Disclaimer: This is my first KP fic, as well as my first Kigo. Don't like the pairing, don't read. –tosses shinai up in the air and catches it again, staring menacingly- Oh, and I don't own Kim Possible, nor do I watch it all that often, so if something's wrong (which will defiantly happen at some point in time at least once) let me know CONSTRUCTIVELY, not in a flame, and I'll do my best to fix the error. Unless it's the pairing, in which case…-looks at the shinai she's been toying with- it remains an "error"

BANG! The door flew off its hinges, a cloud of smoke and dust engulfing everything as it landed on the hard floor, the noise echoing and reverberating off the empty walls. A girl tumbled in and squat in a catlike stance, as though prepared for an inevitable fight. She moved her vibrant red hair out of her face as she looked around, emerald green eyes searching the dust for any sign of movement. She wore her usual combat gear, a tight black shirt and baggy Cargo pants. She pulled out a small blue device from one of her many pockets and a younger boy appeared on the screen.

"hey kim are you inside?" The boy asked.

"Yeah but Wade, are you sure this is the place? It's pretty much deserted. I don't see a sign of them anywhere." Kim's voice was doubtful, and wade typed something on the computer for a second before answering.

"well kim," the young genius replied, "your GPS says your at the place. The client left a message on your webpage that they had seen a suspicious woman at your location wearing green and black with long black hair."

"you dont think they moved on already did you? I wonder what the plan is this time… it can't be as bad as when drakken decided to try rapping to get his shampoo to sell could it?" Kim chuckled at the memory…she had almost had to go onstage for a national TV show and sing the naked mole rap. Wade laughed as well, remembering the look on Kim's face when he called to make sure she had seen it.

"I doubt they've left, and the report didn't say anything about strange lights or sounds in the area." Kim looked around again, pushing some of her hair out of her face before continuing, answering again in a doubtful tone.

"Alright I'll keep looking, but if nothing's attacked me yet, I'm pretty sure the place must be deserted."

"Good luck Kim"

"bye wade."

Shutting her Kimmunicator off, Kim looked up and began to walk down the long hallway. It was devoid of any pictures or artwork, the same white color all around threatening to dull her senses. She moved quietly, keeping her guard up while strolling through several more hallways, on the off-chance of her setting off some kind of trap.

"Where is everybody?" she wondered and silently cursed under her breath. Not even the Seniors or Monkey Fist left their hideouts this empty! Kim moved faster, expecting a henchmen to appear out of nowhere and grab her from behind. Her feelings of anxiety grew as her heartbeat quickened, when she heard it. It was the sound of faint laughter, the sudden noise causing the redhead to jump and spin around, ready to attack. Seeing nothing, she dropped her hands in surprise and listened closely, trying to define the source area of where it was coming from.

The redhead crept stealthily through the hallways, finally reaching a side corridor that had gone unnoticed when she had walked by the first time. Walking down a flight of stairs with the utmost care, Kim entered the hallway and saw a faint light further down the corridor. Leaving no traces and making no sound, Kim snuck towards the light, standing next to the open doorway, taking a piece of mirror from her cargo pants to look inside for trouble.

It was a fairly large room, decorated unlike the rest of the place. There was a large green plush sofa and a carpet of dark grey. Pictures were on the walls, but the mirror was too tiny for Kim to make out who was in them exactly. On the far side of the couch though, Kim could see a large TV flicking from channel to channel. Kim put away the mirror, smiling to herself.

Well, at least one of them learned how to set up cable. Especially after the time we all went into it together…must've been shego, she always was a lot smarter then drakken...never did understand why she stays with him. Quietly tensing, Kim got down on her hands and knees, crawling over to the couch, making sure not to arouse the suspicions of the person in front of her.

"hey, haven't you ever heard that the seventh time's the charm?."

Kim squatted a foot away from the sofa, placing her feet and inching up slowly.

"moopy? I don't know, I made it up when I was seven. Seven was a moopy year"

Kim's head was level with the sofa now, and in a few moments the viewer would be revealed before having their "Pals" rerun cut short.

"Just a little bit more..." Kim was standing up fully now, the person on the sofa not budging an inch. Kim raised her hands above her head, holding them together in a clubbing position. Then, taking a step forward she…

"now now Kimmie. I wouldn't do that if I were you."

hey to all the people who have decided to check out this fic! much appreciated I tweaked the format a little (thanks goes out to Hunter and Von Uriken for letting me know what needed to be fixed...I hope I got everything ;;) so hopefully this story is easier to read and flows better now. as always, R&R please! (btw, those do not stand for rest and relaxation! >. )