They took off my story! Why, I wonder? Oh well take this!
Disclaimer: sniffle NO, DAMN IT! I DON'T OWN FRIUTS BASKET! sob There. Are you happy? runs off to cry
Chapter 1: Oops!
"Tohru! We're back! Did you have a nice New Years?" Shigure called through the house, slipping off his shoes at the front entrance. Yuki and Kyo had both gone with him to the main house this year for the New Years celebrations. But only after they had been assured that Tohru would not be alone; she had gone to visit her grandfather for New Years.
Kyo hurriedly pulled off his shoes as he raced into the house. He had been so stubborn to get back to Tohru that he had refused to go to the bathroom before they left the main house. He had been equally annoyed when Shigure had driven into town instead, insisting he needed to run a few errands. 'That damn dog did it on purpose!' he thought angrily as he raced up the stairs towards the bathroom. But now only one thought was on his mind.
If he had gone a second faster with his thought process he would have realized that the bathroom was already being used at the moment.
Yuki dropped his glass he had been drinking from and looked up at the ceiling where the high pitched scream had come from.
A second later hurried footsteps came down the stairs and the door crashed open as Kyo came inside. He slammed the door shut again, his face ablaze in a mighty blush. His eyes were bulging so badly that Yuki thought they were in danger of popping out of his head
"What happened?" Yuki asked, looking questioningly at the cat.
"I…b-bathroom…d-door…" he stuttered. He took a deep breath and started to try again,
but the door was flung open again and he barely kept himself from falling backwards into the girl behind him.
"S-S-SORRY!" Tohru stammered as she panted from behind Kyo. At one glance Yuki fully understood the cat's panic. She was dressed in nothing but a towel. She held it up under her arms yet it still barely reached her thighs. In fact, he bet if Tohru just bent over slightly……….
Did he just think that? 'I've spent far too much time with Shigure.' He thought quickly. "What happened?" He repeated again, averting his eyes from Tohru's form as a blush spread over his cheeks.
Tohru, just realizing how little the towel covered, blushed as well and tried to readjust it with little success. "I'm so sorry!" she said, pulling on the towel. " I didn't think you would be back until later and……" She looked over at the clock. "EHHH! It is later! I guess I just fell asleep in the tub and…."
"Tub?" Yuki echoed. He rounded on Kyo, who was sitting in front of Tohru, purposefully avoiding everyone's gaze.
"Well, yes, I was taking a bath before I started dinner and I guess I should of locked the door and……..OH! I haven't even made you dinner yet!" She started for the kitchen when Yuki gave a small cough.
"Uhhh…..Miss Honda?"
Tohru turned around. "Yes?"
Yuki's blush deepened slightly. "Maybe you should change before starting dinner."
She looked down at the small towel and blushed again. "Right…." She muttered as her cheeks flushed even more and she headed back upstairs. Yuki waited until he herd her door slam shut before rounding on the cat again.
"What……did you……do?" Yuki ground out.
"Why is it automatically my fault, you damn rat!" Kyo spat back, finally leaping to his feet, though his blush was still firmly in place.
An odd noise stopped them both from the building fight. They both looked over at Shigure, who had been uncharacteristically quiet the entire time. Now his shoulders were shaking and he was covering his mouth with both hands. What was more, there were now tears pouring down his face.
Shigure uncovered his mouth to let loose a loud, barklike, fit of laughter. "Kyyyooo's a perrr-vert!" he sang between laughs.
"SHUT UP!" Kyo yelled, forgetting Yuki as he advanced on Shigure. Yuki just stood and let his anger boil down. He almost got there, too.
"Ahhh, Kyo, how I wish I could have seen what you saw……."
Soooooo…….what did you think? I may put up another chapter. It depends on wether anyone reads it or not. Review and I will tell you what happenes. Don't and I'll just have to keep it locked up in my mind to enjoy.
YUKI: you sicko….
ME: but my love! It is only your blush which I imagine!
YUKI: blush yeah, whatever…..
ME: Yeah! More blushies!
KYO: Freaks……