Authors Note: Yo This is my very first fanfic ever so just bare with me hahaha I dont own the characters, Square-Enix does...yeah thoughtI would write that since I've seen everyone do that and yeah >> Well hope you enjoy the first chapter.
Just so you all know, sentences in -> ' ...' - are thoughts in the characters mind.
Chapter I – Lost & Found
As usual, the day would start with the sun blazing through the window of a small hotelunit. For Yuffie it was the most annoying time of the day. Even though Traverse Town was the city known for its endless nights, there was always a dawn for a short time to symbolise the rise of a new day only then to return to night. The sunrays crept up over Yuffie's bed sheets, which disgruntled the body trying to hide under them.
"Ergh! Go away!" Yuffie yelled from underneath the covers.
"Oh, that's not very nice"
Yuffie shot up from her lying down position and searched the room from where the reply came from. To Yuffie's relief it was just her long time friend Aerith who was cleaning up the room of the scattered clothing.
"You know you really should clean this place once in awhile Yuf" Aerith stated to the half awake teenager. "It's kind of unhealthy to leave your clothes and-" Aerith picked up a pair of pants from the ground "-underwear. You know people could just walk in and see this mess." Yuffie replied to her comments by poking her tongue out deviously.
"Who else besides you would see it?" Yuffie said as she grabbed some clothes from the nearest chair and headed towards the bathroom.
"Um…Leon?" Aerith's words made Yuffie stop mid step. Yuffie spun around and leaned forward in her spunky teen girl fashion.
"Why would he be coming into here? Unless he was secretly a perverted man who loved to spy on teenage girls" Yuffie snickered before turning once again towards the bathroom, Aerith just smiled at her reply, knowing very well of Yuffie's thoughts. Of course Aerith already guessed that Yuffie had a crush on him for a while. There was enough evidence of her likings to him that even a complete stranger would know.
"I'm going to the café Yuf, I'll see you round" there was a mutter of 'see ya' from the bathroom as Aerith headed out of the room in the hotel.
Soon after Aerith's leave Yuffie re-entered her room from the bathroom. In doing so she threw her sleepwear onto the floor and started to leave the room, only to pause and turn back around. "…I can't believe I'm even thinking of picking up my clothes just because I think Leon will come in here", but Yuffie didn't want to take any chances, so she picked up the remainder of her clothes and threw them into the washing basket. She clapped her hands together with accomplishment. "That should do for now" Yuffie said. She turned around swiftly and picked up some shuriken to put in her side pocket. Since the heartless are still roaming around Traverse Town, it's better safe then sorry. It was only a few days ago did she see Sora head off to defeat Ansem. Yuffie and the others hadn't heard from him in awhile.
Yuffie locked the door to her room and headed out of the Hotel via the front exit. As she exited the hotel she stoped. "Now where shall I go today?" Yuffie pondered on many ideas of where she could go or what she could do. "I wonder where Leon is…well he's probably out training as usual, guess I'll join him" Yuffie smiled gleefully at the thought of training along side Leon. Although she isn't anyway near as strong or skilled as he is, she just enjoyed teaming up with him knocking down the heartless. Well Leon knocking down the heartless and Yuffie injuring them. Since the heartless were much stronger nowthen they used to be. It took a lot out of Yuffie to knock down a single Wyvern or Defender.
"Well I guess I do need the training" Yuffie thought, since she didn't want to be so weak that Leon had to save her from getting knocked out. Not that it was a bad thing to have Leon save her. Yuffie giggles at her daydream of Leon sweeping her off her feet after a daring rescue. "Hehehe I'd fall into a pit of heartless just to have him do that"
"Who are you talking to kid?" Yuffie spins around rapidly to see a questioning Cid behind her.
"Who was I not talking to?" Yuffie tries to make a riddle out of his question to confuse the pilot.
"What the hell?" Cid says raising an eyebrow, and scratches his forehead.
"Yeah, exactly! Well you go figure that one out, while I go and find Leon, k!" Yuffie grinned at her success of confusing the pilot and skipped away towards the doorway to the alleyway.
"Man that kid has a messed up mind" Cid said to himself.
"Who are you talking to? Kupo" Cid looked down to see one of the moogles at his feet. Cid sighed with annoyance and walked off towards his shop.
'Now where on earth is that guy?' Yuffie thought to herself while standing with her arms folded in the middle of sewer training area. 'He's normally here when he goes to train' she started to tap her foot as she thought of his possible locations he might be. 'Hmmm maybe he's gone to get some food?' Yuffie clicked her fingers at her solution. "Yeah that's what he's probably doing!" and she decided to take the shortcut up through the Wizard, Merlins house.
"Oh hello there Yuffie, how are you today?" Merlin greeted Yuffie as she appeared from the lift into his house. "Oh I'm fine thanks, you wouldn't happen to have seen Leon around have you?" Yuffie decided to ask him just out of pure curiosity.
"No I'm afraid not, though you will see him today either way" Merlin prophesised to her. Yuffie can only reply with a confused smile and say her farewells as she left through the front door, which was more on the side of the house. Yuffie never understood why that was, but then again he was a strange old man.
"Can never understand what thatold man says…Ah man! Not the shifty rocks" Yuffie stated as she appeared round the front of the house "I knew I should have gone back through the alleyway" Yuffie sighed and headed towards the first rock.
"One…two… three… four" she counted the rocks as she jumped across the lake. 'Yes I can make this last one, I just have to get it rig-' as she jumped the rock shifted hastily to the other side. "Oh no-" Yuffie's cry was cut short as she fell straight into the cold water.
"Arghh Damn it! Its frekin cold in here!" she cried out as she gasped up for air. 'Man this water is so dark…eeep what if there's sharks in here!' At that thought Yuffie swam franticly to the edge of the lake.
"Phew! Didn't get eaten…hahah yeah sharks hahah," she laughed to herself nervously trying to make herself feel less like an idiot. She flicked off as much access water from her body and proceeded towards the door to the thrid district of Traverse Town.
"Man, I'm freezing now!" Yuffie shook at the cold breeze as she walked out into the third district. "And this is my favourite scarf too" she said miserably holding out her drenched scarf. Her sudden thoughtswere suddenly cut short as she noticed flashes of black smoke in the distance.
"Just great, how am I supposed to fight off these guys with drenched clothes and water filled shoes? I wouldn't be surprised if they mistake me as one of their own. 'Cuz I'm freezing my backside off here!" Yuffie walked steadily forward as she tried to make her way through without being caught by the heartless.
'Hehehe eventhough I look like a drenched weasel my ninja skills still work' she gloated to herself but all that did was jinx her movement as she was spotted by one of the search ghosts.
"Crap!" Yuffie reached for some of her shuriken as the heartless started to form in front of her. What was more irritating for Yuffie was that the heartless were none other then a big fat Defender and some annoying Green Requiems.
"Grr, you picked the wrong time to fight with 'this' ninja…who's really cold…and just wants a shower" as Yuffie muttered on about where she would rather be the heartless began to charge towards her.
Yuffie avoided the first attack by the heartless but was then struck down hard by one of the Wyverns from above, causing Yuffie to slam into the ground. Yuffie cried out in pain through clenched teeth. The surprise attack of the Wyvern left a big gash on Yuffie's back. "Arghh that bloody hurt you stupid heartless!" she yelled out while rapidly throwing several shuriken towards the Wyvern
As Yuffie avoided the attacks of more heartless she started to think over her own abilities. 'How can I be this weak? I'm already down to critical health from just one attack?' as she thought to herself she continued to dodge the attacks of the heartless. 'All I am skilled at is dodging attacks, well if I can actually dodge them'.
Another blow from the heartless caused Yuffie to fall back against the wall. The heartless soon make escape futile by covering all the exits. Yuffie stammered against the wall, fear showing through her eyes as the heartless surrounded her. 'Guess I won't be making that hot shower in time' Yuffie smiled at her own thoughts. She looked up to see the large Defender slowly make its way towards her and the glow of the red eyes on its shield start to build up.
"I guess the wizard's prophecy wasn't true after all" upon finishing those words the shield of the defender was blown away by a fast attack from above.
"What are you doing!" yelled a voice in front of her. Yuffie recognised the voice as Leon's.
"Squ-! Ah, I mean, Leon!" was her reply to his loud questioning. Leon only turned back towards the heartless and finished of the defender. This attackcaused the other heartless to retreat back into the darkness.
"I thought I told you last time, not to go out to this area by yourself!" Leon yelled at Yuffie.
"Well… well you see I …I was looking for you and-" Yuffie was trying to find words to talk, but all she could do was scratch at her arm and look at the ground embarrassingly.
"Why were you looking for me?" Leon questioned with less anger then before.
"Well, I just... wanted to know where you were" Yuffie replied while mentally slapping herself in her for her blunt response. Leon only raised his eyebrow with her response. When Yuffie looked up she was confronted by Leon's outreaching hands.
"Ahh! I mean… what are you doing?" Yuffie said embarrassed at her reaction
"I'm checking your injuries?" Leon said more confused then before.
"Oh, I thought…never mind heh heh heh…" Yuffie's face blushed a tinge of red as she tried pathetically to hide it
"…Right, well where are your injuries? …And why are you soaking wet?" Leon noticed as he inspected her injuries on her back.
"You can blame those spastic moving rocks at the wizards place! As for injur-" Yuffie suddenly felt the cold and the injury get to her and she fell back against the wall. Leon gripped his arms quickly around Yuffie to make sure she didn't collapse onto the ground.
"Man I feel dizzy" Yuffie muttered raising her hand to her forehead.Yuffie wouldconcentrate on the reason butshe was more intimidated by Leon's sudden grip around her waste
"I think we should get out of here before more heartless come," Leon thought as he inspected the area around them. Leon took one of Yuffie's arms and wrapped it round his neck so he could take some of the weight of her body. Then they headed slowly towards the exit of sector three and into the main sector of Traverse Town, then towards the hotel. Yuffie's vision started to blur out by the time they reached the sector door. All she remembered was the door opening, and then it was blank.
"So she was out in third district and got ambushed?"
"Yeah, she really shouldn't have been out there, she should know she's not strong enough"
"Yes, but you -" the voices were cut off by a door closing; causing the figure on the bed to wake from her sleep.
Yuffie blinked a few times beforesighing and rollingover on to her back only to cringe in pain. It clicked in Yuffie's head that her injury was from the heartless that ambushed her on her way home that day.
"Grr! Stupid black headed-dumb-looking-squishy-black …things!" Yuffie muttered as she tried to find the right term to call the heartless. While doing this she turnedtonotice that she wasn't in her usual messy room yet a somewhat ordered and tidy one. Yuffie scanned the area for some clue on whose room she was in. She then spotted a familiar item that could non other belong to Leon; his gunblade case.
"I'm in Leon's room? … That must mean I'm on his…" she looked down to what she was laying on " …bed" Yuffie blushed at the thought of actually being on top of his bed let alone being in his room. Yuffie grinned mischievously as she quickly flipped to her stomach just to inhale some of his scent from the pillow. Yuffie sighed with delight as she relaxed down onto the bed and slowly fell into a quiet sleep on top of Leon's bed.
'You shouldn't be here!' a male voice called in front of Yuffie.
'Why?' she protested.
'You're not strong enough'
'But I can take them'
'No you can't!Now go back to your room!' the voice grew angrier.
'No I can take them!' she yelled back.
'I said go back!'
"I'm not weak!" Yuffie snapped out of her dream from the sound of her own voice. Yuffie turned to hear the sound of pelting rain against the window. It didn't rain a lot in Traverse Town but when it did, it came down by the buckets.
"Man, why do I always have weird dreams when Iget an injury from a heartless?" Yuffie said to herself as she sat up on the bed. Yuffie looked down at Leon's alarm clock next to his bed. The time read 11:46pm "Man, how long have I been asleep for?" as Yuffie questioned her thoughts she got up off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. Just as she reached the handle of the door it opened up before her. She suddenly collided with a body which caused her to loose her balance and hit the floor.
"Owh! Watch where you're go-" Yuffie looked up to see a shirtless Leonwith water soaked skin andonly a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked down on her with a somewhat embarrassed yet straight face. Yuffie's face turned a bright shade of crimson upon looking at the sight, quickly looking away to hide her blushing face.
"Oh, I forgot you were stillhere." Leon stated blankly as he grabbed the pair of trousers from the cabinet near the bathroom.
"…Yeah well…" 'Think you idiot, think!' "It's ah, not like I entered here in the first place! I mean I just woke up here!" Yuffie stammered out, trying to hide her blush from his current appearance also trying to avoid turning back around to have another good look. 'No! Must…keep…mature…thoughts…around him' while Yuffie was fighting with her own subconscious thoughts, Leon returned to the bathroom to get changed.
When Yuffie finally realised that he wasn't behind her anymore she turned towards the bathroom and started to question Leon through the door. "Why am I in your room anyway?"
"Your door was locked and Aerith told me to take you to my room to tend your wounds first, before searching for the spare key" muffled Leon's response through the bathroom door.
Yuffie snickered to herself at his response. 'So you have a devious side after all, Aerith' Yuffie thought to herself as she knew very well that Aerith had a spare key on her nearly all of the time. Yuffie grinned at Aerith's on mischief, as she wasn't known to do it a lot.
Leon re-entered the room dressed in a plain pair of black pants and a white singlet top. He hung up his towel on the bathroom door and turned to look at Yuffie.
"…You 'can' go now, there's no reason for you to stay here since you seem to be able to move around fine now." Leon stated to her with the usual blank expression.
"Oh don't you like my company?" Yuffie pouted her lips making a sad face and sticking her hands on her hips. Much to her disappointment Leon didn't buy it.
"Ok fine I can tell you want to ogle at girly pictures all night its ok I'll go" Yuffie giggled watching Leon's expression change from the usual blank look to the 'god-get-her-out-of-the-room' stare. Yuffie just smiled impishly at him and twirled around towards the door.
"Ohhh you know you love me," Yuffie added to his annoyed expression, sticking her tongue out as she left. Leon only lifted his hand to his head as if an oncoming headache was approaching. He sighed and turned towards his bed where he noticed something left on top of it. It was Yuffie's scarf, one of her favourite yellow ones. Sighing at her forgetfulness he moved it onto the cabinet next to his bed. 'Guess I'll have to give that to her tomorrow', though tomorrow wasn't just going to be the normal day in Traverse Town.
AU: Well thats chapter I for you heh, reviews are quite welcome o tell me if I'm going well or crap heh ; , Next Chappie will be done...later...for now hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my 'very' firstfanfic and hope you will continue to read it inlater submitions :D