Where are you? Tell me. You said you would always be there for me.

You said you would never leave me.

But I didn't

Did you plan for this to happen? To have the heavens wept over us, to have the gods release their anger over the earth while you lay there, in the mist of the battle above.

And with each crash of thunder, with each flash of lightening, I remember you. Each memory we shared flashes with each burst of light. Did you want that? To torture me with the past?

I didn't mean to hurt you

I close my eyes. And the tears fell. Because I miss you. You hear that? I miss you! I miss your humour, your voice, your arrogance…See what you have reduced me to! A woman crying over her best friend.

I'm sorry

I was…so angry at you. But no matter how angry or upset I was, it didn't take back the words that spilled from my lips. I don't hate you Trunks. And I want to see you again. And if I could redo the past, none of that, none of this, would have happened.

Its not your fault

It feels like the world has stopped. And all we can do is stared. At you. And I…I just want you back here, with me. Laughing, joking…Like the old days. The days I would give anything to have back. Anything.

I'm still here

I collapse beside you, hugging you close to my chest, allowing my sobs to ring loud to the world. Crimson water stains my hands, my chest, my face. But I don't care.

Your mother watches in silent horror, hand clutched tightly to her heart

You father solemnly glazing at his only son, unafraid to allow his emotions to pour down his cheeks.

And you sister…she weeps on the ground, head bow and hair falling over her face, hiding the tears that cascade violently down.

Don't let me go

I screamed to the skies, letting the Gods hear my sorrow and allowing my depression to swallow me. Snow began to fall, as if hearing my cry and a layer of virgin white flakes soon covers the bloody battle field.

Hold onto me

My aura fills the space around me, illuminating it in a furry of gold. The snow around us evaporates and the onlookers step back from the heat of my pain. I feel my hair trickle in a stream of gold, but it doesn't matter. I've have spent years trying to achieve the level of super sayain. I gave my soul, my passion into becoming one. But it doesn't matter. None of it matters. Because you're not here to share it with me.

Don't let me go

Hold on to me

I haven't left you

I'm still here

Because I love you…


I'm in one of those moods again. Blame Linkin Park…or my ability to read far too deeply into their lyrics. Whatever. This one was helped by one of my friends. Mainly Trunks' input lines…Trust me, most of the 'poetry' in my stories are from my friends giving their inputs into them.

Read, trash, flame, whatever.