Nonexistant relaxation
By shadows/of/flame

Ever wonder what Torn did in the weekend? Answer to drabble challenge from Vasillis Childe on El Jay.

If he had glared at the small piece of paper anymore than he was at present, he would almost definitely set it on fire.

Torn glared again at the note that Jak had left on the table earlier that morning, screwing it up into a little ball and chucking it behind him.

'Can't do any missions today - Dax's at the Naughty Ottsel, and I've taken Keira out for the day. Sorry for the inconveniences it will undoubtedly cause.

He could almost see the smirk on the blonde boy's face that he would have worn as he had written the note, and scowled.
No doubt he would have to yet again sacrifice HIS weekend to take care of all the weekend missions now.

Torn flopped onto the nearest bunk, sighing. Why couldn't there be one weekend where he could relax?
At the simple thought of relaxation, Torn snorted.
'Relax' was not a word in the ex-KG's vocabulary.

A stack of papers marred his line of vision, and he sighed, unwillingly flopping off his bunk and started trawling through them at a snail's pace, his interest on what he was doing at its most minimal.
"... petition to stop the bulldozing of Dead Town... we're rebuilding it, whats the problem?" he grumbled, screwing up the paper and throwing it haphazardly towards the fireplace.

This grumble was how Ashelin caught Torn as she walked quietly down the Underground steps, standing with her hands firmly planted on her hips.
As her shadow fell over his papers, Torn looked up and for once, felt fear.

Ashelin smirking.
A smirking Ashelin was not a good Ashelin, especially NOT in the weekend.

"Hello Torn, I see you've had a productive weekend so far." she smirked, her voice coated with sarcasm.
"You bet." he grunted, flicking through a 5 page explanation on the importance of the Underground being properly staffed.

"Well guess what? I need to go out and get some new ammo."

Torn, again, felt fear.

"So that means shopping. Come on."

Torn didn't know which he preferred - the boring as hell papers, or shopping.