Disclaimer : All characters and this world belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Luna had a soft spot for colors of all kinds.

But Luna was wary of the meanings, and she was well-versed in what influenced the world. Her father had taught her to look underneath the veil of words and routine. She, of course, was eager to share this information with Tom who seemed to know all about the power of suggestion.

While they were walking through the woods, she pointed out a small yellow butterfly and commented on how the color was so vivid that it could not fail to leave an impression. He smiled slightly.

"I prefer subtlety. I prefer things you don't have to be shown to understand. Bright colors are gaudy. Like the Gryffindor red. Do you know that if one looks at red too long they start to lose touch? For starters, you'd become emotional and disoriented."

"Oh no!" Luna gasped. "The Gryffindors. Shouldn't we warn them?"

"Let them figure that out themselves," Tom said, shaking his head and smiling a little. "I'm not complaining about their er-proclivity of being so easy to manipulate. It was just an illustration."

"But still, what does green do for the mind?"

"Ah, green. Now there's a practical color."

"You're biased. Blue's far better."

"Oh really now? Blue's as empty as a broken bird house. Hah, there's a connection."

"Well, green is for grass. Full of brass."

"Is that the best you can do?" Tom asked. "And I completely thought you were going to say something else there for a moment. Pity. It held a ring of truth."

"What?" Luna demanded, staring at him. "What was I about to say?"

"That people are easily influenced."

Luna blinked. "Well, everything influences us. I don't care for dancing but I did catch myself singing to one of the Weird Sisters' lovely songs. It got stuck in my head, though."

And it had become awfully lodged in her mind at the time.

"It's very curious what the mind clings to..." he said, and suddenly there was a rather sharp look in his eyes. He smiled. "Would you like to test our theory?"

Luna turned to him. "Do you mean...an experiment?" she gasped in delight.

"That's exactly what I mean."


"It's happened. We are now at the witching hour, witchs and gents."

Larry 'Howler' Lycann growled into the portal that linked the network to the entire wizarding world. He personally thought the magical world had grown away from the philosophy of rhymes and music in magic, and he was saddened by the change. However, he was satisfied with his position, and still considered the network portal to be his sanctuary and one of the last links to the olden days.

"This one is a brand new hit from Celestina Warbeck called 'Astral Heartbeats', and I--."

He saw something move out of the corner of his eye, and turned towards the color-stained glass window. A small girl, who was momentarily blue in his vision, was waving happily at him. He blinked, and she was still there. So no late night tricks of the mind. Someone had really gotten into the secondary level of the network.

Then he heard something from behind him.

"Who's there?" he called out, alarmed.

And someone answered from the shadows of the portal room. "You-Know-Who."

Then the world went black.

"Will he be all right, Tom?" she inquired, stepping over the man on the floor.

"Yes, yes," he muttered, looking at the portal, a look of deep satisfaction on his handsome face. "For him, it will be like a dream upon waking."

Luna nodded, and conjured up a pillow to place under the man's head. Tom chuckled to himself, amused and rather charmed by her actions.

"Remember the spell, my muse?"

"Oh yes," Luna chirped, and pointed her wand at the portal. "For my choice, I recorded the serpents from our garden. They were so happy to be on the Wireless. And the little butterfly wanted to be included so I also recorded the beating of its wings. But then the trees wanted to be included so...well, I included everyone from our garden. But Tom, what's your choice?"

"Nothing much at all," he said. "Just a few subliminal suggestions."

"That's very interesting. Rather sublime. I like limes."

"So do I. Shall we?"

Together they cast the spell.

The results were quite interesting.


Heh, the disc jokey from American Graffiti was named Wolfman Jack. I think in HP, it would be more literal, no?

More to come, especially a continuation of For the Birds!