Okay, the website deleted my last story from existence, so new story is either K/D or K/N, you guys get to decide. I'm not telling you what "Swimming in the sun" is; that would spoil it. So here goes nothing.

Here is a useful note: Neal has NOT married Yuki.

Disclaimer: I own absolutely everything except T.P.'s work. Sigh.

Swimming in the sun

Kel had never really liked theatre. Although she could name a few exceptions - she had seen some good productions - most of them just seemed too fancy and unrealistic for her liking: knights always got shining armour, a magical sword and wed a beautiful maiden. They never even seemed to get their hands dirty.

Sometimes, when she was VERY frustrated, she wished the world was like that, but she knew in her calmer moments that if it was, what would be the point of being a knight?

This play, called "Sparks in her eyes", was not particularly bad. In fact, Kel was quite enjoying it.

She had been invited by Neal and Dom. At first she had been apprehensive; Neal's guarantee that it was good did nothing to reassure her otherwise: she did not trust Neal in these sorts of judgement. When Dom agreed, she eventually consented and came along. Dom was not quite as air-headed as his cousin, the great philosopher, thinker, mage and all round meathead.

By the end, it was well past dark, around about eleven bells. She and Neal went to get drinks while Dom got food.

"Neal, do you think we should get punch or red wine for Dom?"

"Whatever the fair lady wishes must be correct," he said, his sarcasm clear as always.

"Fat lot of good you are," she snorted.

"Just what I'm there for."

She snorted again at that. "Hmmm, yes, I think I'll get him punch."

"An excellent choice, madam."

"Oh, shut up, Neal."

In the end, they decided upon punch for Dom and Kel and white wine for Neal. Walking towards the counter that sold punch, she was stopped by a tall, cloaked man.

His voice was husky, dry and wheezing. It had a grating sound that made Kel want to grind her teeth as soon as she heard it. "Keladry of Mindelan, I have a message from my master that I was bidden to take to you." He thrust an ancient piece of parchment into her hand, twirled his cloak and was gone like a puff of smoke.

She looked down at the object in her hand. She grimaced, it was stained a deep crimson: blood.

And there we go: Chapter One. Please review, CC always welcome, but no flames, please.