A/N: Okies Pokies... :takes deep breath: Hi all those out there who are reading this! Well, it didn't take me too long to find a writing buddy. Luckily I had a great friend who was interested. She gave me the idea, I changed it around a bit and then...well, this is what we came up with. I believe that this new story will definitely be the bomb diggity! (And even though I've said that for almost all my stories u.u; ) This one really will be everything that I've always wanted my stories to be. Many thankies to my big sissy Yukina. Thankies! I hope you all enjoy! I know I sure did.

Disclaimer: Neither Yukina or Moi own any of the ff9 characters. But, sometimes we do... :devilish smile:

Claimer: This is gonna be so awesome! >>

Author(s)-Jenn Yukina and Samy-chan! ---me

Fiction Rated-T (or...something like that)

-Two Different Worlds-

A young, beautiful girl, who appeared to be by the age of 21, pulled her hair into a tight bun to prevent it from getting into her eyes. She opened the screen door that led her out the room, and out the house. Issuing a warm welcome from the early morning sun, she said, "Good morning.." and walked over to the barnyard. This was where the cows, chickens, goats, and sheep rested. It wasn't intentional to have all these different types of animals crammed together like this. Since her family had such a tight budget, there really was no other way.

Sighing, she let out a soft gasp as she felt something rub against her leg, letting out a purr. She smiled as her eyes dropped down to her pet cat, Alex. "Hello.." she said softly bending down to lightly pick up the orange feline; with the orange meeting white at the end of it's paws and feet.

"How are you?" Garnet smiled petting the cat; issuing a soft purr from it.

"S-sis..." a weak voice coughed from inside.

Garnet quickly turned around, seeing a young boy with rough-looking black hair, and yellow eyes looking at her weakly. One of his hands were covering his mouth and his face was a bit red.

"Vivi! What are you doing out of bed?" Garnet whispered, lowering herself down to him, so that she was his height. She pulled a bandana out her pocket, and softly wiped his face with it.

This boy, Vivi, was her adopted brother. A long time ago, the boy lived on a dirty ground where people such as burglars and thieves picked on him, and beat him up. Somehow the little toddler found himself crawling on Garnet's territory one night, and that's where her mother found him, in such a horrible state.

"I just..wanted t-to get a little fresh air." He coughed again.

Garnet shook her head, eyes showing a bit of worry, mixed with disappointment. "No... you know what the doctor said, sweetie.. You have to go back to bed so you can feel better."

Vivi frowned. "Whatever he says, it's not true sis... I'll never get better if I stay in bed. I'll just get weaker and weaker, then I'll d--" before he could finish his sentence, Garnet quickly slapped a hand to his mouth and kept it there.

"Don't you dare say that, alright? There IS a cure to save you..." Garnet hissed, then grabbing him in her arms to hold him close, she sat down in a rocking chair that was on the porch.

She heard her brother coughed a little. Coming down into tears she cracked a soft smile on her face, then began to rock softly back and forth. "One soundless mid-day, the wind was so cheerful.." she sang softly as she picked him up in her arms, walking back into their small residence.

"Flower petals sway in the breeze, as if they were sleepy. This serene feeling.. Tell me, what's the word people use for it?" By now, she could hear Vivi calm down as his quantity of hiccups decreased. "Tell me a story that's locked away in the white-sand moon. Let me hear it as gently as light shining down..." Her last words turned into whispers as she rested the boy who fell into a calm and peaceful slumber.

"Good morning Garnet..." greeted a voice as soon as Garnet left Vivi's room.

"Hello, mom. Are you well?" Garnet smiled pleasantly to a woman who resembled her a bit, but a tad older. The old female was a bit of a bed head by the moment. Her brown hair was in all directions, and she was wearing a rugged robe with a few coffee stains on it. Garnet really didn't ming her mother's appearance because her mother looked more attractive when she was dressed and on the other hand, it was her mother after all.

"I'm fine.. I just have a bit of a cold. Did you check up on Vivi? I thought I heard you singing to him again" Her mother asked as she headed towards the kitchen, intent on making herself some coffee.

"No… he came wandering outside, coughing and sniffing. Apparently, his temperature is getting worse.." Garnet sighed, looking down as if she had given up hope already.

"Listen, you.." her mother said firmly, "Don't put your head down like that. The world isn't in ashes yet. We'll find a way to cure your little brother, got it? It isn't over when you lose, it is over when you quit." Murmured her voice at the end.

Garnet smiled and refused to start crying. "Yes, mom... You're right. I'm not a quitter."

"Also, I've found a solution in New York's newspaper when Little Tom the paperboy paid us a visit!"

Garnet smiled. "Really? What is going on in the city?"

"Well, they are having a job opening." Her mother started slowly picking up her steaming mug with a saucer. She took a little sip and continued. "It is a fast-food restaurant. Teens your age work there."

Garnet's eyes widened. "Mom, you're not implying that I---?"

"Work as a server in the business of McDonalds," her mother finished with a proud smile. "I know that you can do it, sweetheart. This will be an easier way of paying all the medical bills for your brother."

"Also, the fund that you people owe to the company," said a dark voice, which startled the two ladies. They turned their heads, seeing a tall man in a dark suit with a burgundy briefcase in his left hand and, his right hand in his pocket. He wore thick sunglasses that hid his eyes completely, and his hair was combed back with grease added to it. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Alexandros, Lady Alexandros," the deep voice greeted to Garnet's mother and herself, as he let himself in the house.

"Correction: It's morning time, Albert.." Garnet's mother (We'll just call her Linda) retorted.

"Affirmative, but in Greenland, where our headquarters resides, is currently living in the afternoon."

"Haven't you realized that you're in New York and not Greenland?" Garnet retorted with a sigh.

"... Dropping off the subject, Mrs. Alexandros, your bill is due. I'm afraid that I will be forced to kick you out this house unless you can come up with the money you owe and--"

"Wait a damn minute, I was born in this house!" Linda screamed, dramatically dropping the mug as pieces were now scattered on the floor, also spilling her coffee.

"I appreciate that, Mrs. Alexandros, but I'm just doing my job," said the man as he fixed his collar.

"We just found a solution to pay for my brother's illness, and now you decide to bombard us with our humongous bill?" Garnet hissed, though tried to keep her voice down so she wouldn't disturb Vivi's slumber.

"Well, add this to your To-Do list.." the man said before leaving, and driving off in his Honda vehicle.

Garnet sighed as she carelessly plopped into a seat that was next to the table in the dining room. What was they going to do? What was she going to do..?

"Don't give up, sweetheart. God will help us... I know He will..." Linda sighed and began picking up the broken pieces off the floor.

A/N: So...what do you think...? I loved it! I hope you all enjoyed it as well. This was pretty much (actually it was all...) of my friend Jen Yukina's work. She wrote this whole chapter and I simply re-worded some small things. (But I do write a lot of the next chapter! ) Now, if you like my writing you'll definitely like Jen Yukina's work. It's just like mine only better! lol. She's simply a older version of me. So be sure to read her stories or I won't talk to you ever again! humph! (Then again, that seems a bit harsh eh? -.-;;)