Author's Note: Hey everybody! Yeah I know it's been a while since the last chapter but I've been extremely busy! Cause I have Marching Band practice every day of the week, except Wednesdays. And school just started so yeah wow I'm surprised I even had time to write this chapter, but ya'll know how much I luv you guys! So here's the next chapter to my story!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot

Chapter 4 A Single Tear

There was a long dead silence between the five of them. No one dared to say a word. David looked angry because they were ignoring him. Ginny and Draco went back to staring into each other eyes and Mr. & Mrs. Weasley were looking anxious to see what was going to happen next.

"Can I talk to you, outside?" Ginny said breaking the silence.

"Sure" Draco said getting up and making his way through the kitchen door with Ginny closely trailing behind him.

When they were outside and the warm, summer air hit there faces, as they walked along the gravel path to the garden. Ginny couldn't believe her old love and father of her son was walking next to her at this very moment. Why had he come back? Is he mad at her for not telling him that he had a son? They walked in silence for what felt like a life time. Both of them not wanting to make the first move, but Ginny had to ask him the one question she had kept to herself since this morning.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she said stopping on the path and turning to face Draco.

"Well, I wanted to see you and I just found out that I have a son" Draco said looking into Ginny big brown eyes, searching for an explanation.

"Why aren't you busy doing Malfoy stuff or something?" Ginny said not taking her eyes away from his.

"What stuff? My parents are dead" Draco said breaking their gaze and continuing to walk down the path

Ginny's mouth dropped, there was another long silence between them "Well I knew about your mother" she said catching up with him "but what happened to your father?"

"I don't want to talk about it" Draco said looking at his feet

"Oh, I'm sorry" Ginny said in a quite voice

"Why didn't you tell me I had a son?" Draco asked changing the subject

Ginny hesitated "Well I…" she was trying to find the right words, to explain her feelings about David. " I was scared, to tell you the truth. I thought that if I told you, you would be angry with me and hurt me or try to take David from me" Ginny's eyes were filling with tears; she couldn't hold her emotions back any longer.

"Ginny, I would never do anything like that to you, why would you think that?" Draco said taking Ginny's shoulders

"I know, it's just…you left me so quickly, I didn't know what to tell you" she said still crying

"Right now, all I want is to make it right with you and get to know my son" Draco said pulling her into a hug.

"I'm sorry" Ginny said with her face in Draco's chest, she loved how he held her in his arms; it makes her feel so safe.

"It's okay" Draco said giving her one last squeeze before he let her go.

"Well, let's go inside and tell David who you are" Ginny said whipping the tears off her face.

"David huh, I like that name did you pick it out yourself?" Draco said with a smirk

"Yeah, it seemed right at the time, I'm glad you like it." Ginny said with a grin and they headed back for the house.


Back in the kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and David were eating breakfast in silence. David was still very confused about who the strange man was, from earlier. David though he recognized him, maybe he was another uncle or something. Well he and mum had been outside for awhile, he wondered what they were doing.

"Grandma, who was that man?" David asked Mrs. Weasley

"He's just an old friend, now eat your eggs." Mrs. Weasley said trying to get the subject off Draco

"But why did he look at mommy like she was an angel? Or a good piece of meat?" David said poking at his eggs with his fork.

"uuhhh….well mommy will tell you when she gets back" Mrs. Weasley said hoping that David would stop asking questions.

"So what are they doing outside?" David asked, apparently Mrs. Weasley's answers didn't satisfy David

"Their just talking, darling." Mrs. Weasley said passing Mr. Weasely the butter for his toast.

"What's his name?" David said and after he asked this there was a long silence between the three of them.

Mr. Weasley had thought that this had gone far enough, he was having a very stressful morning "David that's enough questions for now, they will all be answered in good time, now finish your breakfast, before I throw it away" Mr. Weasley said in a harsh tone.

"Yes, sir" David said looking back at his bacon that was left on his plate.

Just then, the front door opened and Ginny and Draco stepped in the house. They looked a lot more cheerful then when they left. Ginny went over to the table and pulled up a chair for Draco, David was eyeing them closely. When every one was settled and there was another awkward silence, Mrs.Weasley thought it was a good time to make breakfast for Ginny and Draco. Everyone else at the table remained silent until David just had to ask something.

"Mommy, who is that man and why is he in our house?" David said point his little finger at Draco.

"David honey it's not nice to point at people." Ginny said giving him a stern look

David was sick of people ignoring him all morning, he didn't care if it wasn't nice, he just wanted someone to answer his question. So he got out of his chair and walked over to Draco and stood in front of him with his hands on his hips staring straight at Draco. Draco was stunned at the little boy's determination and how much he looked like him. The whole kitchen stopped what they were doing to watch the scene, playing out in front of them. Mrs.Weasley put down her pots and pans, Mr.Weasley looked up from the Daily Prophet and Ginny just watched the two boys she loved stare at each other.

David Spoke first "Who are you?" he asked Draco

"Well…" Draco was searching for the right words to explain everything. "My name is Draco and I knew your Mother a long time ago, and I like her very much."

"So what are you doing here?" David said

"Well I came to see your mother because I missed her" Draco was just beating around the bush at this point, but he knew he would have to tell his son soon.

"Why do you look like me?" David said very sternly

"Well…eeerrrrr…." Draco couldn't bring himself to say it. Ginny thought it was about time for her to interrupt.

"Honey, Draco is your father that's why he's here and why he looks like you" Ginny was waiting for David's reaction

David stood there staring at Draco for quite a while you could tell his brain was processing all the information. "Where have you been?" was all David could say, his voice not so demanding now.

"Well I was away for a while but I'm back now" Draco said as there was another long silence between them.

Then, from out of nowhere David jumps on Draco and wraps his little arms around his neck to give him a hug. This was unexpected; you could hear the small gasp from Mrs.Weasley over by the sink and the rustle of paper from Mr. Weasley.

"I'm glad you're here Daddy." David said still hugging Draco

That was the first time Draco heard anyone call him daddy before. He was happy to hear it at last. "Me too, David" Draco said holding his son close.

Over in the corner of the table, Ginny was watching both of them and you could see a tear running down her cheek.

Author's note: Yeah I know it's shorter then the last one but hey, at least I've added on a little bit! So Plz Review and tell me what you think because I love getting reviews, it makes my day 10 times better! So let me know if I should keep going. Thanks, I appreciate all your support! 