A/N: I might've tried too hard to make it funny... it just doesn't come naturally anymore, even with the mabudachi trio. w/e. read and enjoy. please review if you aren't too lazy.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Furuba! Natsuki Takaya does!

Hatori sat down and put a cigarette in his mouth. He searched for his lighter around his desk and thought about what had happened. Momiji was a little overexcited today, for reasons unknown, and leapt into the arms of an innocent girl passerby. She thought that he was the most adorable little thing and wasn't scared of his transformation, but Akito ordered her memories erased. As Hatori stood above her with a pained look in his eye, he could almost see Kana in the little girl who was crying for the memory she was about to lose.

"I can't take this anymore! Where's my damn lighter!" Hatori mumbled and started throwing papers around, looking ever more frantically.

"Looking for thiiiis?" Ayame taunted, holding two lighters above his head. Shigure was crying beside him, tugging on his dress with an unlit cigarette also in his mouth.

"Haaa-chaaan… He stole my lighter!" Shigure whined, with more tears rolling down his cheeks and the biggest puppy dog eyes you'll ever see.

Hatori stood up, looking angry. "Why?"

"Hah hah! I cannot allow you two to smoke any longer!" Ayame said triumphantly and threw the lighters into an incinerator that just so happened to be in Hatori's office. (Then it disappeared.)

Shigure regained his manly composure as Rin passed by. She was staring at them suspiciously, but then quickly continued on her way. Once she was out of hearing distance, he broke down and started crying on the floor. He pounded on the floor with his fists and bawled his head off.

"I could have sworn you were twenty-seven years old… Hey what are you doing with those?" Hatori rolled his eyes at Shigure but became panicked when Ayame picked up his last fresh pack.

"Into the magic incinerator it goes!" Ayame shouted over the loud crying of Shigure and threw them into thin air. The magic incinerator didn't appear. "What? Nooooooooooo… The world is doomed without the incinerator! Noo! Doomed I say!" He started running circles around the still crying-like-a-baby Shigure, trying to pull his hair out and screaming "DOOMED!" Hatori calmly went over to the cigarette pack and picked it up. He placed the one from his mouth back into it and snuggled it away in his pocket. Then he walked over to the chaotic grown men that were freaking out over such little things. He pulled Ayame's hair and threw him to the ground. Ayame just bounced back up and started brushing his hair with a hair brush that also appeared out of no where. Hatori gave a good kick in the chest to Shigure, who then curled into a little ball and sucked on his thumb.

"Ok…now that we have some quiet, what are you trying to do, Aaya?" Hatori asked, getting more and more irritated.

"I'm saving you from the inevitable death which is cancer or emphysema or another horrible disease that I can't remember right now!" Ayame said valiantly, still brushing his hair to make it shine.

"Oh yeah… these little things are bad for you, aren't they…" Hatori whispered to himself and started to ponder.

"Yes! That is why you two must quit. I cannot have you both dying on me and making me the sole Mabudachi member. And this is for you guys too. You don't want to die a painful death because of that tar in your lungs, now do you?" Ayame replied and flounced over to him. He slid a hand into the pocket where Hatori put the cigarettes, gave a lustful look at Hatori who sighed and looked away, and then flounced back, looking proud of himself. "Now, into the incinerator!" Before he threw it this time, however, he checked. Once he was sure that it was there, he chucked it and gave a maniacal laugh. "I know the addiction is overwhelming, boys, but you must try! Never give up! And if you get too frustrated or depressed, you must call on me to make you feel better! I am your temporary cigarettes and lighter! Now away, I must take Gure home since he is in no state to make it there without attracting attention."

Once Ayame left, Hatori sat back down and put a hand over his face, already feeling the addiction strangle his mind. This will probably be harder than anything I've done before, he thought. But Aaya always listens to me… I know he knows best right now. I can try. It's what she'd want me to do.