
By: Biancajewel

Author's note: Everyone, I am so ENTIRELY SORRY for not updating for so long! A big THANK YOU to Stassh, WhiteMustang, Appleiam and Madinu! By the way, I did not end the story!

Chapter 4

(I'm going backwards a bit! )

"Did I kill him?" he thought excitedly.

Then, suddenly, to his horror and delight, the person he attacked was…

(C'mon, guess, you people!)


"Damn," Sasuke gasped. "What the heck do you think you're doing, moron? Trying to act like a hero and kill me or what? You-" he stopped, and coughed out blood.

Naruto grinned and felt terrible at the same time. He motioned to his clones to drag him away, and thesix of them disappeared into the darkness…

In the morning…


"Sakura, what's wrong?" Shikamaru hurried up to her.

"S-Sasuke-kun is g-gone!" she gasped. "He was a lookout for us, and someone took him away! And, l-look…" she gestured the ground with a shaky finger. "B-blood!"

When Ino discovered it, she screamed too. Soon, the two girls were screaming in unison. Tears gathered up in Sakura's eyes.

"D-do you think… he's dead?" she whispered.

Shikamaru scratched his head. "I don't suppose this has anything to do with Orochimaru, do you?"

"Shut up!"

"Alright, alright…" said Shikamaru. "Women," he thought miserably. "Why is it always me that deals with them?"




"Can't we rest for a while?" Tenten sat down, panting and out of breath.

"Fine," said Neji, slightly annoyed.

"We haven't eaten breakfast yet…"

"So?" Neji shrugged.

"So? I'm hungry, Neji!"

"C'mon, let's get going. I know it's this way."

Tenten groaned. "Positive?"

"Yes…Byukugan!" (Don't know spelling!)

Tenten got up, stretched, took out an apple, and bit into it.

"Don't look at me like that," Tenten said. "I'm hungry!"

"Alright, I'll wait."

Something rustled.

"What's that?" Tenten asked.

"Byukugan! It's only a frog, Tenten!"



"What am I supposed to do with him? It's partly my fault that I hurt him, but so what?" Naruto frowned at Sasuke, who was clutching his chest and breathing heavily.

"What was your problem, moron?" Sasuke asked again, his face cringing in pain.

"How am I supposed to know? I thought you were an enemy."

Sasuke snorted. "Yeah right!"

Suddenly, the bush behind them rustled.

"Did you hear that?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke, who was cringing in pain a while ago, was up and he looked alert.

"Someone is coming." He said.

Quickly, the two of them took out a kunai and held them, ready to attack.

The unknown figure emerged, and they gasped.


Okay, that's the end of chapter 4! .