Okay folks this is Rinicat aka Simply a Lady aka Alysia Storms…I am trying to upload on this site once again if I get booted for the umpteenth time…forget it I ain't posting again ever…


Inuyasha was on the prowl. His body filled with such intense energy that the hanyou didn't understand what was happening to him. For with each step he took, the energy in his body simply increased.

Not that is was bad…it was different.

Even though he was always alert, Inuyasha was always relaxed when he knew he was in control of his surroundings. Being in the forest beside the village was usually his sanctuary from the overwhelming feelings of…well the feeling of just to many people. Kagome had explained to him once about it…but right now he simply could not remember the word…

Aaah…Kagome… Sweet, kind, temperamental, beautiful…

Shaking his silvery mane of hair rapidly as radically impure thoughts of the miko from the future filled his head, the hanyou tries to clear it with thoughts of Naraku and the vengeance he and his group seek.

But…it didn't last long….

For energy in his body doubled as his thoughts about her, returned with a vengeance and he near whimpers in ecstasy as the energy becomes so pleasurable that he can barely think….

What is going on with his body! He has had these thoughts before of the miko, but they have never been as strong as this!

Feeling the tightness in his groin as the ideas and fantasies running through his head involving Kagome come forth. The hanyou becomes alert as a sweet smell, that is all to familiar bursts into the air.

Although his eyes remain gold, somehow they begin to flicker with a warm shade of red that starts to intermingle with the amber.

Heat…sweet mother of god. She was in heat…and that heat was beckoning him like a moth to the flame.

Inuyasha grinned as his body leaps into the trees racing for that scent. Jasmine…Lilies…Innocence…Purity…and sexuality…all wrapped up in one petite and very desirable package.


Hence he becomes unaware of the voice screaming for him to stop…


Myouga the flea, whines a little bit in irritation as his young charge and at the same time. Lord takes off into the trees. Set to follow, the flea pauses as he sniffs the air….

"Oh dear…I am to late…he is already in it…and ironically so is she" The flea murmured as he detected the scent of the other one in the air. Sighing as he sat down to wait, he is shortly joined by Shippo and the others who are looking for their friend as well.

"Hey, where's Inuyasha?" Shippo asked. The Fox child wondered aloud. His nose twitching slightly and with confusion. "And what is that smell?"

"What smell…" Miroku replied as his hands strayed towards Sango's backside. But he pauses as with a simple sound of Ahem, from said young woman who glares at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Do not worry monk and young fox. Master Inuyasha is fine, he has gone to join Lady Kagome…"

"Really Kagome's back! Let's go see her." Shippo cried excitedly. The thoughts of the young girl who has become a second mother to him foremost in his mind.

"I don't think you should…" Myouga murmured as he got comfortable. "Especially you and Miroku, Shippo."

"What? Why not…"

Gathering his things, he jumps and leaps onto the demon slayer's shoulders and whispers something in the young woman's ears. The other two looking confused, they observe as the slayer turns a rapid shade of pink and nods her head.

"I see you understand Lady Sango."

"Perfectly Myouga and thank you for explaining…" The Slayer replied. "Come on you two…we better return to the village…"

"What why Sango?" Shippo asked curiously.

The slayer turned redder and as she looked at the child, Sango says something that causes Miroku's eyes in realization and then in amusement at her discomfort and partially at Shippo's response.

"His energy seems to be at its um…peak…."

"Energy…? Peak…?"

"You know how your parents got together right Shippo?"

"Uh huh…" The fox child answers, the confusion is evident in his puzzled expression. "They fell in love and they oooooooohhhhhh…."

"Yep that…if you two were to go and visit her now…."

"He would think we were challenging him. I get it…" Miroku chuckled. "But you two know something…"


"What I wouldn't give to be watching…"

"PERVERT!" Sango yelled as she swung with her Boomerang. The monk having successfully distracted the other two runs for his life as the Slayer chases after him. The Fox close behind, not wanting to miss the entertainment pauses for a moment to look towards the woods.

"Be Good to her Inuyasha…you better be good to her."

With that said, the Fox turns and watches as the monk barely ducks the boomerang only to get nailed by a foot in between…

"Now that has got to hurt…"


Not knowing the state of a certain someone on his way, Kagome was humming a song of delight as she had passed her most recent math test.

Having been prepared to fight tooth and nail to take it that morning as she was half expecting him to try and take her back…needless to say she was surprised that he wasn't outside her window with his scowl.

Finding it a bit unusual, she was still alert for the battle, but with no sign of his eventual appearance. She left and was admittedly feeling a little disappointed.

Despite appearances half the time, Kagome actually enjoyed the fights that she had with the half demon. It was because for those few moments, the hanyou would admit without words, how much he missed her presence….

Lost in thought, she was unaware until a certain figure in red dropped down in front of her.

Looking up rapidly, Kagome saw his beautiful gold eyes, and how they gazed at her with undisguised need. She became confused even further, as his aura seemed to spike with even more demonic energy, causing those eyes to flicker red.

But not the usual red…instead of the bright color of blood…this red was warmer…more sedate….


"Ssshhhh…" Is all she got out of him. Watching as he approached, something told her to back up. Her mind focused on him, she ends up tripping over a root and falls to the ground. Momentarily distracted as she rubs her bottom, her head turns away to find him seconds later, on all fours crawling towards her. Stalking her almost…

Normally, it should scare her…but it didn't for even though it was unnerving to see him like this. It was…well there really wasn't a word to describe Inuyasha as he was now.

He looked primal, needful, hungry, lustful…and it was all directed at her.

Now right at her feet, Inuyasha just bent his head down and sniffed at the skin of her legs. His arms on either side of them, he slowly moves up them sniffing and idly caressing them. Pulling her closer to his body…


"Sssssshhhhh…" He murmurs again. His lips now against her knee, she near jumps in pleasure as he nips at the tender skin there with his fangs. Catching her cry, Inuyasha gives a low growl of passionate approval and does it again to make her whimper even more.

Continuing up her slender body, his nose sniffing and his mind drinking in the scent. Inuyasha grins as the alluring scent becomes even stronger, with each movement he makes.

"More…I want to be surrounded…" He murmurs as he rubs his cheek against her thigh. His body taking in her smell, her sweet smell and the demon inside just drowning in distinct pleasure at the mere aroma alone. But demanding more at the same time…

Moving forward all if a sudden, Inuyasha eyes are golden and flickering that warm shade of red and they are as close to her as they can possibly be. And that's when it happened…

He kissed her…he well and thoroughly kissed her.

Surprised at first from the onslaught of his lips upon her own, Kagome surrendered within mere moments as he coaxed and teased her mouth into inviting him in. Feeling herself pulled tightly to him and his body, the young miko felt as his hands held her close to him keeping her within his embrace.

Feeling his hands wander under the back of her shirt, to touch the skin there, she arches into his clawed fingers that trace idle patterns at the small of her back. Instinctive, she gives off a low purr that is answered by his growl and moving his free hand to the front of her school uniform, he gently slices it down the middle.

Watching as it leaves a gap of pale skin, Inuyasha lays her upon the ground so that he can feast upon her flesh. His legs surrounding hers, he bends down to nip at the skin, that trembles with desire. Slowly going up and spreading that new gap further and further away, he eventually comes upon her breasts that are now barely covered by a lacey top, that he removes in a heartbeat.

Kagome watching with half lidded eyes, feels as his claws trace down the center, and between her breasts, slicing through her bra. Feeling as he pushes it to the sides of her body, her nipples harden at the cold air, becoming more sensitive. But that feeling of cold flies out the window, as Inuyasha's mouth surrounds it and begins to suck upon it.

Her body lifting up, arching to give him more, her hands in his silvery hair holding him there. Inuyasha savors her response as he nips, nibbles, and tugs upon her breast with his mouth. Growling in undisguised passion as that scent his demon and human soul calls for, envelops him, Inuyasha takes more into his mouth. Intent on leaving his mark on every inch of her body.

Kagome moans as his mouth sucks, the flesh of her skin and her hands tighten in his hair as his fangs carefully, scratch into her breast in such a way as to create a frenzy of energy deep in her body. Pulling gently, but with a demanding tone in her sound, she feels the growl of pleasure emitting from deep in his throat.

The demand, the plea, for his kiss in that simple sound, Inuyasha could do nothing else, but to give his miko what she wanted. Pressing down upon her body, his lips meeting hers in fierce kiss, he growls at the barrier between them. Wanting to remove his haori and undershirt Inuyasha struggles to his knees, as he fights to part with his miko, who protests at his leaving her with whimpering sounds. Giving a soothing growl, he nips at her lips with his teeth and slides his haori off, throwing it somewhere, to be forgotten. His undershirt following, his eyes take in hers as they devour his form.

Especially his hardened erection, hidden by his pants…

Giving her a warm and fangy grin, he simply waits and is soon rewarded as she crawls to him this time. Hungry, desirable, predatory, and yet at the same time with innocence, as he hand reaches out and touches that bulge.


His growls and sounds of lustful pleasure reaching her ears, Kagome nods her head, and brushes against the top of his sex once more with her fingers. Suddenly, instinct rising strong within her, she wraps her hands around it, fire rat fur and all…and pulls.

Gently…then squeezing…pulling again with her hand, he can't help but move and push more into her hand, demanding her attention onto his body, that craves her singular touch…

Suddenly, stopping, he growls in anger, but is surprised as seconds later, his miko pushes him back. Pulling at his pants, he can see the need to be closer, to be skin to skin in her eyes and so he helps her…

Pulling and pushing, Inuyasha soon lies naked in front of her senses, and Kagome drinks in every last muscle, and every last inch of his body.

Hearing her say nothing, he is about to turn away when his nose smells the definite spike of pleasure in her body. Grinning at her with his eyes, flickering that red color again…

"You like what you see Kagome…my Kagome…"

Nodding her head emphatically in a manner to indicate yes, he pulls her towards him and helps her remove the last of her own clothes. The skirt and then the underwear gone, he looks at those rounded hips, the full pink tipped breasts, long legs and smooth skin…

Beautiful…simply beautiful is all he thinks about. Pulling her on top of him, her feels the dampness of her sex against her body and his demon heart howls for joy. The one whom he has chosen is more than ready for him…

Somehow, both parties knowing what the other seeks, what the other hungers for, Kagome straddles Inuyasha, and even though deep down she knows it could hurt at first. The pleasure she knows to come will simply take it all away…

So with one movement…she takes him in deep inside her body, whimpering at the sudden pain, but also in the intense feel of him. So big…so filling…

Rocking her hips now, moving into an instinctive pattern that Inuyasha responds to, Kagome moves up and then down.


Inuyasha in a daze, since she took him into her body, lifts up to meet her body. The energy inside his body merging with hers, he can feel the pleasure and the love she has for him in her heart.

It spurs him on…faster and faster…

Pushing her back as the energy sings to him for its release into her, he feels her legs wrap around him tight, holding him in deep. Her hands becoming like claws almost as she leaves the mark of her passion upon his back….

The energy in him swirling at her mark up on him he thrusts once more, long and hard, and so the energy between them shoots out and envelops them in a light as they explode….

Neither one caring as they collapse against one another as they are spent. The energy begins to swirl and divide…

One part swirls and hits Inuyasha square in the small of his back and where Kagome had left her nail marks…writing begins to appear…like tattoos almost…

Inuyasha had been taken…and taken well…he was a claimed half demon…and by a fiesty little human miko…

The other energy swirled and Kagome was surrounded in it the marks of claiming appearing on her as well…

If Inuyasha was to awaken, he would be pleased as the tattoos formed on her body. Her back…her breast…her knee…her belly…all bore signs….although small they were vivid…she was claimed…and she was his….


Now this is heat…read and review!