"Finally," breathed Lady Knight Keladry of Mindelan as she walked along the River Vassa. The war was over with Scanra; Tortall, her homeland, had won. She had some peace and quiet after running her fort and finding the manufacturer of the lethal killing devices, Blayce Younger of Galla. She had taken away all his fuel for the metal things, therefore turning the tide of the war. She was walking along the river that bordered the to countries with her now very good friend, Allana of Pirate's Swoop.

"I know what you mean," said Allana with feeling. "Being a commander and a knight is really tiring." Allana was the only other lady knight of the realm, besides Kel. Allana tucked a lock of her coppery hair behind her ear and turned her startling violet eyes to the river.

It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining, birds were chirping, everything that you wish you had on any given spring day. The roar of the nearby waterfall, where the river dropped about 50 feet into a lake below, was pleasant, though the river was high and moving fast. There was a slight breeze that ruffled Kel's blondish-brown hair, which was cropped just below her ears. It was perfect.

Now that the war was over, the two friends were having a long talk about anything that didn't concern war. As far as they were concerned, it had lasted way too long.

Suddenly a scream came from upriver, and as they turned, they beheld the strangest sight. A human, 13 or 14 by the look of it, was on a small rowboat, standing up. The boat was swaying treacherously from side to side, threatening to drop it's young passenger into the flowing river. Then Kel saw the big picture. Any moment now, the boat would go flying into open air, catapulting the person into the huge drop to her death.

Kel stripped off her sword and dagger, along with other baggage she carried, and gave them to Allana. "Don't lose these," she said, and dove into the water.

With fast strokes, she soon reached the boat's edge. "You there! Come over here to me, then jump out the boat!"

Frightened, the human shook their head and moaned. The cap that covered his or her head flew off to reveal short golden tresses. It was definitely a girl.

"Trust me! Please! Do want to die or not?" Kel yelled desperately. The roar in her ears meant the falls were getting closer.

That seemed to make up the girl's mind. She jumped over-board and started swimming towards shore, but the pack she had was slowing her down. Kel reached for it, but the girl shrieked and she stopped. Kel grabbed her arm and the moved towards shore, fighting against the current for their lives.

Suddenly a roar filled both of their ears and they knew that in two seconds, they were going to be flung into oblivion. Then Kel's hand grasped dirt, and they were safe. Allana grasped both of their hands and heaved them up towards shore. Then both Kel and the girl lay on the solid ground gasping for breath.

"For a moment there I was sure that you two were goners," said Allana grimly. "Don't you ever do that again, Kel."

The woman in question grinned, and said, "Yes ma'am." Then she turned to the girl. "I guess it's a bit too late to say 'Hi, my name is Kel,' but why not." She stuck her hand out and said, grinning, "Hi, my name is Kel. What's yours?"

"My name is Camillianna, or Cami if you please, ma'am. I come from Scanra." The girl gasped, and stood up. She tried to curtsy, but looked at her apparel and stopped. She was dressed in a white shirt and breeches, both ragged and soaking. She had short blond hair and sparkling blue eyes, a trademark of her Scanran ancestors. She was about five foot six inches, tall for her age. Other than the pack she carried, there seemed to be no baggage. "I'm 14 years old, and I live as a commoner in Granih's Hill."

Allana stared at her. "But that's nearly in the middle of Scanra! How could you possibly get here?"

Cami coughed, spitting up water. "My mother and father sent me away disguised as a soldier. They wanted me to have a new life." Then something seemed to dawn on her and she then shouldered her pack and said, "I must see your king."

"Whatever for?" asked Kel.

"I can't say," the girl looked away. "But it's extremely important. Please will you take me to him?"

Kel sighed. "Maybe."

"Oh thank you! Thank you!" the girl cried and hugged Kel around the waist, for though she was tall, she wasn't tall enough to reach up to Kel's six feet two inches. "I promise that I'll repay for all that you've done!"

Kel turned to look embarrassingly at Allana, who had a crooked smile on her face. Then Kel sighed, and said, "We have a long travel to Corus, the capital, and you look chilled to the bone. We'll stopped at a town nearby to get you cleaned up, then we go straight to Mindelan, which is my home. Dom, my husband, is waiting for me there. Then we will go to Corus."

Cami whooped and jumped in the air. Then all three of the got on their horses, (Cami on Kel's) and left.