Disclaimer: This Baka has no rights to anything in life... XD
A/N: In this story, Shishio is without bandages at da beginnin'. He looks like da hitokiri before da meiji government shot 'n burned him. D 'n by da way, in Japan, married couples must use da same surname, whether it's da husband's or da wife's but mostly they use da male's last name. So in this case, Yumi's gonna use Shishio as her last name. Another thing dat I thought was weird, since it's modern day, Yumi's gonna have ta call her hubby by Makoto, not Shishio-sama. Dat's gonna feel weird typin' dat...so I changed it to darlin' or honey, which is in Japanese, 'anata'.. :laughs: Also, I'm gonna call Shishio by Shishio, not Makoto. It's more natural like dat ta me. :sheepish grin:
My "Lovely" Family
Chapter One: Arrival
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It was an ordinary day like any other day. Our happy couple, Yumi Shishio, at age twenty-four, and Makoto Shishio, at the age of thirty-one, was living happily together in their peaceful little three story house in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto. Despite their age differences, Yumi and Makoto were deeply in love with one another. From time to time, there would be small fights, but they all ended in happy resolutions. Everyone in their neighborhood thought they were the perfect couple and nothing could ever separate them.
Every day was a happy day for them. They had the life every couple would dream off. Shishio worked for the Kyoto police department as one of their best cops while Yumi became a best-selling novelist. Both made good amounts of money whether one stayed at home typing or one out in patrolling the city at night. Life was great for the two. Until...dum dum dum! Today.
As usual as any other Saturday, Yumi sat on her computer in her small office, typing up her next big story, Ai Kokoro Tamashii. She was only a few paragraphs away from finishing it so her excitement was whelming up. After years of numerous thoughts, bad ideas, and endless hours of typing, she was finally going to be done. Once she's done, the story can be brought to her editor to be checked for any mistakes. After that, the publisher receives the story, make it into a book, and sell it in stores so she could make loads of money. All of her fans would be happy to see a new book out by her. Yumi was getting anxious in her seat already at that thought.
Shishio, on the other hand, was lounging on his couch watching a soccer game on TV. It was one of his rare day off so what better thing for a man to do on a Saturday but to lay on the couch, eat junk food, and watch a good sports game.
While the two were doing their own businesses, their doorbell rang. Of course, both of them were too busy to bother to open it, so one relied on the other to open the door. Yumi, thinking Shishio would go to greet whoever was at the door, continued working. Shishio, thinking Yumi had gone to open the door, continued eating and watching. After ten seconds of waiting for someone to open the door, the person at the door rang again.
Shishio mumbled, "Isn't anybody going to get the doort?" From where he was lying, he called out, "Yumi! Get the dang door already!"
Yumi, in her little office, scowled at her husband's command. She didn't stop typing though. She was on the brink of finishing something important, so she ignored his comment. Slamming shut her office door with a kick of her left leg, she continued to work. The door slam was loud enough for Shishio to hear. He grunted at Yumi's behavior and sat up and walked towards the door. "Woman..." he mumbled.
Right when he was about to get to the door, apparently, the person standing outside got impatient and decided to go crazy over the bell. The doorbell began ringing over and over.
It annoyed Shishio much that he popped a vein. "I'm getting there!"
He opened the door and what he imagined would be standing there, was not at all what he thought. Shishio thought it would be some annoying salesman, coming to his house, to convince him to buy some new brand vacuum cleaner. Instead, there was a group of people standing before him. All young folks except for the guy standing in front of him. Well, at least they look young, if you compare them to Shishio; excluding the guy standing in front.
Shishio frowned at all of them. They were bothering him on his day off. Usually salesmen travel alone but today, there were six of them standing before him. They were all young boys and one middle age man, who stood the closest to him. He was smoking a cigarette. The smoker had long, black hair pulled back into a low ponytail. He wore an white business suit, a clip on tie included. The outfit didn't fit him well. If he was a salesman, he looked more like a pimp than anything else.
The white suit guy stood there with a content look at him. Shishio waited for someone to talk because apparently, he won't. What was there to say? 'We don't want any. Get the hell off my property before I get out my shotgun?' No, he was a respected police officer in Kyoto after all. It'll give him a bad reputation if he shows the real, big, ugly inner Shishio to the public.
Since there was an awkward silence among them, the white suit guy began. First of all, he gave a cheesy grin on which Shishio could see he forced it upon himself to look like he was enjoying what he was doing. "Good afternoon Shishio-san! My name is Seijuro Hiko, the social worker, as you may know. May we come in?"
Hearing that, he still didn't let them in. Shishio remained silent, raising an eyebrow. Hiko grinned sheepishly, nervous. A sweat drop from his forehead. Maybe the boys should introduce themselves first... Hiko turned around and pulled all of the boys together in a huddle.
"I think he's nervous, everyone introduce yourselves." Hiko commanded.
"Hiko-san!" a red haired boy with a cross shaped scar on his cheek whined, "I have to go to the bathroom!"
Hiko fell backwards. "Kenshin! Didn't you go already when we left!"
"Yes but now I have to go again. I have bladder problems," the boy called Kenshin replied.
A sweat drop fell down from Shishio's head as he watched them. He could hear everything they were saying, considering they weren't whispering. It was more like yelling. Who...are these weirdoes? And why the heck are they here at my house?
"He looks too scary to be my uncle!" the youngest boy in the group with spiky hair cried out.
Hiko quickly put his finger on his mouth, "Shhhh! Don't him hear you! He's your uncle, scary or not!"
"Yahiko's such a baby!" one of the older boys with brown, spiky hair yelled out, smirking.
"Shut up Sanosuke!" Hiko yelled.
The oldest boy among the group said in a low, quiet voice, "Aren't Social workers suppose to be nice to us children." He looked stoically at Hiko.
"Aoshi!" Hiko glared at, "I don't need your lectures right now!"
One of the middle boys with brown hair grinned, "Hiko-san! Aoshi loves you deep down though he may not seem like it!"
Hiko gave a sweat drop. "Well now you guys have to love your new uncle!"
He looked at all of them, "When I tell you to introduce yourselves, you guys better behave and introduce yourselves kindly and obediently like sweet little boys!" He looked to the grinning boy. "And all of you smile like Soujirou here. You must give a good impression." And with that, he turned around and faced Shishio with his same cheesy grin. "Allow me to introduce the boys to you Shishio-san." He waited for them. Nothing but silence came. A vein popped onto Hiko. His patience was gone. "INTRODUCE YOURSELVES!"
All of the boys was startled. Quickly, one by one they started to do their introductions. Kenshin was the first to speak. He smiled grimly at Shishio and said, "Good day uncle Shishio. I am Kenshin! Do you happen...to have a bathroom I can use?" Hiko smacked himself but Kenshin continued, "Because I really have to---"
"Ok! Next one!" Hiko interrupted.
The boy called Yahiko began, "I'm Yahiko. You look like a scary person. Do you kill people?"
Shishio stared at them blankly. "If I have to..."
"Yahiko..." Hiko growled, glaring.
"I'm Sanosuke!" the spiky haired one began, "I think that's cool that you kill you people! I played all these video games where you can run people over with cars. Do you do that?"
Hiko melted to the ground. Why did I become a social worker?
The eldest one replied lastly, "Aoshi...Shishio." he looked at Shishio with cold eyes.
The last boy, Soujirou, smiled and went up the Shishio to shake his hand. Shishio shook it but looked at the boy oddly. Soujirou grinned and said, "Soujirou here. Nice to meet you Uncle Shishio!"
Hiko stood up, "And these shall be your new adopted kids. I hope you all become one happy family!"
The door was shut in Hiko's face.
"..." They stood waiting.
"I...don't think he's a people person," Soujirou said, smiling sheepishly.
"Oro! I need to go to the bathroom..." Kenshin said hoarsely as he was about to die.
Inside Shishio's house, Shishio stood at the close door, looking at the weird people who came to his house. "Why the heck are they calling me uncle." Then he started to walk away, leaving the people standing outside. However, Yumi stopped him.
"Who was that?" she asked, taking off her glasses.
Shishio was about to answer but suddenly the boys at the doorway started screaming from outside.
Yumi scowled at the door as she saw people banging from behind it. "Anata... Who are they?" Before Shishio could answer, Yumi walked up to the door and opened it. Just as she opens it, all of the boys rushed inside the house, not caring as they pushed Yumi aside. The confused writer looked down as short little boys was running past her, going in her house. As they ran, they had caused her to lose balance and fell to the ground.
Hiko rushed in and helped the fallen Yumi. "I'm sorry ma'am. They're usually not like this. Well, they are but they're not--"
Yumi screamed as she saw five little boys running wildly amuck in her beautiful house.
"Hey! Those are my potato chips you twerp!" Shishio yelled as he ran over to Sanosuke.
Sanosuke laid without care on the couch Shishio was lying on earlier, watching his soccer game and eating his potato chips.
Kenshin, on the other hand, went straight to the bathroom and did his business. Unfortunately he forgot to close the door as he went.
Soujirou took an interest in Yumi's office and decided to walk in. Yumi saw it and immediately got up from the floor and ran to her office, screaming, "DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!"
A line of expensive vases standing on top of a antique drawer caught Yahiko's attention, he made his way over there and started to pick one up. Before Yumi could get in her office, she quickly ran back out and yelled, "DO NOT TOUCH THOSE VASES!"
The eldest one, Aoshi took an interest in a particular cabinet. He walked over and opened it. Inside were different kinds of weapons lined up perfectly. His eyes glittered. There were guns, bokkens, and katana. He went to reach for it...
Shishio, Yumi, and Hiko quickly screamed, "DON'T TOUCH THAT!"
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"Alright..." Shishio rubbed his temples, "What...exactly is the reason you're here?"
Shishio collapsed on his back as Hiko, collapsed on the sofa in front of Shishio. Yumi walked out into the living room, holding trays of cold green tea. She placed one for Shishio, one for Hiko, and one for herself. Her hair looked so messy as if it got hit by a tornado. Everything was now quiet and calm. All five boys sat on the ground near Hiko and Shishio with duck tape around their mouths. They were all tied up together so the adults could relax after a while of catching all of them.
Hiko gave a sigh of relief, "Don't you people know anything? We told you guys in advance that you guys were going to adopt some kids."
Yumi sat down next to Shishio. "You people never told us anything! I never signed up for adoption!" Yumi said outraged. I am absolutely not ready for kids. Especially five boys!
Hiko sat up surprised, "We sent you people an envelope stating every single detail last four weeks ago!"
Shishio and Yumi looked at each other, "Envelope!"
Next door to Shishio's house...
"Baka-chan! Baka-chan!" A dark blue haired little girl in braids, about the age of six or seven, cried out in her back yard. She looked all around her but couldn't find her dog. "Baka-chan! Where the heck are you?"
Another girl came out from the back door of their house. The girl also had dark blue hair but it was tied into a ponytail. Scowling at the younger girl with dark blue, she yelled out, "Misao-chan! What are you doing?"
The little girl called Misao cried out, "Onee-san! Baka-chan is missing! I can't find that moron anywhere!" she cried out angrily.
The older sister rolled her eyes, "Baka-chan is right here! Are you blind?" She walked down from her back porch and towards the bushes on the ground. In the middle of the rows of bushes, a blonde, hairy round thing with a tail was hide halfway inside. Misao quickly ran up behind her older sister. "Kaoru... What is he doing?"
Kaoru bent down and pulled the dog out of the bushes. It was a small puppy. In its mouth was an dirty envelope.
"Baka-chan! What did you do now?" Kaoru yelled as she tried to grab it out from the dog's mouth.
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