Disclaimer: I'm having a "writer's block" on my other fanfiction, so I decided to write another one! Sadly, I don't own Freddy, I only own my own inventions. Enjoy!

Prologue-My Freddy

I had a dream.

What's the big deal, right? Everyone has dreams. Why is mine any different?

Because Freddy was in it, that's why. My Freddy. You can't have him. He's ALL mine! Forever and ever!

Anyhow, back to my dream.

I was in this wax museum, who knows what it was called. I was face-to-face with Hannibal Lecter. Well, the wax version of Hannibal Lecter, actually. I was thinking about how he looked so real, when suddenly he moved.

Yeah, I started freaking out. The guy scares the shit out of me, ever since I saw "Silence of the Lambs" when I was 10.

He smiled at me. It wasn't a nice, friendly smile. It was a well-hello-Alicia-time-to-die smile. I gulped. I suddenly noticed that his lips were smeared with blood. Fresh blood. The walls behind him were splattered with blood. A man lay behind him, his dead eyes wide open and staring. To my horror, I saw that his face was just a mass of blood and squishy-looking stuff. He was gutted like a deer, and his insides were trailed all around. He also had fucking bite marks on him.

Oh, shit. I began to back away slowly. His smile changed to a frown. "Are you scared, Clarice?" he asked in that slow, hypnotizing voice of his.

"My name isn't Clarice, you fucker!" I screamed at him, but he ignored me.

"I can smell your fear, Clarice. They say animals can sense fear. Am I an animal, Clarice?" The evil smile came back. "What would happen, Clarice, if I got out of this room? If I just broke through this sheet of glass," he remarked, tapping the glass, "And got you? Would you die scared, Clarice?"

This was too much. I was about to turn and run like hell when suddenly, the glass disappeared. I was just a few feet away from a psychotic cannibal killer. My mouth dropped open.

Hannibal Lecter smiled. "Well, well. It seems you are in a bit of trouble, Clarice."

"Freddy!" I screamed, throwing a glance at the back of his wax body. "Help me!"

Why was I calling for Freddy, you ask? I mean, the guy's just as psycho as Lecter, right? He'd either kill me gleefully, or let Lecter kill me, just as gleefully.

Well, it was because I loved Freddy Krueger.

You could also say I'm obsessed. I prefer to say I love him.

Ever since I saw "A Nightmare On Elm Street", I was hooked. There was just something about Freddy (not Robert Englund, but Freddy) that captivated me.

Well, anyways, I backed away slowly from the advancing cannibal in front of me. "Come on, damn it!" I screamed. I was counting totally on Freddy coming to my rescue. Pathetic, huh?

Not to me.

Hannibal cornered me. I fell to the ground in fear. This was it, I was done, he was gonna eat me like that guy in his room!

He smiled, once again. "Ah, are you thinking of poor Mr. Graham, Clarice? Are you just praying that I won't do that to you?"

I whimpered. Will Graham was the original FBI agent, before Clarice Starling. Graham had caught Lecter, and almost died trying. I guess Lecter finally got him.

Just as I was ready to close my eyes and give up, I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. A red-and-green blur, actually.

My heart soared. It was Freddy! Come to rescue me!

Freddy Krueger stood between Hannibal Lecter and me. He wore the typical brown fedora, the green-and-red striped sweater, and the brown pants. He flexed his claw menacingly in Lecter's face.

"Back off, Hannibal the cannibal," he snarled, baring his blackened teeth.

Dr. Lecter smiled. "Well, hello, Frederick."

Freddy smirked. "Don't start that well-hello-Clarice shit with me, Lecter. Leave my girl alone." He turned his head to wink at me before turning back to Lecter.

Despite my situation, I giggled. I blushed furiously. My girl! He called me his girl! The fact that it was only a dream escaped me, as did the fact that I wasn't really safe; instead of one psycho killer to deal with, I had two. But I paid no attention to that. I was too busy watching (my) Freddy and Hannibal.

Hannibal shook his head. "Freddy, Freddy, Freddy," he said, rather regretfully. "Are you leading this lovely girl," he looked at me and smiled as I shrank back fearfully, "to believe that you have feelings for her? That you sincerely care about what happens to her?"

I growled softly. Who was Lecter to tell Freddy what he did and didn't feel?

For a second, I thought I saw a flash of fear in Freddy's eyes. But if it had been there at all, it was gone.

Snarling angrily, Freddy leapt forward and brought his blades down savagely on Dr. Lecter's chest. Blood spurted from four long scratches. Hannibal looked down. "Oh, my, Fred. It seems you've killed me," he remarked mildly, before Freddy sunk his claws deep in his chest. He yanked them out as Hannibal fell to the floor, dead.

I slowly got up. I went over to Lecter and poked him with my foot cautiously. Freddy smirked. "He's dead, Alicia," he said soothingly, resting his claws gently on my shoulder.

He bent down close to my ear. I couldn't see him, but I could feel his breath tickling my neck and ear. "Time to wake up, darlin'," he whispered.

I jerked upwards. My eyes flew open wildly. "Don't eat me!" I cried out. I looked around and sighed. I was back in my room. No Hannibal Lecter, no Freddy.

I grinned. Freddy. I hugged my pillow happily. He had saved me. Me, Alicia Saunders, age sixteen. I giggled joyfully. He loved me. He had to!

I looked at myself in my dresser mirror. I had medium-length, soft golden hair, and greenish-blue eyes. I wasn't too tall, about 5 foot 5, and I had a nice figure (I supposed). I smiled at my reflection, and it smiled back.

I fell back against my pillow. I was truly happy. True, possible boyfriends were somewhat weirded out by my Freddy obsession, and so were people I didn't know. But my friends accepted it. It was who I was.

I wished I could've known then what I know now. That I was just a foolish, brainless girl who thought she was in love with the perfect man.

Too bad that perfect man turned out to be a perfect fake.

Like it so far? Hate it? R & R!)