Fresh Revenge

Rating: K+ (PG)

Disclaimer: I do not own cats in any way and have no claim over them. (As much as I'd like to!)

A few days of peace passed in the junkyard before Mistoffelees was allowed out of Jennyanydots protective care. He and Victoria seemed to disappear for hours at a time, and when they came back Victoria always had a look of joy and amazement on her face, and Mistoffelees usually supported a giddy looking grin. Munkustrap believed he was showing off his magic to the white queen, but didn't say anything.

He and Demeter still had to make it public that they were officially mates, and Munkustrap was currently trying to quiet down all the Jellicle cats to tell them the good news. Old Deuteronomy was not present, but Munkustrap had told him the night before, thinking it was only right his father be the first to know.

"Everyone please I have a few announcements to make." The tabby called over the murmur. Victoria had also asked if she could announce something, but hadn't told Munkustrap what.

The chatter died down. Munkustrap continued. "I know that the events of the last few days have been taxing on us all, but we need to talk about what we as a tribe are going to do about the attacks on two of our members."

Mistoffelees still wore a bandage around his chest, but had used his magic to turn it black and white to match his marking so as he didn't look too out of place. Munkustrap's paw was splinted properly, his owner having taken his to the vet as soon as the tabby had returned home.

"Macavity needs to stopped now!" Yelled Rum Tum Tugger from the back of the group. "We should repay him for what he did to Munk and Misto!"

A few other toms nodded in agreement. Demeter gripped Munkustrap's shoulders and said quietly, "If you go after Macavity now more lives will be lost."

Munkustrap nodded. He didn't want to attack Macavity or get even. "We will not, I repeat will not be attacking Macavity. Every cats here knows he was more henchmen then we do fighting adults."

"So he's just going to get away with it?" Alonzo cried out in rage.

"What are you suggesting we do then?" Munkustrap hissed.

"Find him and stop his evil once and for all." Alonzo shouted. Most of the adult toms yelled in agreement.

"No," Mistoffelees spoke softly. Every cat turned his or her attention to the tuxedo, who continued solemnly. "If we did that we could no longer call ourselves Jellicles. We would be sinking down to his level, is that what you want?"

The tribe was silent.

Mistoffelees coughed slightly before continuing. "Although he attacked me, and almost killed me, I do not want revenge in the manor of which you speak."

"Nor do I." Victoria said softly from his side.

"Or I." Demeter nuzzled Munkustrap's cheek.

Most of the queens followed Victoria and Demeter's lead. The toms stayed silent, although Rum Tum Tugger and Alonzo bowed their heads in shame. Munkustrap was a little surprised to see Cassandra tap Alonzo on his shoulder and whisper something in his ear. Bombalurina did something similar: she kissed Tugger on his cheek.

"So it's agreed?" Munkustrap once again assumed control of the discussion. "No cat of the Jellicle tribe shall go after Macavity seeking revenge on what happened a few days ago."

Every cat murmured or nodded in agreement.

"On a happier note-" Tantomile began.

"-Munkustrap has something to tell you." Finished Coricopat.

Munkustrap shot them both looks of puzzlement. The twins usually kept quiet and when they did talk they finished each other's sentences. The kittens regarded them as strange, and it was rumoured they were a witch's cat, although they had not denied or conformed it.

"Well, me and Demeter have another announcement to make." Munkustrap smiled at Demeter and pulled her next to him.

"Munkustrap and I are mates." Demeter said proudly. The cats cheered.

"It's about bloody time," Rum Tum Tugger yelled, making a few other Jellicles laughs. "So who asked first?"

"He did," Demeter said while nuzzling Munkustrap's cheek. "Just before I was about to."

"Magical." Rum Tum Tugger teased, looking at Mistoffelees who immediately dropped his arm that had been around Victoria's shoulders. Munkustrap chuckled as Tugger winked at the young tom, who blushed a deep scarlet. Victoria giggled then stepped forward.

"I also have something to say," she said with a grin at Mistoffelees, whose white cheeks were now totally red. "Mistoffelees and I are now also mates."

More cheers erupted from the cats. Alonzo cried out "You go Misto!"

Munkustrap and Demeter laughed at the tuxedo as he smiled shyly. Victoria yanked him forward and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

A few toms hooted. Munkustrap felt Demeter turn him around to face her.

"You know," she said softly while running a paw along Munkustrap's back. "That looks like fun."

"Want to give it a go?" Munkustrap teased. Demeter smiled at him for a second and then did the same thing that Victoria had done to Mistoffelees. More hoots from the Jellicles. When they parted Munkustrap looked into Demeter's eyes.

"I love you."

"I know, and I love you too."

Well that's it. The end. No more. So what did ya all think? I realize the 'revenge on misto' fic has been done many times over, but I had fun doing it so I don't care :)

Mystica21: Fantastic four again! Oh well I saw it twice too, so I can't really talk. At least N. and M. didn't flame me this chapter. I'll catch ya on Monday. (I really should finish off the next Cats story shouldn't I?)

Skimbleshanks the Railway CAT: Dude, nice to see you again. Munkustrap didn't die, and he got the girl, so it all works out :)

Thanks also go out to Tiger Lily21 and ShuraChan who reviewed. Review responses to this chapter will either be answered in the first chapter of my next cats fic (If I can ever finish it, yes I've started it) or I'll just put another chapter up with just review responses.

Well that's it from me for a while. But don't worry, I have school holidays in two weeks, so hopefully I'll put up another Cats story around that time. (This one is completely origional, so relax.) Hope to catch your reviews for it,

Desert Thief - 'Eagles may soar but weasels don't get stuck in jet engines.'