird. Fred and I always tease and joke around with each other. Katie calls it flirting but I just see it as all in good fun. Last term was when things started to get weird, I guess. I mean, I can't really explain it. Fred and I used to joke about us going out and it would cause a good laugh out of the both of us.

I brought it up last term and well…he kind of gave me a peculiar look, as though he were somewhere far away and said, "Actually, you're probably the only girl who's not in the Giggly-Gang that I could see myself dating for more than a week. And that's saying something."

The Giggly-Gang is what Fred and I like to refer to as the mass of girls that always seem to chase after Fred. Not literally of course, though I can remember one incident when Fred had to hide in the girl's locker room because one girl was extremely upset that she'd been dumped for her best friend.

The statement didn't strike me that odd. The thing that did was the seriousness of his tone. As many people know, Fred never takes anything seriously. Life is one big opportunity for a practical joke to him.

So you can see how alarming it was to see Fred Weasley address this issue in all earnestness. It was like seeing the sky fall. Of course, I never brought it up again and we both acted like it never happened. But whenever things like that occurred, it created a bit of tension between us. I admit, I'm not a reckless person.

I'll condone spontaneity here and there but for the most part, I like having a plan. I'd rather look before I leap. And so, this tension made me feel like I was spinning out of control. Like I was on the edge of something I couldn't escape.

To be more precise, having a crush on Fred Weasley. I had done everything I could to try and forgot about him in that way. I'd made lists on every reason why he'd be a horrible boyfriend. I'd throw myself into my schoolwork and Qudditch training to put my mind off of him. It didn't work that well, considering the fact we had a lot of the same classes and were on the House Team together.

When it all came down to it, I just couldn't let go. I still can't, as a matter of fact. Which is the exact reason why this year, I am planning to move on.

I mean, if something should arise between us, I'm pretty much doomed to give in. But for the most part, I really need to move on. A girl can't spend the rest of her life chasing after some guy. Alicia says she would like to point out how "cute" of a couple Fred and I would be, if in fact, I got some guts and made a move.

I would like to argue that Fred and I are just friends and nothing more. And also, Fred is a complete player. Even if we are friends, you can never really trust a player when it comes to matters of the heart because you never know when you're getting played.

Katie would like to point out that Fred definitely is attracted to me and I'm just being a stupid git because I'm afraid to take a chance.

I would like to argue that should I be worried about my schoolwork and not boys?

Both of them would like to say that I'm already smart enough and that if I wait forever, it'll be too late.

I can only roll my eyes at them. I mean, honestly. These are my two best friends and instead of encouraging me to do well in life, they're pushing me to go after some idiot boy. Even if that idiot is Fred.

Katie would like to strongly say that The Nile is not just an extremely large river in Saudi Arabia. Besides the fact it's in EGYPT, I would like to counter argue that I'm not in denial, I'm just thinking logically.

Whenever you get involved with Fred Weasley, you're only asking for trouble.

Speaking of which, here he comes now. Maybe if I pretend not to notice he's grinning in the doorway of the compartment, he'll go away. That's it, just continue writing in my journal and pretend my stomach isn't fluttering with butterflies.

Oh God, I'm turning into another Giggly-Girl.


Fred Weasley, that's what.

Now Alicia and Katie are laughing at me, because Fred just said, "Earth to Angelina!"

I guess I'll have to face the music.

What a rotten way to start off the school year.