Feels Like Today

Summary: One day, Kai disappears, and when he returns, not all is as it seems. Is this person really the Blade Breakers' captain? If not, then who is he? Where did he come from? Yaoi! KR, mentions of TM

Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade. I simply write for my own and others entertainment.

X-Rei's POV-X

It was a bright sunny day when I woke up. I looked at the clock and groaned. It's only 6:00 AM! Why did I wake up so darn early? And it's Saturday, too. I then looked around the room at my sleeping teammates. Tyson was half on his bed, half on the floor, like always. Max was hugging his pillow and curled in a ball, again like usual. I turned expectantly towards Kai's bed, and sighed. Empty. Like usual.

Why was he always gone? I have yet to wake up in the morning and see him asleep in his bed. Maybe that's why I woke up so early. I'm hoping to catch him acting like a normal person, to see him sleeping. He would probably look good, too… Gah! Stop thinking like that! Stupid, stupid, stupid! I have got to stop having these thoughts, they're driving me insane… well, since I'm awake, I may as well get up. I got out of bed and got dressed. I put on my normal outfit and the bandana and walked out of the bedroom. I walked into the kitchen to see Kai sitting at the table. I was a little surprised. He was normally outside, but today he was inside. I wonder if something was wrong…

"Morning, Kai," I greeted him, then yawned. Smooth, Rei. What a great way to impress your crush. I froze. Did I just think that? That Kai was my crush? Shoot, I did, didn't I? Oh, boy. Okay, Rei. Act normal, and he won't get suspicious.

"Hmph," Kai said in return. What great social skills he has. Maybe I should work on that with him…

"Sooooo… What're you doing up this early?" I asked, sitting down at the table with him.

"I could ask you the same thing," he replied, not looking at me. I wonder what was so fascinating about the inside of his cup. Wait. Since when did he have coffee in the morning? Something is weird today…

"Is that coffee?" I asked him, trying to start a conversation.

"No, it's tea," he replied.

"What kind of tea?" I asked.

"What's it matter to you?" shoot, he was staring at me now. Hadn't quite planned on that.

"Well, I just never knew you liked tea, that's all. I'm the only one who ever drinks it around here," I told him, kind of surprised he was actually talking to me.

"Apparently I drink it too. Got a problem with that?" he said, still staring at me.

"Nope. Not at all. Do you want to go for a walk? It's a nice day," I asked hopefully. He sat there for a moment, then walked over to the sink and rinsed his cup out.

"Sure, why not? I'll be outside," and with that, he walked out.

Dude. What just happened? Did Kai just agree to something? Did he just agree to go on a walk with me! I guess he did, since he went outside. I shook my head and got up. I left a note on the counter in case the other two woke up early (fat chance) or Kenny came by. I then walked outside to see Kai staring of into space.

"Umm… Kai? I'm ready, are you?" I asked him. He nodded and walked off, with me quickly catching up with him. We walked in silence for a while, probably close to ten minutes. We were now in a random park close to the dojo, and it was deserted because of the fact that it was, like, 7 o' clock in the morning. I still want to know why he agreed to go on a walk to me. I spoke my question aloud.


"Kai? Why did you want to go for a walk with me?" Rei asked me. Hmmm… I still wasn't quite sure about that myself.

"I wanted some fresh air, that's all. I figured if you were going, I may as well too," I told him. I told myself that was the reason, although it wasn't. I think I've developed a crush on Rei, and I wanted to spend some time alone with him. I believe Tyson and Max are starting a relationship, although I don't think Rei and Kenny have noticed yet. Also, I had this feeling that something bad was going to happen today. I just didn't know what. I felt like I should tell Rei, but who knows what he'd think if I told him that? None of them know that in the past, every time I've felt something was going to happen, whether it was good or bad, big or small, something has always happened that affected me or someone I knew.

"Well, that's nice to know. At least you're getting more social," Rei laughed. I paused slightly. What did he mean by that? Oh, well. I'll just ignore that comment…

After about another five minutes of silence or so, I decided to tell Rei what was on my mind. I walked over to a bench that was conveniently there and sat down. Rei followed and sat next to me.

"Something wrong, Kai? You have been acting kind of odd this morning," Rei asked me, worry in his voice. He was worried about me? Well, that's a good start. I then sighed before turning to look at him.

"Call me crazy, but I just have this feeling that something bad is going to happen. And before you tell me that I'm just imagining things, listen to me. Every time in the past when I felt something was going to happen, no matter what it was, it's always happened. I don't know why, it just does," I told him in somewhat of a rush. He blinked then stared at me.

"Are you sure? Something bad? Like what?" he asked, obviously curious.

"I'm not sure, but like I said, I've always been right about these things. Sometimes, I wish I hadn't been right," I added the last part as a whisper, not intending for him to hear, but he did. Must be his neko-jin senses.

"What's that supposed to mean, Kai?" he asked, confused now.

"Let's just say that some really bad things happened in the past and I wish they hadn't." I told him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Rei asked softly. I looked at him, staring into his eyes, and seeing how badly he wanted to help me. I sighed.

"Not exactly. Maybe some other time," I told him, turning my gaze to the ground. Even though I trusted him, I wasn't ready to share my past with him or the others. Sure, they knew about the abbey, but they just know that I was raised there. They don't know how I was raised, or what went on in there, but they didn't need to know, either.

"Okay, I understand," Rei whispered. Was he sad? I didn't mean to make him unhappy.

"You okay?" I asked him. He looked up at me, looking startled. What? Was it that odd that I could care about him?

"What? Why are you staring at me now?" I asked him again. He just shook his head, smiling softly.

"Nevermind," he smiled at me, then got up, "C'mon, the others might be waking up soon, although I'll still probably have to wake them up." He reached his hand to me, offering to help me stand. I stared at him, then let a smile tug at the corners of my mouth before taking his hand and pulling myself to my feet. He looked a bit surprised that I had accepted his hand, but then he broke into a grin and pulled me along back to the dojo.


Well, that wonderful conversation didn't seem to get us anywhere, but I did get him to open up to me a bit. And he took my hand, which I was still holding as I dragged him back to the dojo. I didn't feel him loosening his grip on my hand, so I kept my grip just as tight. I didn't quite get what he meant by 'he had a bad feeling'. I've had bad feelings before, and sometimes things happen, sometimes they don't. You just have to learn to ignore them.

We were finally back at the dojo, and I felt Kai's grip on my hand starting to loosen, so I reluctantly let go. We then walked inside at sat at the kitchen table again.

"Rei?" I looked up at Kai.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Thanks… for listening to me. I know I didn't exactly say much, but thanks for bothering to care," Kai said softly. I was confused, but kind of touched. What did he mean by that? That I bothered to care?

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"That you're the first one who's tried to help me and understand me. And I appreciate that," and with that last comment, he got up and walked away from the table. I was shocked. Kai had just showed me a side of him that none of us thought even existed. He had proved to me that he did have a heart, and could feel.

Apparently, though, he had never really felt love or been cared about. Poor Kai…

Well, I'll just have to take back what I said earlier about this conversation not doing us any good. I just got him to open up to me more than he'd opened up to any of us ever before.

I sighed, then looked at the clock which read 9:33, so I decided to go wake up Max and Tyson.


After I got up from the table, I went back outside to walk around the yard. It really was pretty if you looked at it.

I went over and sat under one of the huge trees and pulled my blade out of my pocket. I stared at the bitchip, which glowed softly in recognition.

'Hey, girl…' I thought.

'Hello, Kai. What's bothering you? You've been acting odd so far this morning' Dranzer questioned me, sounding like a mother hen. I smiled softly at that thought.

'I've got another feeling… premonition… whatever you want to call it. And before you ask, it's a bad one' I replied.

'Oh… So that's the reason for your uncharacteristic attitude this morning. Any idea what it could be?' she paused, then added darkly, 'Could it be him?' I sighed at that.

'Unfortunately, it most likely is him. It's been far to long since he's done something. It's only a matter of time 'till he makes his move. And this is most definitely not a good time…' I thought dejectedly.

'Right… you've finally figured out you're feelings towards Rei, haven't you, Kai?' I felt her slightly humoress sympathy.

'Exactly… and now he's going to come and change everything again. Lucky me' I thought sarcastically.

'So what are we going to do?' I smiled again as she said 'we'. She always involved herself when it came to my well being.

'Just let destiny play out, I guess. There's not exactly much we can do' I told her.

'I suppose you're right…' she trailed off, then left my consciousness as loud sounds were coming from the dojo. Apparently Rei had decided to wake up the lazy half of the team. I decided to wait outside for them to get ready.

Just as I was about to get up and head inside to make sure they were all getting ready, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and crumpled to the ground in an instant as everything went dark.


I went upstairs to wake up Tyson and Max, seeing as it was getting late, and since Kai would most likely want to get a good training session in before lunch. When I walked in our shared bedroom, I saw them both still fast asleep in the same positions. I smiled at the sight, then proceeded to wake them up.

After they were both awake, I headed downstairs to make breakfast while they got ready. I decided to make pancakes, since that was fairly easy to make a lot of. About ten minutes later, Tyson and Max came bounding down the stairs with big cheesy grins on their faces.

"Yes! Pancakes!" Tyson yelled before grabbing the entire stack of pancakes I had already made. And that was about fifteen, mind you. Max and I stared as he proceeded to slather on butter and syrup before sitting at the table and starting to eat.

"Well… I guess you'll have to wait a few more minutes, Maxie," I told him while sweatdropping. He just laughed, then sat down as well.

"So, where's Kai?" He asked me as I poured more batter on the pan.

"He was outside last time I checked, so he should be coming inside any time now," I told him while flipping the pancake. Five minutes later Max and I were both eating our pancakes at a calm and collected pace while Tyson continued to stuff his face full. The door then opened and Kai walked in with a scowl on his face.

"Hi, Kai! What's with the scowl?" Max asked cheerfully. Kai turned to look at him and his scowl turned into a glare.

"Training begins in ten minutes," he stated before walking back outside, leaving the rest of us in shock.

"What was that all about?" Tyson asked, having stopped eating after Kai spoke. I shook my head slowly.

"I'm not sure. That was completely unexpected, even for him," I said slowly.

"Well, if he's in a bad mood, then we better get ready, since I don't want to make him even grouchier," Max stated before getting up to rinse his plate off. After we cleaned up the kitchen, we grabbed our blades before going outside to meet Kai for training.

When we found him, he was by the dishes staring at Dranzer who was spinning furiously in the dish.

"So, what's first today, all mighty captain?" Tyson asked. Kai looked at him and frowned.

"Pair up and get ready to battle your partner," he said, before stretching his hand out as Dranzer flew back at him. Geez, what happened? He's suddenly turned back into Mr. Grouchy. Talk about rapid mood swings.

"Sure… Okay, Maxie, I'm with you!" Tyson exclaimed. Great, that leaves me with the suddenly pissed off capetain that I'm crushing on. Interesting combination…

Kai and I prepared to launch while Tyson and Max counted down.

"Three, two, one… Let it rip!" they shouted.

I felt as if I got a really good launch as Driger was spinning faster than normal, but Dranzer was also going super speed. We started to circle each other, trying to read each other's move first. For some reason, even though her blade was spinning really fast, Dranzer didn't appear to be in very much control of her movements, and Kai noticed, scowling again.

I figured this was my chance, seeing as Dranzer was suffering from lack of control, so I called on my tiger bit-beast.

"Driger! Attack, now!" I shouted at my blade as the white tiger emerged in a bright flash of light, then proceeded to mercilessly attack the phoenix's blade, and succeeded in pushing her back. At this, Kai's brow furrowed in concentration, before calling out his next attack.

"Dranzer!" he yelled to summon his bit-beast. To everyone's shock and amazement, Dranzer didn't arise from her blade, but instead stayed in her bit-chip. Before everyone's eyes, the blade rolled to a stop.

No one moved. We were all in shock. Why hadn't Dranzer obeyed Kai? Speaking of which, he had a furious expression on his face.

"Wha… What just happened?" Max asked in awe. Kai simply reached down into the dish and picked up his blade, scowling at it.

AnimeBando33: Mwahaha! The first chapter of my second published Beyblade story! And it's a cliffhanger-thingy of sorts! gasp dun dun dun…

Kai: Yeah, and it sucked, too. Scowls

AnimeBando33: Kai! You don't mean that, do you?

Kai: What makes you think I was joking?

AnimeBando33: … Not quite sure. I was trying to be optimistic!

Rei: Since they're busy, you can do her a favor by pushing the little purple button to your left.

AnimeBando33: Oh! And I was just curious… was anyone confused about what happened with Kai? Too bad! You'll just have to wait! And please, please, PLEASE review! oh, and if you can think of a better author name, let me know… I just made up something random that really sucks…