A/N: Oddly enough, I've been inspired to write my own series of drabbles…if that's what you want to call them. Some are long, some are short. Nevertheless, eh, who cares? Pairings are random! Although I'm a big fan of RoyEd and EdEnvy…(shifty eyes). So, yay! I've hopped aboard the bandwagon! (Hops in, only to have the wagon tip over and falls out.) Crap. -- All well. Enjoy! I have a disc full of these things. Damn they are addicting. Now I see why you people write them.

Disclaimer: I, Mint Pizza Queen, hereby declare that I do not in any way/shape/form own Fullmetal Alchemist. If I did, there would be a few changes. A lot of the stories I've read would become actual episodes/movies and…never mind. I don't own them. There. I said it.

No Good

Havoc and Hawkeye exchanged uneasy glances and then looked back at the pint-sized alchemist. Ed's grin was practically bigger than his face; it stretched beyond each ear. As Al had stated at one time, 'it makes him appear demonic'. Which he pretty much was. Just a demonic little alchemist with that demonic brain cooking up a demonic scheme. Anytime he had that mischievous look on his face was when he was up to no good, which was obviously in his case almost all the time.

"Could you repeat that last line, boss?" Havoc fumbled the cigarette between his teeth worriedly.

Ed's grin broadened. Havoc wondered how that was possible for it was already stretching it's limits, but didn't say anything. "Did I stutter? I do believe I said everything quite plain and clear."

"It's just, well-" Havoc was at a loss for words, but was saved by the ever-endearing Hawkeye.

"We didn't quite absorb it thoroughly. Did you say what we think you just did?"

The alchemist observed his gloved automail hang with an annoyed expression. So much for the everlasting smirk. "Yup. When I want revenge, I will get it. Mustang will never know what hit him." Ah, the grin, it returns at last.

Havoc and Hawkeye both took mental notes: Edward Elric plus one demonic smile equals up to no good. Oh how they pitied Roy now that they knew what Ed had stuffed up his sleeve.

A/N: What was Edward's plan? What did he say that even got Riza's feathers ruffled? That's for you to imagine. Perhaps I may write a sequel for this drabble later on. Only if you want to know. Stay tuned.

-Mint Pizza Queen