Chapter Forty Seven

Chapter Forty Seven

What Happened to Our Love

Another long and miserable month passed by, the weather not ceasing to rattle the windowpanes and smother the entire school in utter darkness. There was no cheer left in the school, no happiness. Whispers were the only thing heard while walking down the hallways, and patrolling the halls seemed pointless when no one dared leave their common rooms.

But Draco patrolled anyways, a prefect and a boy. His head was never left be, always swarming with thoughts and trying his best to make things work.

The sounds of his loud footsteps sounded on the cold stone floor, and his black robes swished gently in the crisp night air wafting in from the open corridor windows. March was just as dismal and lonely as February. Classes seemed to drag on, and he never looked forward to them any more. He was miserable and alone.

Suddenly he heard a sound coming from the hall ahead. He stopped dead in his tracks, straining his ears to listen carefully. It sounded like a low growling. He reached for his wand, pulling it from his robes quietly and taking a small step forwards, then another. The sounds grew louder as he rounded the bend, dropping his wand with a small patter.

Just ahead, outside the door of the room of requirement, he saw what appeared to be a figure, crouched over a lifeless body. Blood pooled underneath the dead human, which looked muggle, judging by the clothing. The figure crouched over the body was hooded and cloaked, holding tightly to the corpses arm and gnawing on it violently. The sound of crunching bone and cartilage filled Draco's ears, making him wince. He felt sick to his stomach, as the creature snarled, and chewed the flesh vigorously.

That was the creature that had filled the room with the corpses, he was sure of it.

He jumped back in shock as the figure suddenly spun around, looking him straight in the eyes. He gasped. Covered in blood, red staining her blonde hair, Kye looked him in the eyes, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand snarling towards him. He reached for his wand quickly, pointing it at her as she began crawling towards him on all fours, her limbs cracking and bending in ways he never thought possible. He felt more frightened even then when he had to face the Dark Lord, and he began backing up as she came closer and closer to him, her face half in shadows.

He did not want to hurt her, she was his friend.

"Stupify!" He hollered, shooting a bright flash towards her. She let out a massive squeal, holding her stomach and rolling around on the floor, wiggling and hissing.

He felt a great pain watching a girl so beautiful fall victim to such a terrible curse. That was her curse indeed, the one the Dark Lord had bestowed upon her. She was forever to hunt and kill muggles, like a werewolf. She was kind by day, cruel by night.

Draco continued pointing his wand towards her as he walked up to her. He did this just in time to see Dumbledore come running around the corner, wand also drawn.

"Draco!" He hollered loudly. "Stand back boy!"

Draco obeyed, taking a step backwards as Dumbledore ran forwards and cast a binding spell around Kyes arms and legs. Draco felt so sorry for her, the poor thing. He shuddered.

Dumbledore took her in his arms, as she snarled and tried to bite his face, eyes flashing with a great red glow more evil then any.

"Kye." Dumbledore said gently, holding her head. His voice seemed to soothe her slightly, and she stopped snarling almost instantly. "Look into my eyes child, you are human. You are not what this curse has made you become, you are Kye Potter, sister to Harry Potter, and forever you will remain that. Don't let the dark magic overthrow your dignity, you are better then this."

Kye continued looking at her headmaster, as the red in her eyes began to fade slightly, and her arms went limp. She had fainted in his arms, head fallen back onto the floor.

Draco just watched in total silence as Dumbledore picked Kye up, and began carrying her towards the hospital wing.

Suddenly, there were more footsteps from behind him, and he spun around on his heels. Hermione had come running up, obviously hearing the sound while patrolling. She gasped at the sight of the massacred lifeless body drenched in blood. She slapped her hand to her mouth, gasping, her eyes beginning to water.

Draco turned to look at her, reaching out his hand to touch her face. She pulled away from him violently.

"Don't touch me." She snapped, stepping away from him and covering her eyes from the sight in the corridor.

Draco felt his heart skip a beat at the sound of those words. They pierced him deeply.

"Hermione." He whispered, very quietly, as he moved to hold her. "Please, will you just look at me; you haven't looked at me in weeks and weeks."

She shivered slightly, he could see her, as she looked once more at the body, turning away in horror and staring at the floor behind her, rubbing her upper arms with her palms. Then, with one last breath, she began marching away down the hallway.

Draco saw this as his only opportunity to see her, and ran chasing after her.

"Hermione! Please!" He called out, sprinting after her, his breath and heart racing.

She turned on her heal, giving him that cruel look she always used to give, with one eyebrow cocked.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" She asked, in a low hiss.

Draco felt as though his stomach was ripped from his mouth then. She hadn't called him Malfoy in ages, and it hurt him. He felt his eyes beginning to burn with tears.

"Hermione." He repeated once more, placing his hand on her cheek. It was cold and soft on his skin. "Please, tell me why you avoid me this way, I thought we were in love."

"We were." She snapped, placing a hand on her sided hip. "At least, I thought we were. That was of course until you broke off all contact with me and began avoiding me, that is."

Draco opened his mouth to protest, he wanted more then anything to tell her why.

"I had no choice, Hermione." He muttered, a tear falling down his cheek. It seemed he was crying more and more since he had been involved with her. "Please, you have to understand, it is for us, for you. I am doing this to protect you, I love you Hermione Granger, I love you so much. Please, you have to understand, that I would never ever avoid you if it could be escaped. You are my everything."

Hermione went to protest, but her frown dropped a little, and her expression softened. She stared at him, her beautiful warm chocolate eyes on his. He thought that his were hideous next to hers, cold and silver.

She took a step closer to him, her eyes tearing as well, resting a hand on his cheek. He let his eyes fall closed, releasing a soft breath of comfort and placing his own open palm on her fingers, massaging them in his hand. She moved closer to him and touched his lips very lightly, brushing his bottom one with her top. Draco felt as though his knees were about to give in, and then she pulled away. He had missed that so much, and instantly his body was filled with a gentle tingling. It felt amazing.

He couldn't help himself, he had to have more. Two months without her touch was far too long, and was torture. He lunged at her wildly, taking her neck in both hands and slamming his face against hers in a passionate and almost violent kiss. He moaned against her mouth, parting her hot lips and touching his tongue to hers, exploring every corner of her beautiful mouth. It was like kissing a new girl, it had been so long. Butterflies filled his chest and his arms felt warm. He smiled against her face, pulling away and pressing his forehead to hers.

"I love you Hermione, more then anything." He said softly, touching her nose with his. "Nothing will ever take you away from me, not even Voldemort, I promise."

"Is that what this is all about?" Hermione said hastily. "Draco, Voldemort would have already killed me if he wanted me dead, a very long time ago, you know that. I'm helping you from now on."

"Hermione, you can't, and you won't. What I'm doing involves something terrible. He has my mother and sister captive, I have no choice."

Her mouth fell open, shocked.

"What are you up to, Draco?" She asked , hands once more on her hips.

He opened his mouth to respond. He couldn't tell her, he just couldn't.

"I-" He paused, taking a deep breath, here goes. "I, am trying to find a way to get the Death Eaters into the castle, to kill Dumbledore."

Hermione's mouth fell open instantly, her eyes wide.


Draco reached out his hand to silence her, covering her mouth.

"Hermione, don't." He whispered. "It means the life of you, my mother, and my sister. I haven't got a choice."

"What about all of mankind?" Hermione snapped, pulling her mouth away from his palm. "I would rather die, then the rest of the world in his power. If you let them into the castle and Dumbledore dies, hope will surely be lost!"

Draco didn't know what to say. She was right, he was being selfish. He would rather have the love of his life live, then the rest of the world.

"Besides," Hermione continued. "Once Dumbledore is dead and the Dark Lord has won, he is just going to kill me anyways, you know."

Draco didn't respond, he just stared into her beautiful pools she had for eyes, thinking of how much he loved her. He stroked her face with his hand once more, enjoying every moment of her soft touch.

Then he leaned forwards and whispered:

"I've missed you, in every possible way." He began leaving a gentle trail of kisses now her porcelain neck, her warm breath passing over his ears and down him collar. He felt his insides throbbing to just take her right there. He wondered if she would let him.

He reached down slowly, still kissing her neck, running his fingers along her stomach, reaching for her pant line and tugging gently, undoing her buttons. She gasped, but did no refuse him. He felt her tighten against his body as he slid his hand down, caressing gently and still kissing her neck. She whimpered in his ear, nipping him gently. Then as though realizing that it was going too far, she stopped him and pulled his hand away, stepping back and fixing her pants.

"We can't do this." She muttered softly. "Not here, not now. We need to talk about what you are planning and a way to fix it. You can't go through with this!"

Draco, feeling persistent, walked over to her swiftly and took her face in his hands once more, icy eyes shooting a glimpse at her before locking her into another warming kiss. He grasped her shoulders now tightly, as she nearly collapsed into his chest, weak and helpless to his touch. He could feel her breath growing more violent, and her heart racing against his chest. She moaned against his lips, as he once more went for her pants, this time undoing them completely, and pulling them down just slightly past her hips. He then reached and unbuckled his own, pressing his body against her and forcing her against the wall, almost violently. She breathed in his ear, moaning his name over and over before he had even pulled down his dress pants.

He was beginning to feel overwhelmed with desire now, as he grabbed hold of her wrists and pushed them above her head against the wall.

Then, once again, she pushed him away.

"Draco! Stop!" She cried, once more reaching for her pants. He grabbed her hands away, pushing her against the wall for a second time, his eyes sparkling.

"Stop refusing me." He snarled. "Why do you torture me this way!?"

She looked at him, almost as though frightened, and tried to move away. The wall however, made that difficult.

"I said no, Malfoy." She muttered, her eyes icy and furious.

Draco felt overcome with rage, and he slammed her harder against the wall, grabbing hold of her arms once more and pressing his lips against her ear.

"Don't call me that."

He could feel her shaking against his hands, as he gave her a forceful jerk. Her eyes began watering.

"Draco, you're hurting me." She said quietly, whimpering at him.

He was so furious, he didn't let go.

She tired to push him away, but he insisted, grabbing her legs and forcing them around his hips.

She squeaked quietly, and he entered her without a word. She was sobbing against his shoulder, as he thrust into her hard and angrily. As he did so, he spoke.

"You take advantage of my love, you insult me with your ignorance, and you call me names." He groaned, feeling overwhelmed with pleasure. "You make me furious and you do it on purpose!"

She sobbed louder, her hot tears running down his neck

"Draco, baby, please, stop." She whispered into his ears, kissing his neck.

Suddenly Draco had a flashback of Blaise, and what he had done to Kye. He realized that he was just the same.

He stopped instantly, pulling away from her and releasing her.

She just stared at him for a moment, gasping for air.

She looked more frightened then he had ever seen, as she reached to do up her pants.

He struggled to think of something, anything to say to her to make things right.

"Hermione." He said, touching her face. "I'm so sorry."

She looked at him with hatred, pulling her cheek away from his hand and storming away without another word.

A/N: I know this chappy was a little short. I am working on this one, and my new one as well. I thought that this one was getting quite complicated for me, trying to make it work for everyone who loves my stories. If you like this one, please read my new story, only one chapter on it now but its coming along. Its called Draco and the Darkness, check it out

PS: I'm expecting more reviews from my readers, I'm not going to update till I get at least a few Love you all greatly and appreciate the support!