Ol fogies with fiddles (and Gir): now the winner is declared, we hoped you liked the show, before this robot shoots us all, we'd like to say- NOOOO!
Gir: heehee….
Box: eh….what they said. And the winner is…
Zim: ZIM!
Dib: DIB!
Donkey: DONKEY!
Dib: heh?
Box: ok, out of the elevator.
Donkey: fine, you toss me out like some dirty old sock. 'Cause my man Shrek-
Donkey: ok! Keep your tail on….sheesh…
Box: and the winner is…DIB!
Box: Zim, as a consolation prize, you get a free ticket to a theme park, for a day of fun filled stuff!
Zim: NOOO!
Dib: What do I get?
Box: nothing!
Dib: what?
Box: You get absolutely nothing!
Dib: but I won!
Box: hey, I managed to stand you guys for 22 hours, and I didn't get anything.
Dib: Zim got a prize!
Zim: hehe…
Dib: I cant believe he gets a ticket to a theme park-
Dib: I spent 22 hours in a elevator-
Box: If it makes you feel any better, I could blow you up.
Zim: I know how to make him feel loved!
Dib: I don't want to feel loved!
Zim: I know some times life is hard Dib-
Dib: What are you, my counsellor?
Zim: So here are some (dubbed over voice) Adhesive medical strips! And some tuna!
Box: ingenious.
Zim: Well I'm off to my theme park. THE HORROR….Gets sucked up by a tube. The elevator doors open.
Dib: oh well. I guess I did win. Walks past the corpse of the old lady. I might as well have some tuna! Eats the tuna. Wait…this tuna is fifty years out of date! Throws Tak up.
Tak: UH….the horrors…Hey Dib. You've really got to stop eating space invader cereal…that stuff is nasty…
Box: on an unrelated note, several fans of Elevator of doom broke into jail this morning and freed Purple! Yes reviewers of this fic, you know who you are and anything you say will be used against you! The police know where you live!
Dib: Wait, Tak's alive, I'm ok, Gir shot all of the pensioners and Zim…well, Zim will probably survive unless he tries some stupid scheme to bring the rollercoasters to life- distance rumbling is heard and you can just make out Zim yelling "Come my roller minions of doom! Rise against the children! "
Tak: Stupid Zim…
Dib: and purple's out of jail, but what about Gaz?
A hell pit opens up and Gaz is spat out.
Gaz: stupid Satan and his stupid whining…
Dib: ok. I'm going home now.
Gaz: I'm still hungry.
Tak: Food sounds good.
Later in a space restaurant…
Gaz: Her hands keep going through the pizza Stupid pizza...
Zim (covered in bandages and adhesive medical strips): remind me never to bring merry go rounds to life again…
Tak: Don't worry, I'll remind you to do it again.
Purple: (outside, knocking on the window) hello? Can you let me in? Why don't I get any food?
Gir: aw…I got pensioner blood in my spaghetti…
Dib: I think we've forgotten something.
Zim: uh-huh. We've probably forgotten a whole lot.
Back out side the elevator…
Old Lady: hello? Paramedics?
Box: just die already!
Red: (voice over) AHAHAHA!
Sherlock: (voice over) I'll be back…
Kitten: (voice over) meow?
The author: Hello! If you're reading this, the sequel…um…three-quel is out now (I promise it's the last sequel I'll do…)! Look out for Irken Pie: The wedding! Out now!
Zim: this horrible thing is a wedding, where 2 foolish people decide they hate each other so much, that it's not enough to stalk them at work, set fire to their car, eat their children and poke them with sporks…Dib shudders and pokes the spork which is still impaled in his left ear.
Purple: can't you get it removed?
Dib: I forgot…
Zim: But no, they have to move in together and torture each other on a daily basis, perhaps even have their own children and eat them in order to annoy their partner for spending so much time making children who were doomed anyway.
Thanks for reviewing! You've all been great!
Box: finally...
Except you!