Okay everyone, I've updated as many of my stories as I can. I'm not going to update anymore over the summer so please don't kill me if I don't update in a month. I know it took a long time but things were really crazy. Last couple days of school were all messed and as I've told you, I only get 4hrs a weeks on the computer. Besides, when I finally decided to update, I couldn't find my drafts anywhere. Anyways, here's the last update in like 2 months. Enjoy.

Adventures in Numair Salmalin's Workshop


Chapter 1: Numair creates Coca Cola

Numair: Muahahahahhahahah -hack- -cough- aha! Finally, my great project is drawing to a finish!

He held up a vial of bubbling liquid. After three months of labouring and turmoil in his workshop, he'd finally done it. He lifted the vial in his a hand, a triumphant gleam in his eyes.

Numair: I have created... -insert drumroll please- the first Coca Cola!


Dom: Neal, are you sure we should be here?

Neal shrugged and didn't answer. Instead he picked up a blown glass figurine from Numair's desk, inspecting it. Crazed laughter echoed from the other room. Neal jumped and dropped the glass figure.

Neal: Oh shit!

Footsteps sounded from somewhere nearby. The cousins scrambled to hide.

Dom: Quick! Into that room that-looks-suspiciously-like-Numair's-workshop-and-is-where-the-footsteps-are-coming-from!

The two ran for the door and right into the mage that had just opened the door. The vial he held was knocked out of his hands and shattered on the floor.

Numair: You fools! You've destroyed my coke!

Dom: What were you going to do with it anyways?

Numair: Uh... sell it on the internet?

Neal: The internet hasn't been invented yet...

Numair: Then I'll make that next!

Then he pointed a trembling finger at the two cousins as black fire sparkled around him.

Numair: And you two shall be doomed to a life as... VEGETABLES!

ZAP! And hence, Neal and Dom became vegetables.

Dom: Hey look, I'm celery!

Neal: Hah, I'm a carrot.

Numair scowled. They were enjoying themselves.

Numair: -growling- Very well! Bring in the rabbits!

He grabbed Neal and Dom and tossed them into the cage he kept his rare-fluffy-pink-bunnies in. They screamed as the bunnies bared their fangs.

Numair: Muahahahahahahha!

Tune in next time to see what happens when Numair creates a potion to dye Gifts.