I was hit by muse tonight. I think it's kind of interesting. Let me know what you think please. Ace

Chapter 1: His feelings about it.

I hate Valentines day. I have for years. All them stupid romantic couples sitting in close proximity and holding hands, talking in baby language and being all gushy. It's like they made the day up so that people could be this way and it would be acceptable at least once year. But I can't stand it. I hate the baby talk and the gushing and the staring into each others eyes. And oh god the sighing. Would some one just come along and say Avada kerdava and let it all be over with. That's how much I hate it. I would rather have Lord Voldemort himself perform the killing curse, hell I'd even take the torturing curse, to just get me away from all these crazed lunitics who have know idea what love is.

It's not to say that I have never been in love because I have. I am right now. Or at least this is what I believe love is. It seems that everyone has a different idea of what it is and how it works. Me I just know that I really care about this person. Strongly, deeply. She's my best friend to whom I can share most everything with. I can be myself and not have to worry about trying to impress. She's seen me at my worst and at my best. She knows almost everything about me, except for this little secret, and I know a lot about her. We have spent six, almost seven years as friends. Sure at first I didn't really like her snorty, smart attitude but I soon got over that and realized how beautiful she was.

It was the day she had rescued me and Harry from getting into serious trouble after we saved her from the troll. As she stood there telling Professor McGongall an outright lie to save our heads when just a few days earlier she had proven she hated lying and that she would never do it. While she went on about how she had thought she could take down the troll by herself, I stared at her with wide eyes. When had she grown so pretty? I asked myself. In September on the train, I just say her as a know it all. I guess that's what she was to me until that night. I had never really bother to look at her in any other light then that. Not until that night. I took in the sight of her in her pitch black robe with her bushy brown hair and hazel eyes. The robe looked perfect on her. She was meant to wear one. She was a true witch at heart and soul even if she had been born into a muggle family. Her hair always seemed messy but to me it seemed like she had worked on it a long time to get it the way it was. And her eyes. I could see in them at the moment the creativity and knowledge she possessed at work as she told the figment of her imagination. This is when I first began to like her. It was a silly harmless crush that wasn't really love yet. That came in 4th year.

It was the Triwizard tournament and approaching the Yule ball. I had my old hand-me-down formal robe with the burnt lace because I had tried to make it better then it was. Instead it looked worse. Or so Harry and I thought. But she, oh she looked beautiful. When I found out that she was going with Krum, I was furious. I was so angry. Jealous for the most part but that often brings anger. I wanted to go with her or at least know she was going with someone who wasn't interested in her like Harry. I knew he like my sister. It was kind of a safety thing. If she was going with someone that didn't like her, she might still like me. Or that's what I kept telling myself. That small crush from the years past had slowly been growing while I had. Now she wasn't just a brain head girl with a cute smile and wild hair, she was becoming a women with deep hazel eyes and a wonderful smile. A beautiful women and I began to fall for her. More then I knew. More then I could guess. The jealousy of Krum had brought out my true feelings for her. I liked her. A lot. The night of the Yule ball I watched as she danced with Krum in the Perwinkle blue dress, her hair all done up nice, the little bit of make-up, her recently shrunken teeth, and the different air about her and I knew she was the one I wanted. She was the one I loved. Her and only her. But telling her was another thing.

And though I hate valentine's day above all things, today, February 14, will be a day to remember in my life for on this day I am going to be the most romantic, most enduring, most sweet man alive in hopes of letting her know, that one girl of mine that has stolen my heart, that I love her. What she will say I do not know but I can hope and I can wish and I can try my best. And that's what I'm going to do.