Hi peoples! I'm finally updating this story I am so sorry it took so long! The song in here is by The Used and it's called " All that I've got." The stories plot should be moving a bit faster with these next few chapters so be expecting it This chapter is also shorter. Here's Chapter 4:

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans

Chapter Five: Nina's Message:

So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me

Off guard, red handed

Now I'm far from lonely

Asleep I still see you lying next to me

So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me I…

She gasped as she jumped forward from her slumber. She held her hand to her chest and could feel her heart almost leap from her chest. She used her hand to brush some red hair out of her face and stared around her room. She still lay on the ground where she had so painfully fallen asleep the night before. She had forgotten why she was on the ground but was soon remembered the visions from the night before.

Her head hurt from the thought of it. She needed out.

Starfire stood and went to her closet. She shed her wrinkled clothes and put on fresh purple sweat pants and a tank top. She then put on a baseball cap and proceeded to exit it from her bedroom.

Opening the towers entrance doors she found that it was barely dawn and smiled. She flew from the tiny island over to a pier on the shore. When she landed she quickly left her flying mode and started to run. She ran while taking in deep breaths of salty air into her lungs. She had seen this once and remembered it seemed to relax people.

I need something else

Would someone please just give me

Hit me, knock me out

And let me go back to sleep

I can laugh

All I want inside I still am empty

So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me I...

Her running was inconsistent and with no destination, she let her feet carry her wherever they felt would be right. Apparently her feet were psychic…or they just wanted some coffee.

" Muff!" a figure yelled as she slammed into it.

She opened her eyes in shock, " I am very sorry! Adain?"

Adain smiled, " Starfire? What are you doing here? I thought I was the only one that got up at this time."

Starfire smiled, " I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am up."

Adain laughed and pointed, " So is that coffee shop. Want some?"

Starfire nodded, " That would be lovely."

They sat in the cozy corner of the small shop across from each other. Starfire had ordered a muffin was hot chocolate. And deciding to ditch the coffee so did Adain.

" So I have to get up this early to go to work. But what are you doing up?" Adain asked as he drank his beverage.

Starfire sighed, " I have not been sleeping well."

Adain got a worried look on his face, " Are you okay? You don't need to see a doctor or anything?"

Starfire waved her hand, " No nothing like that, just bad dreams."

Adain nodded and looked more relaxed, " And these dreams what are they about?"

Starfire shook her head, " If I told you would laugh at me or call me crazy."

He reached over and laced his hands in hers, " I would never do such a thing."

Starfire nodded, " Do you believe that people can have…visions?"

He nodded.

" For months now that's been happening to me. Now it's during both while I am asleep and awake. When I have them I feel everything, it is although I am there. I don't know why this is happening to me or why it's getting worse. All I now that I can't tell my friends because they will worry and they already." Starfire said with her head bent.

He reached over and lifted her chin. " I think they would care."

Starfire smiled, " I never doubted their compassion, I doubt my own knowledge."

Adain smiled, " You're the smartest girl I've ever met. So you think they are visions?"

Starfire nodded, " What does this mean?"

He shrugged, " Hell if I know, but did you ever have visions before?"

Starfire thought and then gasped, " When I was a young girl, my father told me it was common for royalty but never told me why."

Adain patted her hand, " Maybe it's all temporary."

Starfire smiled a sad smile, " Let us hope so."

" Meanwhile, what do you plan to tell your friends?" Adain asked curiously.

" I plan to tell them nothing, it is really no big problem." She lied.

Adain frowned, " You mean you'll pretend."

"I am fine Adain." She said reassuringly.

Changing the subject he asked, " What are you doing tomorrow?"

" Nothing."

" Would you like to do somewhere with me?" he asked.

Starfire nodded happily, " Yes very much!"

" Good." He whispered and he bent over to kiss her.

I'll be just fine

Pretending I'm not

I'm far from lonely

And it's all that I've got


The flames fire leaped from their home in the fireplace. They burned steadily with no breaking in between them.

" Nina." A voice called.

The black haired woman walked into the room, " Yes?"

" It's time for you to deliver the last spell." The figure said from its chair.

Nina raised an eyebrow and walked closer to her master. " Don't you think it is a bit early?"

" No, the girl is ready for what I have to give." The figure said still not looking at her.

" And you are sure those old feelings aren't getting to you, old friend?" Nina asked skeptically.

The figure turned its head crossly and said coldly, " No Nina."

" I am sorry. I know you miss---."

" Silence Nina! Come here and I will give you the spell to say." The figure ordered.

Nina nodded, " Yes."


I'll be just fine

Pretending I'm not

I'm far from lonely

And it's all that I've got

Beastboy slammed his head on the computer's desk. " My head hurts!"

" Really? I wonder how that happened." Raven said sarcastically.

" Rae we've been at this for hours! We're not going to find anything!" Beastboy exclaimed.

" Have took her hands off the keyboard, " I hate to say this but…I think you're right."

She stood from one of the towers many computers and walked over to the kitchen to pour herself some tea.

" Hey?" Beastboy asked.

" Hmmm?"

" Do you mind if I tried some?" Beastboy asked sitting on a stool on the kitchens island.

Raven raised an surprised eyebrow, " You want to what?"

" I want to try some tea." Beastboy repeated.

Raven looked at him and then poured some for him in a cup.

He took a sip and winced. " Good." He lied.

" Lair." She said taking a sip of hers.

" Okay yeah." Beastboy admitted.

" Hey y'all!" Cyborg greeted as he walked into the room. " Is Beastboy drinking tea?"

" He's attempting to." Raven answered.

Cyborg looked at Beastboy and then changed the subject, " Did you guy's find anything?"

Beastboy shook his, " No!"

" There is no other language around the area at the time it was supposedly written." Raven explained. " Have you made any progress with the computer?"

" No." Cyborg said disappointed. " But I'm getting close."

" That sucks. I feel like we're going nowhere with this." Beastboy moaned.

" Man you are not the only one. Where's Robin?" Cyborg asked.

" He was with us but then I told him to go get some sleep." Raven said.

" Sure let Robin sleep!" Beastboy exclaimed.

" We all know he needs It." Cyborg said.

" Do we know if him and Starfire fixed whatever was wrong between them?" Beastboy asked draining the last of his tea.

Cyborg rubbed his titanium-plated head, " I hope so this is getting pathetic we all know he wants to talk to her."

" Yeah but who will say sorry first?" Beastboy asked.

I guess, I remember every glance you shot me

Un-harmed, I'm losing weight and some body heat

I squoze so hard

I stopped your heart from beating

So deep that I didn't even scream fuck me, I...

One punch for the fear, a second punch for the stupidity, and third punch to send the punching bag back into his face. He flew across the training room and his body it the mat hardly. He groaned as he looked at the punching bag swaying back and forwards from its last hit.

He closed his eyes and when he re-opened them saw a blurry redheaded vision standing above him. " Oh Robin…" it murmured. Then he blacked out from his concussion.

His eyes opened to a quickly spinning fan above him. He sat up, painfully because his head was currently throbbing, and saw Starfire sitting at the end of his bed.

" Oh friend Robin!" she cheered, " You are awake! I was so worried." And with that she flung her arms around him and started to cry.

He wrapped his arms around her too and whispered, " Starfire why are you crying?"

She looked up at him with puffy eyes, " We have been fighting so much! You are my best friend! I just… I just want everything back to normal."

" Me too." He whispered. " I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you. But it's just…"

" Yes?" Starfire asked.

" I love you Star." He whispered and felt a huge wave relief wash over him.

" I love you too Robin, I always have." She whispered.

He took her, gently, closer to them and closed in the gap between their lips. She let herself melt into him and ran her hands through his hair. He held her close as he lowered her below him onto the bed and…

I'll be just fine

Pretending I'm not

I'm far from lonely

And it's all that I've got

" Robin! Friend Robin! Please awaken!" a voice called from the abyss.

Robin opened his eyes to find himself not in his bedroom with Starfire under him, but in the training room with his head resting on Starfire's lap.

He sat up, confused. " Where are we?"

" The training room, you just took a bump to your noggin." Starfire explained.

" Oh…" Robin whispered realizing that the thing in his room had been only a dream.

Starfire bent her head down, " I also came to apologize for the way I have been acting lately."

He raised her chin, " Don't be Star, I should be the one saying sorry. It's just that I…I lo…"

" Yes?"

" I shouldn't have yelled when you told me you were dating Adain." Robin quickly covered up.

" Yes." Starfire whispered. " And I should have warned you. Friends?" she asked holding out her hand.

He looked at her hand and then at her beautiful face and knew this was all it was ever and could ever be. " Friends." He said shaking her hand.

" Good." She said cheerfully helping him get up. " Oh I must tell friend Raven!" With that she ran out of the room.

He looked on after her, " The truth is: I love you Starfire." Then he alone, and quietly left the room.

I'll be just fine

Pretending I'm not

I'm far from lonely

And it's all that I've got

And it's all that I've got

Yeah, it's all that I've got

It's all that I've got

It's all that I've got

It's all that I've got!

" So we're nowhere with this." Robin said a few minutes later in the common room.

" Looks like." Said Raven monotone.

" Maybe we have not gathered enough clues, yes?" Starfire suggested.

" Maybe. What we really need is that next page." Robin said, " And more information on who Nina is working for."

:" Yeah we already know she's a Dealer and that who she is working for has the book. But what is she being paid?" Raven stated.

" Who says she's being paid?" Cyborg suggested. " Maybe here's another reason."

" Maybe but we won't know until we're able to get the information out of Nina." Robin said determinedly.

As if on cue red lights flashed throughout the tower.

" It's her." Robin stated and with that they left the tower.


So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me

So deep that I didn't even scream fuck me

The building had been deserted for almost five years now. It's bare rafters held cobwebs. Its only inhabitants were the street rats and the occasional homeless people who wondered in from the cold. For the most part though it dusty glass windows and its cold cement floors were bare of any existence, no matter the form.

" My readings said the alert came from here." Cyborg said walking into the old warehouse.

" Are you sure?" Beastboy asked skeptically.

" I'm sure." Cyborg answered.

" I don't' see anything. Raven do you sense anyone?" Robin asked while looking sharply at every corner.

" I don't sense anyone except us." Raven answered.

Robin stopped and looked around at the massive building in which they stood. She could be anywhere he thought. " Titans spilt up and search the building. If anyone sees or hears anything contact the rest of us."

The others nodded and walked off.

I don't sense anything. Raven thought to herself. Hmmm it's odd though. I don't sense anything…yet…I do feel something.

She opened a rusty door and continued to walk silently down a dark passage. What was this place anyways? Never mind that. I do feel something. Is it me or is it growing stronger?

A door slammed shut and caught her attention. She quickly ran down the end of the corridor and looked at a door that was half way off its hinges. She looked at it closely and then turned any to walk down yet another corridor. " Raven…" a voice whispered.

Raven's head whipped back to the door swinging back forwards. " Raven…" it said in an almost screeching voice.

What the hell? Wait…I know what I was sensing before! Oh that bitc—

And a screeching came from the other side of the doorway, and then something flew at her.


" Do da, do da, do da, do da, do da…do da do da day!" sang Beastboy to himself. " Dude why did this place have to be so freakin creepy!"

He walled slowly about the hallway, looking around cautiously. This place reminded him of something he saw in a movie once, The Creepy Undead, and any second now he expected some zombie to jump out from behind a corner and eat his brains! At this thought he let out a whimper.

He took out his communicator, " Um…Cyborg?"

There was a static noise from the other end and then, " Yeah BB?"

" Dude are you as creped out by this as I am?"

Cyborg laughed and mocked from the other end, " Awwww. Is little Beastboy a little scared?"

" I'm not scared! I'm just concerned!" Beastboy defended himself.

" Uh-huh whatever you say. Have you found anything yet?" Cyborg asked.

" No I think this was just a big waste of time." Beastboy answered.

He waited. There was only static.

" Uh Cyborg? Cyborg? Are you there? Dude so not funny! Cy?" Beastboy asked panicky.

All of a sudden a loud screeching noise came from a different hallway. He forgot his fear and threw open a door that led to a flight of stairs. He then opened another door and ran down that hallway to the end.

Raven lay there at the end. Beastboy kneeled down next to her. " Rae?"

" Beastboy…" she murmured.

" Don't worry everything is going to be fine." Beastboy assured her. He took out his communicator to try to reach the others but all he got was static. " Come on!" he yelled at it.

" Beastboy…" she said louder.

" What!" he asked frustrated.

With a deep breath she painfully raised her hand a pointed at something behind a swinging door.

" Oh…" Beastboy let out before another loud screech filled the hallway.


" No I think…" was Beastboy's answer.

" Dude what have I told you time and time again, finish your sentences once you start them!" Cyborg yelled into his communicator.

There was no answer. Only static.

" Beastboy? Yo Beastboy!" Cyborg called into his device.

There was still no answer. He looked at the readings on his arm. That's odd the communicator's aren't working, but my computers are. What's up with that?

" He-he." A voice laugh rang out.

" Who's there?" he called out.

" Over here silly!" the voice said.

He followed it to a flight of stairs and went up of story to the next hallway.

" Hello?"

" Beastboy is that you?" he called out.

"Victor…" a voice called out. " victor…"

He walked held out his sonic cannon. " I said who's there."

The hall got very dark, so much that his sonic cannon was the only thing that beat the haze. There was a sound of a door closing and then a loud screech.

" Oh shi-."


" Cyborg that you?" Robin asked. He had heard a loud noise, which sounded like a screech, but he couldn't be sure.

He came to a halt. Something wasn't right. It had been a while since he had heard anything. Shouldn't Beastboy be complaining by now?

" Titans?" he asked into his communicator.

No answer. Only static.

" Robin..."

" Robin…"

" Star?" he asked.

He heard a slight creak behind him and he whipped to face what it was.

It was a huge black figure, which wore a hood. He couldn't see the face but two red eyes peered out to look at him. Then it screeched, sending him to fly back and hit a wall. Then all went black.

Down in the basement…

She decided to float a while ago when the sound of her own footsteps had gotten haunting. She had also lost communication with her friends and hoped it was temporary.

She had now reached the basement, and the only way to go was down. She descended the rusty, eroded stairs until she reached the landing. So far she saw nothing, nor did she hear anything. But she didn't notice the door closing at the top of the stairs.

She wondered for a few minutes with no destination. The only thing she could hear were he thoughts and even then those weren't reassuring.

" So glad you could make it." A voice said as it echoed throughout the room.

" Nina." Starfire said.

" Good girl, so smart." Nina answered as the room lit up with an orange-ish effect. " Where are your friends?" she asked teasingly.

" What have you done with them?" Starfire demanded lighting her fists with green.

" Do not worry my dear not too much harm has come to them, but if you don't corporate then I cannot guarantee their safety." Nina said with her Egyptian accent.

Starfire put down her fists, " What do you want?"

" Only for you to listen my dear." Nina answered.

" I am listening." Starfire answered.

" Good." Said Nina as a wooden carton flew under Starfire making her sit upon it. " As you have known I have not been working alone, but was hired to steal that book. But I was also hired to do more than just that. Do youknow who you are?"

" I do not know what you speak of." Starfire answered confused.

" Of course you know who you are, you're Starfire. Or at least you think so. Wanna know a secret Starfire?" Nina asked.

Starfire was silent and just looked on.

Nina continued, " I'm not really being paid to do this. This is more of insurance. You see my origin does not matter nor do my past years, at least to me, only my future matters to me. I want to know that I will be safe once she returns to power."

" Who?" Starfire asked.

" The Dark Queen." Nina answered she turned away from Starfire and started to talk as if to herself, " I have achieved what so many mortal men have longed for since the begging of time: I have immortality. In my earliest time, a time of great kings, the world of men was still very young. Nobles ruled fertile lands along the Nile River and the slaves worked it. It was long before the time of Nephrite, and Cleopatra. The time was timeless, but as all mortal kingdoms our time of rule ended. That is when they came, during the time of great wars."

" Who?" Starfire asked.

Nina did not look at her but continued on, " They came from an unknown place, and were far more civilized than we. Came from amongst the stars. Her mission was a great one and her love forbidden. She was one of them, but had our interests in mind, and that is why I helped her steal the book the first time. Great kings, kings we worshiped like gods, were foolish. They wanted to unite us, bring us together as one, breed new generations."

" He had been the first choice, a great warrior he was amongst our kind, to marry the kings daughter. I suppose, no matter the generation, a man is a man. He was a good friend of mine and fell in love with the Dark Queen before she rose to power. In fact, he was her reason to rise to power in the first place. Their love was forbidden, forbidden because he was to marry her cousin in due time."

" You mean she was the princess's cousin?" Starfire asked.

Nina looked at her and nodded, " Yes and the king's niece. She had come here from…the stars also. Beautiful beyond imagination, she was. The power that lay dormant inside her was not to be contained. She practically despised humans."

" She was not human." Starfire whispered.

" No she was not, nor am I so what does that tell you? He was human though and she fell madly in love with him as he did her. But as future prince and king this could not be allowed. And that is why they planned to use the book to rule both races. I don't know much else of her history. Only that the night they had stolen the book they were caught. I fled before I knew their fates. But now I know them."

" What happened?" Starfire asked.

Nina seemed to break out of her trance, " Never mind that, you don't need to know that now. Soon your part will be played."

Starfire's eyes widened, " What do you mean!"

Nina smiled, "So much is hidden from you."

Silence followed and then Starfire asked, " What was her name?"

" You know the answer to that."

" Why me?"

" You'll find out in due time." Nina answered reaching for a piece of paper from her bra. " Sleep, sleep, dear and tomorrow the future will begin." She then muttered some words and the world spun and became all blurry. Then black.


Hey! I was going to write more but I decided to leave you with a cliffhanger. Please no flames! And Please review.

As for the next chapter be expecting great changes from Starfire, and more visions. And the Titans will finally find out what is on the second page of the book.

Maybe some of you were able to figure out what Nina was talking about, and if you did good for you. Here's a cookie! And just so all of you know Starfire was able to figure out a good deal of what she was saying, which will be revealed next chapter or so.

I really like new the season on TT. It's awesome! If this is indeed the last season they're going out with a bang! And I read there is also going to be an ep about how they all first met. And let me just say one thing: FINALLY!

Please Review. J
