AN: Hey all. Thought I'd unbury this story and bring it back to the surface with my other two stories. This will be the first chapter that I'll write completely by myself. I hope I can do a good job helping those story stay alive until it's done. Then again, I'm really bad at ending stories...(remember High School? >> ) I'll try guys. I will and I need you guys to be so mean if it really sucks. Nicely talk to me about how much ya hate my work. That would be somewhat bearable than just a really ugly flame. But I know you all are really sweet and understanding people, so I don't even need to tell you all this. I hope you enjoy what I come up with along the way!

Dissy Claimer: What would happen if I falsely said that I actually do own Ff9? Would Square Soft come knocking on my door that exact second and throw me in jail?

Claimy: I bake some hell of good cookies! I'm serious. You all would die out of pleasure just from my cookies.

Try to understand why the chapters may be slacking a bit. I am alone with this story now.

♣ A New Relationship♣


Garnet closed her eyes as the hot water poured on her face. Her long dark hair felt and smelled so nice against her back, and it felt so good being in such warmth. The whole bathroom looked like a someone had used a fire extinguisher and sprayed it everywhere. Taking hot long showers always cleared Garnets mind. No matter what the situation. She thought about a lot of things that needed thinking about and needed some clearing. Her new job, her living with her uncle, if she had time to find another part time job to get the money faster. Sometimes she would think about times when she was little. Her father used to take her for ice cream every weekend. If it was too cold for ice cream, he would make some cocoa for the both of them and they would sit in front of the fire. Other times when she was feeling so excited and curious, (like times when she got extra cash for staying an hour or 2 more at her job) she would buy something for her uncle just for his troubles with his job.

She stopped her conversation with her thoughts, because she kept hearing a certain... ding in her mind. Was this even in her mind? She doubted she could imagine a sound so loud and real by herself. "Oh! The door bell!" She realized and quickly jumped out the shower and grabbed a robe. Rushing to the door she made sure that it was shut, not revealing any of her cleavage. She unlocked the door revealing...Zidane?

Garnet felt speechless. The boy who had made her feel so nervous, warm and happy at the same time. How she loved being around him at work or just anywhere. But she never imagined it would be while she was taking a shower. She hadn't thought that much into the future...when she realized what she was thinking about in a matter of seconds and in front of him. Her face looked like someone put a blush grenade under her skin.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt-" He said trying not to "look" at her. (A/N: You guys know what I mean :)

"No no, it's fine. I think that I was using too much hot water anyways. If you didn't get me out of there, there would've been no hot water left until next week." She laughed trying to cover up her bright face.

He chuckled too and rubbed his hands together trying to keep warm.

"Oh! I'm sorry, how rude of me. Please come in." She opened the door wider letting him in.

He nodded saying thank you, and stepped in.

While he had looked for a place to sit Garnet tightened her robe. Wouldn't want that to open now she thought.

"So, what can I do for you?" She said still feeling a bit awkward being naked in front of him. Not naked but...yea.

"Well um, I thought that maybe we could take a walk in the park, get a cup of coffee or something. It is a nice autumn day." He loosened his scarf from around his neck, feeling a bit heated now.

"Wow, I' to." Wonderful thoughts of the two strolling the park together flooded her head. lovely. "Yes, I'd love to go with you. Could you um, wait about 10 minutes? I need to dry off and get dressed." She felt a bit nervous and tightened her robe again.

"Yea of course. Take your time." He smiled warmly and began taking off his gloves.

"Ok. Make yourself at home. There's some books, pictures, and...the remotes right there." She left the room hoping he didn't notice the opening in the robe halfway revealing her chest.

She quickly opened her drawer looking for something comfortable to wear. Actually something that at least wasn't dirty. She hadn't even started doing her laundry yet. She ripped through her closet and pushing all her other fancy clothes to the side. It revealed one outfit that she thought she wouldn't have to wear if all her clothes were all done and washed, like they were suppose to. A short soft sweater like skirt, a velvet jacket with a matching scarf, long fuzzy tube socks and ankle boots sitting underneath it on the floor. She just hoped this wouldn't be too much...


Garnet put on some light makeup, nothing too heavy and brushed her hair out. She couldn't find a clip or rubber band at the time, so she just wore it out straight. Rubbed some perfume on her neck and turned off all the lights in the house. When she came back into the living room, she saw Zidane chuckling at some pictures in her uncles photo album.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" She asked trying to sound more casual and walked over to him.

He grinned. "Ooooh, just some baby pictures of you." He pointed to the one he was looking at before she came in. Garnet didn't recognize it at first but then she remembered that was the photo taken, when she had tried to call the apple tree to get an apple for father, and fell out of the tree flat on her behind. She cried for hours when that happened. She didn't even know that her mother took pictures of that day. There was a long silence as she went into thought of her childhood again.

"Memories?" He asked.

"Yea... I remember that day like it was yesterday..." She put the memories aside for now and asked if he was ready to go.

He agreed and put the book back where he found it. "Oh before I forget." Garnet said walking back to the living room and tearing a scrap of paper from a notebook.

Uncle, I'm out with Zidane getting something to drink and taking a walk in the park. Be back at 4 or 7 at the latest!


"Writing me a love note?" Zidane joked.

"Heh, no. If I was, I would just tell you instead of going through a hand cramp over it." She smiled.


It was pretty windy outside, leaves were blowing everywhere. It was that nice autumn breeze. Garnet looked up and could see the sun hiding in the clouds, and it brought a nice warmness to her legs. The two stopped at a red light waiting to cross the street when a giant truck splashed a big pile of leaves in Zidane's and Garnet 's face. Garnet felt the prickly ends of the leaves everywhere and all over her body. Zidane helped her pick out most the leaves in her hair and pulled out one just especially to give her. "Look, this one's shaped like a heart." He said and handed it to her. Garnet took it from him and put it in her pocket; a special small pocket where she wouldn't lose it.

When they walked into the small cafe there were a lot of people chatting in there loudly. Zidane led Garnet to the counter where they order. "Hi, can I have a medium coffee and..." he turned to Garnet and asked what she wanted. Garnet put her money away, thinking that she would pay for her own drink. "I'll have a medium hot chocolate, thanks." He nodded and said, "and a medium hot chocolate too." He pulled out a 10 dollar bill and handed it to the lady. There was no one in line, so their order was made in only3 short minutes. "Wanna go outside?" He asked noticing her discomfort look as she looked around at everyone else. Her face lit up softly, "Yes, that would be great."

Garnet didn't really know where anything in the big city was. All she knew was where her job was and where her uncle's house was. She had been meaning to take a tour and get to know the city a little more, but she didn't want to do it alone and her uncle was always to busy working to take her. The two trailed in the park until the came to the nearest bench and they sat down. Garnet slowly took a sip of her drink. It warmed her body so much that she shivered in pleasure. "Thanks again for the cocoa." She said taking another sip. "It was nothing." He smiled drinking his coffee. There were some kids running around playing hide n' seek in the park. Garnet watched them and it gave her an instant memory of when she played that same exact game with Vivi. This was a long time ago, before he was so sick her couldn't even walk normally. "This is a really nice park." She mumbled looked around at its many wonders. Zidane made a sound to let her know that she was replying but couldn't because he was drinking his coffee. He swallowed it and said, "Yea, it's pretty new actually. They built it just 2 years ago." Garnet nodded and continued sipping on her drink. "Hey Garnet." She turned her head to him, "Yes?"

"I feel kind of bad working at the same job and knowing so very little about you. All I know is that you're a very nice and beautiful girl. But anyone could tell you that."

Garnet felt a blush and drank her cocoa to clear her throat. "Well, there's not much to know." She said.

"Sure there is like...where did you come from?"

"I came from a small farm further down south of here. I lived there for...pretty much half of my life." A little girl screamed when she got caught by a boy who had found her hiding behind a tree. "Gotcha!"

"Oh really? What brings you here?" He asked sounded a bit more interested.

"My...little brother is very sick and...his medical bills and the house bills are just...out of control. We have no where near enough money, so I came to the city to make some and help my mother out." Talking about this subject always made Garnet feel as if she had a wrap hole inside her.

"Oh wow, that must be a lot of pressure on you. So, your family's life is in your hands?" There was a silence. Garnet didn't want to answer that, or maybe she knew the answer, she just didn't want it said out loud.

"That was...really stupid of me, I'm sorry." He said and looked away.

"No no, please don't say that. It's fine." Garnet thought instead of closing everyone out of her world and actually opening up to a...possible friend, maybe it would make her being here less lonely. "It's nice to finally talk to someone about all this," she blushed, "thanks for listening." She drank up the rest of her cocoa.

"Anytime..." He said scooting closer to her. Garnet smiled as she saw him trying to get closer to her. No guy has ever treated her like he does. He actually wanted to get to know her, the real her. He wasn't just after her virginity like all the other guys were. He was different. She could just feel it whenever she was with him.

"When are you going to be going back?" He asked, his voice sounding a bit worried.

"Back home?" He nodded. Wow, Garnet hadn't really thought about the actual day when she would be leaving to go back home. She knew how much more money she needed before she even thought about going back, but she didn't plan the month, hour, the day...

"Umm, maybe in a month or earlier...I'm not really sure. It matters how thing's are going with my mom. I have to call her tonight anyways." Garnet just said what was on her mind, she wouldn't bother giving a precise date and time. Then there would be a set time for her leave.

Zidane didn't reply in any way. He just flicked a brown and red colored leaf off the bench and stood up. "Ready to go?"

A warm smile formed on her face. He was standing in front of the sunset with leaves blowing all around him and he just looked so...beautiful and right. Garnet nodded and threw her cup away in the trash next to her.


The walk back seemed to be longer than the walk there. Maybe because they talked much more on the way back. It was really nice...

"Well, we're here. Garnet said walking on her doorstep and unlocking the door.

Zidane put his hands in his pocket and walked closer behind her. "So um, I'll see you at work tomorrow then?"

"Yes, of course." She smiled.

Another silence. All that could be heard was the howling wind carrying all the leaves. The first date...was it suppose to end with a kiss? A hug? A handshake? A joke? Garnet knew so little as this being her first date. She was sure that this wasn't his first date. He probably had girls throwing themselves all over and he could do anything. They probably did anything that he wanted them to. He probably didn't even have to ask them to do anything, they just knew when and how to do it.

He took a step forward, slightly turning his head, and gently pressing his lips against her rosy soft cheek. An instant blush came over her face and Zidane chuckled at this, putting his hand on her cheek. "You are too cute."

He was so close, she could feel his breath come down on her nose. Oh how she wanted to kiss him too. How she wanted to feel his lips and warmth. How she longed to be covered in his love.

"Garnet, that you?" Cid called from the inside. "Close that door why dontcha? It's freezing out there." A loud grumbling shiver came from inside.

"Heh, I better go." She blushed and began taking a few steps backwards inside.

"Yea..." He seemed hypnotized by her beauty.

"I had a really nice time Zidane."

" too."

"See you tomorrow." She said closing the door.


She giggled when she shut the door and he still stood there for 5 extra seconds before he realized it was time to go.

"So, you went on a date with Zidane eh?" Cid was sitting in his favorite chair in the living room with his reading glasses on and had the newspaper in his hands.

"Not really a date but...we just hung out together." She said taking off her coat and scarf.

"Ya know, Zidane is a really nice boy. I'm glad you guys are good friends." He reopened the newspaper and began reading over it again.

"Yea, he really is. I'm going to call my mother and then I'll be off to bed." She said kissing her uncle's forehead.

"Alright dear, goodnight."

"Night!" She yelled from her room.

She jumped on the bed and reached for the phone besides it. She dialed her home's number and waited for the rings to be answered.

"Hello? "Her mother's tired voice answered.

"Aww, I hope I didn't wake you." Garnet said feeling bad.

"Garnet! No of course not. I was waiting on your call tonight. How are ya kido?" Her voice now being the complete opposite of tired.

"Fine, How's Vivi doing?"

She sighed. "Same, he asked about you today."

"He did?"

"Yes, he asked when were you coming back and how much longer would you be away."

Images of Vivi asking such cute questions filled Garnet's mind.

"Aww, I hope he's not too upset with me."

"No, don't worry about it. He knows why you're there and we're here. He just misses you that's all as do I."

"I miss you too mother and I was thinking about Vivi a lot today. I should be coming home...fairly soon. I still have much more money to save up."

"Oh I know dear, I know you're trying you're hardest and I'm so proud of you."

"Heh, thanks mother."

"Anytime dear. So what did you do today?" She asked changing the subject.

"Oh um, well, I did just get back from a date--um hanging out with this guy I work with."

"A guy?" Hr mother asked curiously.

"Yes, his name is Zidane. He's around my age and he's a very nice guy."

"Oh that's great to hear Garnet! I'm glad you found someone that truly cares about you and--"

"Wait mother, I don't think he truly cares about me. We're just...really good friends that's all."

"But you love him." She said trying to make Garnet admit it. She could hear it in her voice. She could tell that her daughter was finally in love.

"Mother. I am not." Garnet said in denial.

"Ok, sure. Whatever you say darling."


A/N: stretches out arms Well there's another update for ya folks! I would have made it a bit touch longer, but I have a Halloween dance tonight that I gotta get ready for, so I kinda rushed it towards the end.

Thank you for your support and I hope you all enjoyed this new chapter. I did. I thought it was a very sweet chapter of Zidane and Garnet getting to know each other more.

Trick or Treat, read my story and!

Happy Halloween.

(Bwahahahahahahaha! gets hit with egg -.-;; ...)