A/N Hello my pretty readers! Can I please ask a favor of you? Can somebody please be my new BETA reader as my old one can no longer do it? PLEASE! Just post me a review with your contacts and I shall get back to you. Thanks. And this chapter is quite hard to write as I have never experienced the topics in question..as I'm still under aged! But hey ho, hope you enjoy, remember to review, and I don't own any characters. :)

Chapter 8

"What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful"

It was Christmas Eve at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. The snow outside was falling like icing sugar over the many square miles of grounds. Maybe it was the fact that it was a school for the study of magic or the fact that it as nearly Christmas, but there as something in the air. Inside the great castle was many a person getting on with their magical lives, but we are only concerned about a small group of people situated in a third floor apartment.

Sitting round a large table sat 6 people. James Potter and Lily Evans on one side of the table, Sirius Black and Jasmine Renie on the other side and Hannah Richards on the two ends. The six teenagers were playing an interesting game of Monopoly and so far Sirius seemed to be winning and Hannah was joint last with Lily.

"Ah this is such a stupid stressful shitty game and I want to castrate the stupid man who invented this sodding game," Lily said, shaking the dice.

"Now now Miss Evans," Sirius said, "I'm sure you would not be saying that if you were winning now and also I want rent for that move," She scowled over at him. James looked at his stressed out beauty. Here they were, sitting playing games with their friends, sipping on wine and Fire Whiskey, chatting about life and music and everything they could come up with. He could not remember himself being this happy ever before and could also not remember when Lily had looked so beautiful.

"You know what," Hannah said after the game continued for a while, "This really sucks and this is also really sad!" They all nodded in agreement. With a swish of his wand, Remus cleared the game up.

"Right guys, I think we need food," James announced, standing up and stretching. He walked off to the kitchen.

"I think James should be a chef when he's older," Lily said to everyone else.

"Yeah he always seems to be cooking and experimenting with food and stuff like that," Jasmine added.

"Actually James only likes cooking because he think it attracts girls and if you have noticed, he likes cooking foods that are aphrodisiacs," Sirius said. The rest of the table laughed and a small 'I heard that' could be heard from the kitchen. They continued to laugh at him and make rude remarks about his cooking. Soon James came to the table.

"Well, if you don't think I'm a good enough chef, clear out!" he shouted at them. They were all slightly shocked at his anger.

"Hey, chill Jimbo, we were just having fun," Jasmine said.

"No I will not chill!" he continued to shout, getting all stressed out. Lily decided to intervene.

"Okay James, Kitchen now!" She said, not shouting but with a definite sternness in her voice. James stood there doing this weird angry shake thing, then spun around and stormed towards the kitchen.

"Okay Lil's don't be too harsh on him, its Christmas eve and I don't want you guys to fall out over something as stupid as this," Remus said. Lily smiled and turned around, walking towards the kitchen.

"Who said I was going to shout at him," she replied.

"Okay defiantly too much information," Hannah said.

Lily walked into the kitchen and saw James standing there, leaning against the fridge, staring angrily at her.

"You wanted me," he said spitefully. Lily walked over to him and slipped her hand in the back of his jeans pockets.

"Yeah I do want you," she said, starring up at him. He starred down at her, before smiling cheekily at her. He leaned down to kiss her but she pulled away.

"Gonna make supper then?" She asked him.

"If I do, do I get my kiss?" She nodded back at him. He leaned in and kissed her. A very passionate kiss at that! She wrapped her legs around his hips and he placed her on the counter. He put his hands up the back of her shirt and began stroking her back. She put her hands down the back of his jeans and he moaned softly into her mouth. Suddenly, someone coughed. Lily and James broke apart and looked over at the door.

"I guess we don't get supper then," Sirius said from the doorway, a grin on his face. James smiled over at him. Lily took away from James' jeans and buried her head in his shoulder, embarrassed.

"Yeah you can have your supper," James answered. Sirius walked out, laughing to himself. James looked down at Lily, who smiled feebly back.

"I don't think I can ever look at Sirius the same way again," she said timidly. James smiled down at her and kissed her on the top of her head.

"He could have walked in on something much worse," he said. Lily smacked him on the back of his head. He stood back and offered her his hand. She grabbed it and jumped of the counter.

"Any ideas on supper Miss Evans?" He asked her, kissing her hand.

"I vote pasta, simple and easy," she replied, "And everyone likes it". And so the merry session of cooking began. The others even came in and helped for a while with the chopping of vegetables for the sauce. With a few disasters, including Sirius leaving the sauce to boil for too long and a small explosion of tomato mess going everywhere and Lily nearly cutting Hannah's fingers off with a 12 inch knife, everything went rather smoothly and eventually a dinner was sitting on the table with a few candles and some weird and wonderful cocktails Jasmine had made. They all sat round the table and Lily decided to snuggle up to James and shared a chair with him.

"So what is going to happen once you guys leave your little love abode here?" Remus asked the two lovers. They both had thought about this question prior to the actual asking.

"Just stay like we are now, just more open and school orientated," Lily replied. James put his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

"People already know you are together but don't you think there will be a bit of shock from people once they see you walking around holding hands and doing whatever else you do?" Jasmine asked.

"They will be jealous thats all," Sirius said. James smiled over at his friend.

"You know what," James said, " I don't really care what people think and say because I'm happy and I hope Lily is happy so as long as we are together there is nothing to worry about,"

"Except for Chlamydia," Sirius added, sipping his drink. Hannah, Remus and Jasmine all laughed. James just smiled and Lily stuck her tongue out at Sirius, who poked his out back.

"I don't really want to leave our little apartment at all," James said, putting his chin on Lily's shoulder and rested his head on Lily's cheek.

"I don't want to leave Hogwarts," Hannah added. They all nodded in agreement.

"it's gonna be really scar not having a like safe environment to be in, with all this crap about this scary megalomaniac guy trying to take over the world," Sirius said.

"But Sirius mate, you will be living with me, we shall have our own little base camp and look out for each other," James said, "And I'm taking Lily with me,"

"Says who?" Lily asked. James pouted and made a sad pathetic face.

"I think you should Lil's, it would keep him happy," Hannah said.

"If I must do," Lily said, faking her disappointment. James pulled the chair in so their legs could not be seen, and began working his hand up her leg. Lily just kept very quiet. The others chatted away amongst them selfs and Lily whispered to James.

"We can't do this here,"

"And why not?" he replied quietly, moving his hand to the top of her jeans and under her top. Lily took her glass of water and sipped slowly. James began to unbutton the top of her jeans.

"What if we get caught?" she whispered even quietly, half of her wanting James to continue, but the other half of her knowing it was a very wrong thing to be doing under the table of a dinner with friends. He kissed her cheek.

"I'm sure they won't mind too much," he whispered back, kissing her again, and starting to unzip her jeans, putting her hands on the very bottom oh her stomach, very close to a very intimate part of her. She began breathing quicker and James smiled at her.

"So James, what do you actually want to do when you leave school?" Jasmine asked him. He moved his hand to above her underwear and left his hand there, with Lily breathing very quickly, making him want to even more.

"I don't know really," he replied, slowly moving his hand, " I think I want to e something practical like and Auror or something along those lines," he moved his hand to the top of her underwear, putting a finger on the rim of it. Lily took a small gasp and fully understood what James was about to do. Jasmine gave her a funny look and she just smiled back.

"And is Miss Evans involved in all these fabulous plans of yours?" Hannah asked. James soon began doing what he set out to do, making Lily lean back on his shoulder and breath very heavily.

"Oh yes," he replied, enjoying the fact that Lily was squirming because of him and also enjoying the fact that he was making her do this and finally smiling to himself that no-one else knew. Lily just leaned back, not having a clue what to do and praying nobody would ask her anything. Luckily for her, if anyone tried, James would but in and change the topic completely. Lily slowly began to enjoy it and also began wondering how James can multi task so well. James meanwhile was having lots of things running through his mind to. He was glad Lily was enjoying it so much, he was trying to not let himself go completely, he was trying to answer all these questions and was also trying to look as though he was not up to various bases with his girlfriend.

"I think it is time for pudding James," Remus said. Lily grounded quietly into James' ear and made him shudder and think bad things. He took his hands away from her under the table and away from Lily, who put hers under to try and make herself respectable.

The others began standing up and Lily whispered into James ear.

"You are so bad you know,"

He just smiled back at her and pushed the chair back and stood up. He put his hand out to her and they walked into the kitchen to mediate the pudding making.

Once the pudding had been made, they all began walking back through to the table, but Hannah and Jasmine stayed behind and grabbed Lily. The boys continued going through to the other room.

"What just happened Lily?" Jasmine asked.

"What do you mean" She replied.

"At dinner you went all weird and didn't say anything, what was up with that?" Hannah asked.

"Oh, that," she said. The two girls nodded, obviously wanting to know what happened. Lily sighed heavily and the girls looked like Lily was going to drop something big on them.

"In the least graphic way possible, James' hands went walkies," she said, avoiding their eyes She heard Hannah gasp and Jasmine go 'ooooo'.

"At the dinner table?" Hannah said, obviously appalled at this behavior and shocked they had done it so discreetly.

"Just drop it guys Okay?" Lily replied, walking out the room, with the two girls behind her trying to badger with questions quietly so the boys would not hear.

"Finish your little gossip session then?" Sirius asked.

"Most definatly," Lily replied, sitting opposite James this time, who smiled knowingly at her, as he had a vague idea on what the chat was about. Hannah scowled at him and he smiled back. For the rest of the meal, they all chatted away animatedly, with James and Lily playing footsie under the table, and for a brief period of time, Lily had her food on James crotch as a small pay back for earlier, which certainly shut him up for a while. As the evening came to an end, Lily and the other girls began washing up as the guys brought the dishes in. James had also had a private chat with Remus, who had put something in James' hand. Lily gave a confused face over to him and he mouthed back 'I'll tell you later'. The friends soon began to leave, thanking them for supper and telling them they would come over tomorrow for lunch at about 2. As soon as Sirius had finally left after much debate with James about how much food they would need the next day, Lily went over to the Sofa's and collapsed onto them, putting her legs up and curling into a ball, letting the fire warm her up. James went to put something into his bedroom and then came down and cuddled up beside her, moving her so her head was curled up on his lap and he stroked her hair.

"Have fun this evening?" She asked him.

"Well my love, I think the more important question is did you have fun?" he teased her. She smiled and kissed his stomach.

"Maybe just a little bit," she replied, moving herself up, so she was sitting on his lap, her legs still on the sofa. She rested her head onto his chest and he began rocking her.

"Lily, I think there is something I need to tell you," he said after a while.

"Good things or bad things?" She asked, raising her head slightly.

"Good things," he replied, kissing the top of her head.

"Which are?"

"That Lily Evans, I think that I love you," he said, quietly. She stopped moving and looked up at him. She took in his mouth, his hair, his skin and all his facial features and then looked him straight in the eye.

"I think I do too," she said quietly back.

Now Lily Evans is usually a very straight thinker and very knowing about whats going on, but as she lay on James' bed, with the owner of the bed kissing every visible part of her skin, she was not entirely sure of what was going on. He kissed all the way down to the neck line of her t-shirt. She took a deep breath as she guessed what was coming next. He lifted her top up to show her belly and began kissing that. Usually her belly was an object she detested and hated anyone seeing it. Right now all that was on her mind as how nice it feeled to be loved.

Soon they were on the bed,James on top of Lily, wearing not very much, only the bear minimum to keep them decent. Lily was breathing very very deeply. She was terrified, not of James, but of what James was about to do.

"Lily, if we are going to do what I think we are, theres no turning back now,"James said, in nearly a whisper. Lily looked him straight in the eye and saw fear in his eyes too.

"Be slow," was all she could say, before they began the beautiful but terrible dance, snow still falling outside.