No Inhibitions Ch3

Severus entered the Great Hall. For some reason, beyond his own comprehension, he had wanted to stay with Potter in the Hospital Wing. However, Albus asked that he be present at the meal.

Many curious and distraught eyes of the students bore into his form as he approached the teacher's table. He ignored them, but spared a glance at Granger and Weasley. Hermione looked at him briefly, and he could tell she had been crying a great deal. Ron looked… guilty, for some reason. He had a hand on Hermione's back, trying to comfort her, but was failing. The entire Gryffindor table had the same look on their faces. They looked… ashamed, saddened, and scared.

The Slytherins hadn't looked pleased, as one would expect. They looked rather blank. They were quite, and serious. All except Draco, that is. He looked as if someone had just taken his favorite plaything away from him.

Severus observed the staff table, and they all looked distressed. McGonagall was holding back tears, and Hagrid was all out blubbering like an idiot. He excused himself sometime later, and could be heard wailing all they way down the hall.

"Severus how is he?"

"No better, Minerva. He's still sleeping. A blood-replenishing potion has been administered. He'll be back on his feet by morning."

"Has he said anything to you?"


As much as he disliked the boy, he would not sully his name by letting everyone think he's given up. It would cause too much panic… not that the emotional damages this ordeal has caused won't have already caused panic once the Prophet gets a hold of this information. Snape still couldn't figure out how Potter could live with that feeling suppressed for all this time. He DID looked as shocked as everyone else when he sliced his wrist… but the shock turned to contentment as soon as he began loosing blood. 'I suppose if he hadn't the responsibility to save everyone, he would just want to be with his family. The only problem is that they're dead… his whole family is dead. The boy's completely alone.' This was the first time, during the entire awful day, the Snape wore the teary-eyed, distressed expression that adorned everyone else's face.

"Everyone. May I have your attention for a moment."

The hall was silent as Dumbledore approached the podium.

"I don't feel that I must recount the event that took place earlier this afternoon. I'm sure all of you know by now. I will tell you that Harry has been treated, and will be capable of returning to his classes tomorrow morning. Whether or not he chooses to do so will be up to him. I must ask you, caution you, to choose wisely how you treat him. He is in a very delicate state of mind. If any of you have concerns, or need counseling, please see your head of house. I will at last say that if Harry is to recover from this ordeal, he needs our help, and our support. It is with Harry's best interest in mind that I ask you not to notify your families of this incident, if you have not already done so. Having the entire wizarding world know of his condition will not at all help him recover. Thank you."

It seemed as if his words had certainly affected the Gryffindor table. A wave of determination seemed to have spread over them. 'Probably want to save their savior,' Snape mused.

"Prefects, accompany the students to their dormitories. Teachers, please wait for me in my office."

The students began filing out of the room, though Hermione and Ron lingered for a moment, looking at the headmaster expectantly.

"Mr. Weasley, Ms. Granger, follow me to the hospital wing. You as well Severus."

Snape was startled at the request, to say the least. He had been hoping to stop by to see how Potter was fairing, but certainly not in the company of Potter's ever-faithful companions.

The walk was awkward and silent the entire journey. Albus had yet to speak, Snape refused to speak, and Hermione and Ron were to devastated to speak. Therefore, the silence was extremely uncomfortable, and Albus was missing that reassuring twinkle in his eye.

When they reached the hospital wing, Hermione and Ron ran to his side immediately. Hermione was sobbing, and Ron was holding Harry's hand.

"I fear that he may not recover from this," Dumbledore said gravely.

"Yes he will! Harry's strong! He's always been strong!" Hermione hollered back at him, desperate for her own words to be true. She then continued bawling.

"Severus, please tell them what Harry said to you. They need to know."

Dumbledore had that foreboding look in his eyes that clearly told Severus that he had no choice in the matter.

Reluctantly, he obliged.

"He said to let him go, that he wants to be with his family."

Hermione simply cried harder, and buried her face in her hands. Ron looked absolutely crushed.

"But… but we're his family. My family loves him… he's not alone…"

"Well Weasley, you might want to tell that to him before he tries this again."

Snape suddenly felt a bit protective of Harry, and frustrated with Wealsey. 'If Potter had felt loved and accepted, then he wouldn't have tried to kill himself!'

"I think it's time to leave Harry to rest. I trust you two to return to the tower. Severus, meet me in my office."

They exited the hospital wing, but Severus remained behind. He sat down beside Harry, and took his hand in his once again.

"Potter, you're in for a rough day tomorrow…"

'And a rough life.'