I do not own anything from degrassi, i do own Sheena and her parents and sister
ok, she thought to herself, if i just stand here and listen he cant do anything else to me...
"Sheena are you even listening to me child," her father screams for the billionth time ,"im so sick of you and your sister not paying any attetion to anything i have to say" he finishes as he stands up from the kitchen table. He pushes his chair back and stalks off.
"I want this place cleaned up before i come down from my shower or i swear to god you and your sister will regret making your mother move out."
He always says that, she thinks as she cleans off the table, its been 10 years since her mother walked out on them Sara was only 2 weeks old when she did, sheena herslef only being 6, that is why they moved to Toronto to be close to his parents when she was ten. They both died when she was 15, car accident, so then Sheena, her Dad, and Sara all moved closer to Degrassi street so she would start at DCSin about a week...
"GOD DAMMIT SHEENA I TOLD YOU TO CLEAN UP THIS MESS" Her dad Screamed at the top of his lungs...as he stomped toward her...
"SARA RUN!" Sheena screamed as her dad grabbed her by the arm and threw her against the wall...
"Sheena i told you to clean up this mess didnt I?" her dad growled as he held her up against the wall.
"yes sir and it is clean s-ss-s-sss-Sara and I just have to put up some dishes..."
"DOES THIS LOOK CLEAN TO YOU?" her dad screamed as he took her head and slammed it into the table. Sheena slid to the floor andher father stalked upstairs to his room and slammed the door and grabbed his unopened bottle of hot damn he bought before coming home and Chugged half of it in 3 seconds..and then promptly passed out.
"Sheena," Sara whispered as she climbed out from below the sink.Sara grabbed her a towel.and ran to where sheena still layed on the floor, "ok its not so bad this time.its just a little blood." she got it off of Sheena's forehead there was a cut about an inch deep. Sara preseed the cloth to Sheena's forhead as she regained conciousness (SP?)
"ok Sara im ok now thank you sweetie how about we go put those dishes up" Sheena whispered as she took another bloddy cloth away from sara. hopefully tomorrow will be a better day...probably not