Wow, ok so this is my first fanfic! It's a songfic, and I got the idea when I heard the song "Hungry Eyes" a couple days ago… I don't know if any of you know it but it's fantastic. Watch Dirty Dancing and you'll love it too. Anyway, review, and let me know what you think! I should be updating a lot because I'm home from school for the summer and I have plenty of spare time after work. BUT OK here's my story, let me know if you like it.
I've been meaning to tell you
I've got this feeling that won't subside
It was hard for Draco to believe that after so many years of hating this young woman, he had grown attracted to her. He didn't know what it was about her, but whenever he saw her he nearly lost control of himself. But there were appearances to keep up, his father to please, and that is why he continued to harass her.
At the moment, he was on the Hogwarts Express seeking a solitary compartment away from Crabbe and Goyle. Of course they had been his friends for several years, but there was only so much of them that he could stand. He was in desperate need of a break from their insufferable ignorance.
As he slid the compartment door open and saw who was inside, he fought his own impulses and placed his infamous smirk on his face.
"Well, well," he drawled mockingly. "If it isn't the Golden trio… how nice to see you. Now if you don't mind, get out of my way, I need this compartment."
"Excuse me, Malfoy," Hermione piped up, giving him an angry glare. "But what in the world makes you think you have the right to kick us out of this compartment?"
Draco focused his gaze on the beautiful witch before him. "Talk to me again mudblood, and I'll have the dementors after you," he said, trying not to get lost in her honey-colored eyes.
"Oh yes," Hermione said derisively. "Wonderful threat. Of course we know you have such power over the dementors. I'm really scared now."
Draco crossed the compartment towards Hermione. She saw him coming and stood up defiantly. Her eyes widened when he didn't slow down. As he reached her he pushed her and pinned her to the wall of the train. It made him feel powerful that he was doing this in front of Harry and Ron, knowing they couldn't do anything about it.
Or at least… that's what he told himself he was doing it for. He was trying desperately not to admit that he liked the feel of his body pressed against Hermione's.
"Malfoy, what the hell are you doing?" Ron yelled, outraged, his face almost as red as his lovely hair. (a/n: heh) "Get off her!"
Draco stared deep into Hermione's eyes and was delighted, although a little surprised, to find no hate whatsoever in them. In fact he thought he might have detected a hint of enjoyment. So the mudblood liked it rough, eh? He smirked again, and released her, turning to face a very angry Harry and Ron.
"What are you two going to do about it?" Draco asked, sneering at them. "Go tell Dumbledore?"
"Well…" Harry floundered, at a loss for words. He glared at Draco. "Yeah, maybe... what the hell are you doing in here, anyway?"
"I was just looking for a little peace and quiet, is that a problem?" Draco demanded, surprised at his own honesty.
"Well why don't you just keep trying, hm?" Hermione purred in his ear, making him shiver. "Because this compartment is taken."
Draco turned to look at her again. They were so close their noses were almost touching.
"All right," he said, softly. "Have it your way… mudblood."
He turned on his heel and walked out of the compartment, leaving the Golden Trio glaring at his back.
Finally Draco found an empty compartment at the other end of the train. He sighed as he sat down in a seat. What was wrong with him? He couldn't be attracted to Granger… she was a mudblood. But there was no denying that she was beautiful. She had always been beautiful. He had just refused to see it. Something had happened to make him notice her, but what had it been? He couldn't think of what it might be.
He had been tormented by thoughts of her the entire summer, thoughts of her smile, her eyes, her wonderful laugh… no matter how hard he tried he couldn't make the feelings go away. He was going to go crazy this year, he was sure of it. At least he would have the safety of his very own dormitory this year. He was Head Boy, and as such, he had a room entirely to himself. He couldn't be more delighted about this… a place for him to escape from everyone. He would be able to think, do his work, without any distractions from Crabbe, Goyle, or Pansy. It would also help him clear his mind of Granger.
He hoped.
I know, it's not much… but it's just the first chapter, right? Hehe. Ok let me know what you think.