AN: Just a ficlet that came to me. I don't own Tortall or any of the characters.

Another Day

The person was Yamani, Kel knew that both physically and emotionally. The bland face, with his upturned nose turned to face her as she approached.

One small bow, and no sounds, he turned back to watch the sunrise. It was cloudy this morning, so only the sickly yellow of the sun shined through the thick cloud cover.

Raising her eyebrows her fraction behind his back, Kel bowed even though he wasn't looking. Kel knew he had sensed her movements.

Giving him a cursory glance, Kel stepped forward, so that she was standing beside the straight man, folded her arms and leaned on the railing.

"Today looks to be a fine day." He murmured lightly, his voice calm and patient. Most likely from age, Kel considered. Strands of grey threaded through his glossy back hair.

"The clouds are oppressive," Kel answered hesitantly, her eyes flashing to the ever solemn man, with his hands loosely clasped. Kel noticed that he had calluses where you received from weapons practice and use. Small scars littered his fingers, a few were twisted, as if previously broken.

"Sometimes... Sometimes you just have to wait for the clouds to clear," the man smiled kindly at her, then returned to the sunrise.

"I see." Kel replied looking at the clouds, streaked with orange and pink. Straightening she turned away from the rising sun and started walking back down the corridor.


The sun, bright and blinding, was indeed was breaking through. Raising a hand to shield her eyes, Kel smiled at the man, even while he stared straight at the sun.

"How does it appear?" He asked quietly, his voice ashen.

"You... You can't see?" Kel asked, standing beside the man, looking at him with concern as he stared boldly, blankly at the rising, shining sun.

"No," he muttered, "I haven't seen for many years. Not for many years..." his voice trailed off, "I can still feel it, but, feel the sun of me. I knew it would come through."

Kel smiled, knowing that he would not see, but feel it.