Disclaimer: Do I own Buffy or Angel? No I don't, which is a shame...
Flaire Delacour with Faith
Love the heart that hurts you
Spoilers: the last season
Couples: mainly Wes/Faith, but Spike/Buffy, Anya/Xander and Kennedy/Willow implied.
Summary: Wesley gets asked by Giles to help train the potentials in Sunnydale for the final fight against the first evil. But what the ex watcher doesn't count on is bumping into his ex charge. Is he able to put the past behind him and admit how he really feels about her while she does the same despite her problems and responsibilities…?

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce stretched his arms as he looked out the window of the bus He was on heading toward Sunnydale.

It had been a long time since he'd left the old Hellmouth and started off toward LA praying he never had to go back there again.

But that was the old Wesley, the wimpy Wesley who'd been scared to death of the two charges he'd had to train, the easily scared Wesley who'd been scared Faith would torture him to the point of insanity when she'd immerged from her coma and come planning to kill Angel.

But this was different in more ways than one. He was no longer a watcher, he was now a reluctant attorney of Law who worked at the dreaded law firm in LA Wolfram and Hart, all because his boss and Friend had wanted to protect and give his son a better life. It wasn't that he didn't admire the vampire for playing the responsible Father but he couldn't understand why he'd agreed to take over the law firm.

Now he was on his way to help train potential slayers for Buffy and Faith even though he couldn't see why they needed him. He'd hung up his stakes long ago, replacing them with books and the bills he needed to pay in reality, they had Giles and the two most infamous Slayer in the history of the watcher's council…what did they need him for?

The bus jolted to a stop at the bus station in the center of the town and Wesley got to his feet stretching his arms before grabbing his luggage from beside him and following the rest of the passengers off the bus. He looked around wearily as he rubbed his eyes hoping to see one of Buffy's Friends or maybe even Giles as he walked into the bus station to look for a payphone. But no such luck.

The ex watcher was approaching the pay phone when he felt a familiar presence behind him and looked over his shoulder to see his ex charge Faith Lehane following him intently as though waiting for him to stop.

A grin crossed the man's face, it had been a long time since he'd last Faith, a year or so if he wasn't very much mistaken and yet she hadn't changed a bit. She still wore her own style consisting of leather, rather revealing tops and unruly curls that made you want to either tame them or run your hands through them.

"Wes, you gonna stop or do I have to tackle ya to the ground?" asked the brunette slayer her Boston accent shining through as she spoke.

"All though I would love to have you on top of me Faith I don't think the bus station is the most appropriate place." Grinned Wesley as he stopped and turned around to let his ex-charge catch up.