This is a story that takes place not long after Code Veronica. Please let me know what you think after you've read it. Thank you.

"What's going on...?" a voice rang harshly in the girl's ear. Something happened recently... or was it longer than that? To her dismay, she couldn't remember anything. She tried to find the source of the voice, only to find that it was her own. Had she really asked that question and not remember? It seemed she did. But that wasn't the only thing she found she couldn't remember. "Where am I...? How did I get here...?" she asked no one. Her sky blue eyes searched the room in hope to find anything she could use to show where she was, but found nothing.

She looked down at herself, finding herself wearing a slightly revealing shirt and vest. The vest was red with a strange design on the left side, near the collar. The design was made up of three yellow curved-like lines that looked like a wing, in an abstract sort of way. The neckline of the vest plunged quite a bit, showing a bit of the top of the black shirt underneath, showing the upper part of her chest. The shirt itself ended an inch below the vest, showing her stomach. She wore gloves with the fingers missing, and jeans.

"Not bad..." she muttered to herself. "At least I have good taste in style..." she shook her head a bit, searching her vest and jean pockets. Along with forgetting where she was and how she got there... she forgot something else that was even more important: Who she was, and why she was there. But she found no clue of her identity in her pockets.

She started to finally get to her feet, but in too much of a rush for her own good. The quick movement caused her head to spin and throb horribly. She let out a pained groan as she held her head, wincing. As soon as the inital pain passed, she felt something warm and wet on the side of her head, under her hand. Slowly removing her hand, and looking to it, she saw the redness of blood, and the probable cause for her amnesia. Whoever hit her, and with whatever it was, hit her pretty badly and cruely.

That brought up more unanswerable questions.

Who would hit her so fiercely it would make her forget who she was and everything... and why? What had she done to land her here? Was she with someone else when it happened? If so, where were they? Were they ok?

She scanned the room again. It was much like a computer room, having five or six computers, along with filing cabinets and TVs. If she was captured for whatever reason, why would she be held in such a seemingly vital room? and why wasn't she being watched? No one was around. Spotting a file sitting on a nearby table, she went over to it and flipped open the cover. Inside was a picture of a man, and a girl that wore the same vest as her . She guessed the picture of the girl was her, since there wasn't a mirror in the room to check. The names under the two pictures were Chris Redfield and Claire Redfield.

Claire Redfield blinked a few times, staring at the pictures and the names. "So my name is Claire? And I have a brother?" she spoke to herself once again. It wasn't that she liked hearing the sound of her voice, she just wanted something else to listen to besides an eerie silence. "This says we were captured here... together..."

She pulled the picture of her brother off of the paper, looking at it. He had about the same hair color as she did, but he wore a uniform with the letters R.P.D. directly over letters that said S.T.A.R.S.. She gently placed the picture inside her vest, in the pocket. "I guess I have to find this Chris person... and see if he really is my brother. And if he is, maybe I can finally find out what we were doing here that got us captured." She made her way to the door.

She had no idea of what was in store for her.