Chapter One
Willow Rosenberg stands overlooking the grave that holds her best friend. She lays the lilies against the gravestone and brushes her fingers against the cold stone. As her finger traces the engraved 'B', tears slowly form in her green eyes. A gentle hand is placed on her shoulder, and she leans into the touch, knowing that her love, Tara, is supporting her. It has been two long months since they had lost Buffy, and the pain remains with them through each passing day. Willow lays her head against the grass, and brushes Tara's hand off her shoulder. The blonde moves away from the redhead, knowing that she wishes to be left alone with her friend.
Tara moves away slowly, wrapping her arms around herself in an attempt to stay warm, or perhaps an attempt to feel safe. These past months had been torture on the Scoobies. Xander had thrown himself into work, insisting that his place in the family was to be the breadwinner. Anya continued to work at the Magic Box, assisting Giles occasionally. Dawn was preparing to start school once again. The town had rebuilt Sunnydale High and Dawn would be attending in the fall. Willow and Tara had moved into the Summer's house, watching over Dawn. Willow and Spike concentrated on slaying, for the most parts. They collaborated at sundown, and went out slaying. The others helped sometimes, but a powerful witch and a vampire appeared to need little help. Both were battling demons of their own, which helped them battle the demons in the world. It gave them a little extra 'oomph' as Willow put it. And Tara slid easily into the 'mom' role. She watched over everyone, always remaining in the background unless needed. She felt most comfortable in the shadows.
Tara was brought out of her daze as Willow's hand slid into hers. The blonde gave her partner a gentle squeeze and began to lead her to the car. Tara stopped suddenly as the hair on the back of her neck stood up. A bolt of electricity shot through Tara's body, surged around her. Something was coming. Willow's worried face met Tara's. "Everything ok, baby?" Willow asked, placing her hand on the small of Tara's back.
Tara nodded, "Y-yeah, I-I'm just cold," she replied, gripping the redhead's hand tighter.
"Well we'll have to do something about that, won't we," Willow asked, raising her eyebrow at the blonde.
Tara nodded and smiled sheepishly as she opened the car door. Glancing back at Buffy's grave, she noticed a figure standing in front of the stone. Turning her head slightly to the side, Tara shot a confused look in their direction. Tara felt Willow tug at her sleeve, so she closed the door and started the car. Shooting the figure one more puzzled glance, Tara put the car into drive and started back towards the Magic Box.
Faith watched Willow and Tara pull away and pulled her dark, wavy hair back into a tight ponytail. She knelt down beside Buffy's grave, placing her hand on the damn soil. "It's really true, B. You're gone?" Faith's voice cracked as she leaned her forehead against the cold stone. "You know, I was supposed to be the first to die. I had it coming. I'm the bad slayer, B. You get the glory and the good life. This isn't how things are supposed to turn out." Sighing, the dark slayer curled up next to the tree that toward over the gravesite. Closing her eyes, Faith pictured the blonde slayer.
"Faith?" Buffy asked, "I'm dead, shouldn't I be free of these slayer dreams by now?"
"I don't know B, but you know how I like to cause waves in this system," Faith smirked, crossing her arms. "You know you can't stay dead, right?"
Buffy sighed, "And why not? I've earned a little peace after all this fighting."
"You've had two months rest B; I'd call that quite the vacation."
Buffy shook her head at the dark slayer, "It's your turn to fight, Faith. If you really want me back, you'll find a way. But I'm not going to make this easy for you. It's not our style." She grinned as the dark slayer began to pout, "And don't pout, it's not YOUR style."
"Your little Scooby pals can't go on without you, ya know. They're falling apart, I can feel it. You can feel it too, I know it," Faith said, moving closer to the older slayer.
"Like I said Faith, if you really want me back, you'll find a way. Things are already in motion, things that you can't stop. Now you can either save yourself or," Buffy jammed the knife into Faith's side, "or you can join me."
Faith jolted up into awaiting arms. Confused by her dream and current surroundings, Faith swung her arm wildly, connecting with a skull. Faith heard a sickening thud as the body fell to the ground. Gazing at the ground, Faith gasped. "Blondie?" The blonde witch lay on the ground, a pool of blood forming on her head. "Great job, Faith. Way to make an entrance." Picking up the blonde with ease, Faith carried the injured blonde to Sunnydale Memorial. She gave the nurse Red's number. Faith kissed Tara gently on her head and whispered, "I'm so sorry. I…I didn't know."
Tara shook and looked up at Faith, "I know," she said, before slipping back into unconsciousness.