
Summary: AU Kagome lives a life of wealth and luxury. She has the perfect fiancé, and the perfect family; that all changes the day she gets kidnapped. Who is the mysterious kidnapper, and why won't he take off his mask? Will Kagome escape… or will something else happen, like love? InuKag

Sorry for the LONG delay….. I've had a lot of things to deal with. ; I'm still planning on finishing the story…… but now I have school. ;; I'll update as often as I can! Warning: Contains strong language.


Kagome: 17

Hojo: 19

Inuyasha: 18

Sango: 17

Miroku: 18

Souta: 13

Kohaku: 14

Sesshomaru: 23

Rin: 19 -Forget the 7-

Shippou: 7

Alright, next chapter! In this chapter, we'll meet the mysterious stranger that kidnapped our young Kagome. Kagome is going to be a little different in this story…. but not too different. I still hate Hojo. DX

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha

(Vladimere) Why do you have to say that every chapter?

(Me) Because I suck and don't want to get sued. ;o;

(Vladimere) –coughlosercough-

(Me) . -Twitch-

(Vladimere) –Gets damage inflicted upon him- Owwwwww! ;o;

Chapter 3

The Mysterious Stranger

--Last Time--

The power in the building suddenly went off, and people everywhere were panicking. Kagome had no idea what was going on, but gasped as she felt her self being lifted from her chair. She tried to scream, but a hand had founds its way over her mouth. She felt the person jump out of a window, and her head hit the side of it. The last thing she could remember was Hojo yelling "Help! My fiancé's being kidnapped," for she fell unconscious 2 seconds later.

-A Few Hours Later-

Kagome moaned and rubbed her head. Her mind was very fuzzy, and she had no clue where she was. She looked around, trying to make since of where she was; and what had happened. Suddenly, the memory hit her like a ton of bricks. Flashes of dinner flew through her mind, and then she realized that she had been kidnapped. Suddenly, she heard a voice from behind her.

"Finally awake, eh? You hit you're head pretty hard, is it fel…… WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING BITCH?"

While the strange man, whom Kagome recognized as her kidnapper, was talking, Kagome had freaked out and bit the man on the leg. He was currently letting out a stream of cusses, while trying to shake the spazzing girl on his leg off.

"Why did you kidnap me you jerk?" Kagome screamed, letting go of his leg. "What did I ever do to…. Mmmph!"

The man slammed his hand over Kagome's mouth, and leaned towards her to whisper in her ear.

"Listen you little wench, you have no right to ask questions. I'm planning on keeping you here for a long time….. and I don't want to hear you utter a single word, EVER. You will do exactly what I tell you to, and never speak. If you think this is some kind of a joke, you're fucking crazy. I tried being nice to you, but it seems I have to go to plan B."

He picked up Kagome and threw her in a small metal cage, not even big enough for her to stand up in. Kagome's eyes widened and she broke down in to tears. The man locked the cage door, and walked off. Kagome's mind was reeling with all of the information, and the only thing she could remember was that her captor was wearing a black ski mask. She had no clue who he was, or if she'd ever get out of this alive. She let her tears put her to sleep.

--At Kagome's House –

Kagome's mother was in hysterics. She had just been relaxing, and watching the news when a special news bulletin popped up on the screen. It said that a young girl named Kagome was kidnapped from right under her fiancé's nose. Akira was trying to comfort his wife, while screaming at the boy in front of him.

"HOW COULD YOU HOJO!" He roared at the boy In front of him, who was already in tears. "HOW COULD YOU JUST SIT THERE AND LET HER GET KIDNAPPED!"

"Please…. Mr. Higurashi…" Hojo began, trembling on a sofa. "I didn't know what happened until it was too late…. I was confused…. The lights were….."

"I'm sorry Hojo," Akira apologized, wearily. "I know it wasn't you're fault, I'm just….." He took a deep breath and cuddled into his sobbing wife some more.

Souta was just sitting in a chair. He wasn't playing video games, he wasn't watching TV; he was just sitting. He stared unblinkingly at his sobbing mother, and angry father, and at the wimp Hojo. He was in shock, and didn't want to believe his sister was gone.

'What if the kidnappers never give her back?' He thought, trying not to cry. 'What if….. she's gone forever….'

--At Sango's House—

Sango was sobbing into the shoulder of Miroku, who had come to deliver the news. Miroku was holding on her, and rubbing her back in a comforting manner. Soon, however, his hand started to wander lower and lower, and soon Sago's sobs were replaced by screams of rage. A slap echoed through the large house, and Miroku fell to the floor.

"You inconsiderate jerk!" Sango screamed, pounding her fists into her couch. "My best friend… YOUR COUSIN was just kidnapped, and all you can think about is being perverted? I can't bel….."

Miroku silenced her by placing a hand over her mouth.

"I'm sorry Sango-chan." He said softly, looking down to the ground. "I'm worried about Kagome too, but there's nothing we can do…. We just have to wait, I know the police will find her, I just know it."

Sango sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder again, hoping, praying, that her best friend was alright.

--With Kagome—

Kagome moaned as she started to stir. Her brain felt like mush and she didn't want to open her eyes. She was about to drift off to sleep when she heard a loud bang coming from somewhere behind her. Her eyes shot open as she sat up….. only to fall back down again as her head hit the top of the cage.

"SHIT!" Kagome screamed, clutching the top of her head while her eyes were watering with pain. She head a snort come from the direction of the bang, and she looked over and saw her captor. She sent him a glare that would make even the bravest man cower in fear.

"What in the hell's so funny you son…." But she was cut off as the man in the mask suddenly appeared in from of her cage. He slammed his fists on the bars and Kagome swore she heard a growl coming from somewhere deep in his throat.

"What did I tell you, you little wench….. you are under MY control until your daddy gives me what I want. I told you once; talk one more time and I'll rip your fucking tongue out."

For some reason, this didn't scare Kagome. She wasn't going to give into this stranger. She'd rather have her tongue ripped out than obey a man like him. If she was going to stay here for a while…. She'd make his life a living hell.

Her mind made up, Kagome smirked and put her face right up to his. There noses would have been touching if a bar had not been in the way. She smiled cutely and opened her mouth. "Fuck. You."

The masked stranger (as Kagome liked to call him) was in her cage so fast she didn't have time to blink. He grabbed her face and this time she knew he was growling. Then, for the first time, she noticed there were two lumps sticking up from the ski mask. She couldn't tell what they were, but she had a slight suspicion they were ears. Together with his eyes and growl; she knew she was dealing with a demon. Suddenly, her idea didn't seem as good as it had before. She gulped.

"What did I say…." He asked in a deadly calm voice. "About TALKING!" He pushed Kagome to the farthest corner of her cage, and he smirked as her heard her whimper. "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I'm not going to have some little slut in….."

"EXCUSE ME?" Kagome screamed, suddenly having a strong desire to hit the man in front of her; demon or no demon. "WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO CALL MA A SLUT? YOU DON'T KNOW A THING ABOUT….."

"SHUT UP!" he roared, grabbing the girl and squeezing her arm painfully. She didn't even flinch. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU…."

"I knew it…." Kagome said softly, completely ignoring her current situation. "You're a demon…. No, from what I can tell, you're a half-demon."

The man suddenly fell silent as she grabbed his hand and stared at his claws. His heart started beating faster as she held his hands in hers; he had no clue why. He felt like his heart was about to burst, and he knew he had to get out of there. Before Kagome could say anything else, he jumped out of her cage, locked the door, and ran away from the room, his heart still beating a mile a minute. Kagome had no clue what just happened.

'Weird…..' she though, ignoring the tingling she felt in her fingers. 'He was so mad…. And he just left. He gets stranger by the minute…..'

Kagome shrugged her shoulders and yawned, she decided that going back to sleep was better then sitting there bored. The last thing she saw before she fell asleep were those beautiful golden eyes.


"SHIT!" the man in the mask yelled, pacing around the room he was currently occupying. "SHIT! What the fuck is the matter with me? Why does that stupid wench… ARG!"

He threw his hands up in the air and fell back onto the bed that was behind him.

'So she knows I'm a Hanyou…..' he thought, scowling at the plain, gray ceiling above him. 'I guess that means she's a miko….. I'll have to be more careful with her from now on….'

The man frowned again and sat up. He threw off his mask and ran his fingers through his long, silver hair. The two doggy ears on top of his head twitched as he heard deep, even breathing coming from the girl's cage. She must be asleep.

'What is it about her that gets under my skin so much?' he thought, rubbing the base of his sore neck. 'I feel like my dad told me I would feel when I found my…… oh Kami, SHHHIIITTT!'

The man then proceeded to bang his head on the door, over and over and over again. This was going to be more complicated than he thought.

--At the Higurashi Residence--

Akira had not stopped pacing since Kagome was kidnapped. It had now been 12 hours, and they haven't heard anything. Mrs. Higurashi had taken some pills and gone to sleep. Souta was sitting in front of the TV, but it wasn't on. Akira sighed; the police officer on their case was due to arrive any minute. 10 minutes later, the doorbell rang. Souta jumped and turned towards the door. Akira ran to get it. He opened the door and smiled weakly at the officer standing there. The man didn't say anything, he just stepped into the house and Akira closed the door.

"Hello officer, I assume you're the one they sent to help us with my daughter's kidnapping?" Akira asked, dropping his weak smile.

The officer nodded and bowed to Akira. "This Sesshomaru has been assigned to find the one you call Higurashi, Kagome. I need any records or pictures you have of her, her school schedule, and anything else that you think will be important. I also need…." Sesshomaru trailed off as a small boy tugged on his pant leg.

"Excuse me sir, but why are you wearing makeup?"

Sesshomaru froze. His eye twitched as he bent down to look the boy in the eye.

"This Sesshomaru does not wear makeup, this Sesshomaru is…."

"You know…. I think you might be prettier then my mom! Are you a demon? 'Cuz you have really long hair…. Why is it so long? Does it take forever to dry when you get out of the shower? Mine only takes 10 minutes to dry…. Is that a real gun? Can I shoot it? Have you ever shot anyone? Why are your eyes so yellow…. Do you ever…."

Sesshomaru frowned and turned to Akira, who was trying his hardest not to laugh.

"This Sesshomaru is wondering how you turn it off….."

Akira was roaring with laughter now as Souta continued to question the officer.

"And another thing, why do you always say 'This Sesshomaru,' is that your catch phrase? I used to have a catch phrase; do you want to hear it? I also like…. Huh?"

Souta blinked as he noticed Sesshomaru and his dad weren't there anymore.

"Where'd everybody go?"

--At Sango's house—

"Thank you Miroku, you're welcome at my house anytime!" Sango said, smiling at the monk.

A perverted grin spread over his face as his eyes glazed over and he stared at Sango hungrily.


"Not in that way you lecher! Kami, get your mind out of the gutter once in a while!" Sango huffed and slammed the door in Miroku's face.

"Better luck next time pal!" Kohaku teased, patting Miroku on the head and walking back through the door.

Miroku just mumbled and walked back to the Higurashi house.

'Sango, I don't care what it takes, but I will make you mine! Even if I have to……' Miroku's thoughts trailed off as a pretty blonde in a short mini skirt walked by. His eyes turned to hearts as he chased after the woman yelling "Please bear my children!"

--With Kagome--

Kagome yawned and sat up again. This time she knew where she was, and was careful not to hit her head again. It was still throbbing from the last time. She blinked and looked around. She didn't see any windows…. So she couldn't tell what time it was… she didn't know how long she had been there either. All she could remember were those haunting golden eyes...

Kagome's stomach growled and she realized she hadn't eaten anything all day. She groaned and wished that she was back in her own bed… with her family…. excluding Hojo of course. Just then, she heard a door open. She whipped her head around so fast that her neck cracked. Rubbing it, she realized it was the masked stran…. hanyou, the masked hanyou.

"ithomitbegry" the hanyou mumbled, holding a bag behind his back.

"What?" Kagome asked, uncertain to weather the man was still mad at her.

"I thought…. I though you might by hungry" the hanyou said a little louder, walking over to Kagome's cage.

Kagome blinked. Why was he being so nice to her? Oh well, she was hungry, and she crawled over to the side of the cage and held her hands out eagerly. The hanyou deposited the bag in her hands and walked away, sulking with his hands in his pockets. Kagome squealed and ripped the box open, finding it full of sushi. The hanyou stared at her as she opened her mouth and dumped all of the sushi in at once. He sweat dropped as she swallowed it all in one gulp.

"Damn, she must have been hungry…." The hanyou thought, scratching the back of his head.

After Kagome was done, she turned around and glared at the hanyou. His eyes widened in surprise. What was this bitch's problem?

"Listen you, I don't know what you're up too, being so nice and all, but as soon as my father finds me you're going to be so dead! My dad will….."

"SHUT UP!" The hanyou roared, flying over to the girl's cage. "SHUT YOUR STUPID, SLUTTY MOUTH!"

"EXCUSE ME!" Kagome screamed back at him, slamming her face to the side of the cage. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME A….."



Kagome's was interrupted again as the masked hanyou flew into her cage. He pushed her up against one of the bars and she cringed in pain.

"Listen bitch…" he said calmly, staring her straight in the eye, not blinking once. "I fucking own you now. If I say speak, you speak. If I say shut the hell up, you better shut the hell up. If I say strip, you better….."

"EXCUSE ME?" she screamed again, positively shaking with rage. "YOU OWN ME? STRIP? WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? YOU'RE AREN'T THE FUCKING BOSS OF…."

Kagome was silenced as the man grabbed her and slammed his mouth up against hers. Her eyes opened in shock as the man that she loathed more then anything at the moment stole her first kiss. She felt his tongue force its way into her mouth as his hand went up her shirt. He broke away from the kiss and panted heavily into her ear.

"Am I the only one that's turned on at the moment?" he asked huskily, undoing her bra.

Kagome was so mad that she thought she was about to explode. She slapped the man as hard as she could and blasted him clear across the room with her miko powers, just like she had done to Hojo. The only difference was that this man was a hanyou, and it didn't faze him at all. Kagome ran out of the cage and made a run for the door, the masked hanyou was at her side before she even took 3 steps. He grabbed her and threw her into the cage again. She tasted blood; her world went black.


Holy shit, I'm SO sorry about the long delay. ;o; I didn't mean to wait this long. ; Really! I still plan on finishing this story…. I'm over my writers block! o I hope you liked this chapter, don't worry; Inuyasha won't be the bad guy for long! NOTE: I'm changing Rin's age again. ;; I'm sorry I keep doing that… but I want her to be older. She's no longer 7, and she'll probably be introduced next chapter. More of Sesshomaru too!