A Beautiful Face – Chapter Eight

"ARGH" Hermione screeched, flinging her arms about.

Blaise jumped backward trying to avoid her swinging arms,

"What!" he demanded angrily watching as she wiped her mouth with her sleeve.

Hermione glared at him, her lips tightened together. "How dare you just front up and kiss me like that Zabini!"

Blaise frowned. "Was I no good?"

"ARGH" Hermione screeched again, she took an aggressive step towards him but faltered and stepped back again. "That's not the point and you know it!"

Blaise smirked at her, "So you did like it?" He edged towards her again; aroused by the way her body froze as he touched her arm lightly. "Would you like me to do it again Granger?"

Hermione scowled angrily but didn't move away. "Would you like me to hex your balls off Zabini?"

Blaise kept eye contact with her after a hesitant look at his nether region. The silence in the air was thick, a sound did not even come from the table of gossipy third years.

"Fine" Blaise said coldly, turned away and stormed out of the library letting the door swing dramatically behind him.

Hermione was left in the middle of the library looking shocked, but surprisingly relieved. If he had persisted one more time she didn't know if she had the will power to refuse.

Ginny sat quietly in the library, disturbed that she had even ventured into the place in the first place. She watched some quiet first year Asian girls working dedicatedly, wondering for a moment whether she should charm some spitballs to fly at them. Shaking her head Ginny muttered, "No Bad Ginny, Bad Ginny".

"The first sign of madness is talking to yourself"

Ginny whipped her head up to look at the owner of the voice. She felt a small thump in her chest as she noticed Draco Malfoy lounging about on the sofa just opposite her.

"No worries ferret face, I've already based the 3rd sign of madness, randomly whacking people over the head with my broomstick"

He raised an eyebrow, "Fortunately you don't seem to have one with you now do you Weaselette?"

Ginny smirked and leant under the table causing a small blush to rise in Draco's face as he eyed her cleavage. He tore his eyes away from it as she got up again an old broomstick clutched in her hand.


Ginny smirked evilly, "Oh is exactly right"

She sat and stared at him for a moment until it became to much. "Aren't you going to wallop me Ginny?"

Ginny glanced at him curiously, "Ginny?"

"Oh right, sorry, Weaselette"

"That's ok ferret"

Ginny sighed deeply and stood up, tossing the broomstick back and forth. Draco instinctively edged further back on the couch as she slowly strutted towards him.

She leant down in front of him, mentally chanting to herself the whole time 'Don't ruin it, don't lean forward and pash him, don't….baaaaad Ginny'

Draco licked his lips suggestively and drawled, "Aren't you going to show me what you've got?"

Ginny ran a finger down his chest and whispered in his ear, "I'll show you what I can do with a broomstick…" Draco gaped at her until she leant back and laughed heartily, "Right after I go to quidditch training, ferret"

"She's just a little tease she is!" Draco vented scribbling on his potions essay.

Blaise didn't even bothered looking up from his just murmured a response hoping it would satisfy his friend.

Draco frowned at Blaise but continued anyway, "She was seriously suggesting, you know, I mean…broomstick, I never thought such words would come out of a Weasley's mouth…and the worst thing is…" Draco paused for dramatic effect. Blaise assumed this was where he was meant to ask what 'the worst thing was'.

"What's the worst thing Draco…?" Blaise drawled humoring him. Draco nodded seriously and continued, "The worst thing is that I wouldn't mind finding out what that little Weasley can do with that mouth of hers!"

"Oh for Pete's sake!" Blaise snapped, "I know very well you are in love, lust, whatever with Weasley, you've only been ranting on about it for months! How about you become less self involved and pay attention to others around you, maybe then you'll find yourself finally getting some action!" Blaise picked up his books and stormed out of the room.

Draco blinked and wondered, 'What the hell has gotten into him!'

"Ron" Pansy called sweetly across the room. She placed her petite hands on her hips as he didn't respond…"Roooooon" she called again causing him to glance up at her.

"Yeah" he asked pushing some red hair out of his eyes.

Pansy fiddled with the material in front of her, "What colour tie are you wearing?"




"For fucks sake Ronald, Tie…you know, those muggle things you…tie…around your neck!"

"I'm wearing a tie?"

Pansy humped loudly and slammed her dress down. "Yes! Tie! So I know what colour to charm my dress!"

Ron laughed. "How about you charm your dress whatever colour you want baby, and I'll match my tie to yours" he drawled. Mocking her with a baby voice.

Pansy sneered at him for a moment, "Fine, Fine…I'll do just that Ronald!"

Harry paced around his dorm, guiltily eyeing Dean's West Ham poster he had destroyed a few weeks ago. He paused as he noticed a piece of paper tacked onto it, he leant forward and read it smirking evilly –

Weasley you bastard!

I know you did this you stupid pureblood quidditch nutcase! Just because you can't understand football (I like to think due to lack of mental capabilities) doesn't mean you have to wreck other people's property. Keep your stinking loser Chudley cannons hands off!

Harry snickered as he read Ron's indignant response below,

As much as I would have liked to be the one to destroy your precious poster Thomas I did not have the pleasure, I suggest you ask Harry.

Harry frowned as he saw the words under it,


Harry eyed the quill perched neatly under it, shrugged and left it is, he would only end up incriminating himself.

Harry scowled as he forgot what he was stressing over this time. Oh right. Luna. Why on earth did Hermione get so iffy when he called her Loony? Everyone did it… why should he be so different. He recalled her response when he'd asked her this. She's raised an eyebrow, a perfect impression of Draco Malfoy and said, "I would have thought you'd be more respectful than that"

Harry had tried apologising to Luna later that day when he realised he didn't even know what he was apologising to her for, he just had this feeling he should. Luna. She was such a strange girl, but strange in a…well, strangely good way.

Harry continued to glare at whatever he was looking at (he didn't really know) and feel guilty over his treatment of her. She really was such a strange girl, and she had no friends…not really, he really should be more nice to her the poor girl.

Harry grinned as he formed a noble plan in his mind – Be friends with Luna.