"You put yourself in it." Pegasus glanced up from the screen.

"Well, I know him." She sounded defensive, "And it doesn't count as a Mary-Sue when you really know someone," Giving him an appealing look, "does it?"

Pegasus laughed. "Of course not." He went back to reading. "But he wouldn't do that," pointing at the screen, "because it involves taking off his trenchcoat. And he doesn't, unless you force him." His smile grew lewd. "At gunpoint, sometimes."

She peered over his shoulder. "Have you gotten to the duel yet?"

"Where's that?"

"In Chapter 11."

"11?" Pegasus swallowed. "How many chapters…" He clicked at the bottom of the screen. "25?" Severely, "There's such a thing as TOO MANY chapters, you know." He went back to reading, while she stood behind him, shifting from foot to foot.

"Oh, you BAD girl!" He pointed. "THAT'S going to get you kicked off ffnet for sure! Besides, it's not very believable, is it?" Chuckling, "I mean, a threesome with Saint Joan?"

"I seem to remember someone else's story, involving a liason with Funny Bunny."

"That was different." He sounded embarrassed. "That really happened." Clicking the next chapter, "This thing goes on and on, doesn't it?"

"Well, I'm sorry!" In a wounded tone, "I guess it isn't my best work."

"Oh no, some of it is quite good." He logged off, and hit Close. "I liked the Anzu-bashing in Chapter Four." Sounding amused, "A little surprising, coming from you, but maybe your self-image is worse than I thought." They heard the key turn in the front door. "Well, I'm sorry you can't stay longer." He hustled her toward the exit. "You know you're on my favorite authors' list, and I'll review everything you write."


"Pegasus –" That was Seto's voice in the hallway.

"You're really quite a good writer, Anzu." He opened the door. "And maybe if you behave yourself, I'll let you hide in the closet sometime and take notes." Pushing her out, "I believe Mokuba has a peephole."

"Pegasus," Seto sounded closer, "Where are you?"

"That way you can get the details right next time." Pegasus sounded very hurried. "Because Seto is NEVER the Seme." As Seto came into the room, "See you later." He shut the door in her face.

"Who was that?" Seto took a beer out of the fridge.

"Oh, just another of your millions of fangirls, Seto-kun."