
Chapter twelve

Five years later

Draco had kept his promise that he had made to Harry and had bought a house in Grantown where they had remained raising the twins.

Today was the day that Glory and Gavin were due to start school, they may have been twins but they were two very different people. Glory had blonde hair and green eyes, she came across as very quite and preferred to keep herself to herself where on the other hand Gavin had dark hair and pure silver eyes, he was very outspoken and more independent than his sister.

Draco knew about the prophecy about one being good and the other evil but he chose to ignore it, he couldn't believe that either of his two perfect little darlings could become the new power of evil.

It was as he was loading Glory and Gavin into Harry's old car that an owl arrived for him carrying a letter. His heart missed a beat … it was from St Mungo's.

He didn't dare to open it; he hid it from the children and drove them to school. He wouldn't have their first day interrupted, they needed some sense of normalcy, they didn't need to hear what condition their 'mother' was in on this particular morning.

He delivered warnings about muggles and how they would react to magic and such, basically telling them not to do any before delivering them to the appropriate place and then heading straight back to the car to read the letter.

With shaking hands and a heart beating so fast he could feel it against his rib cage he opened the letter, inside was a short note that Draco had to read over three times before the information contained within it sunk it.

Dear Mr Malfoy

We are pleased to inform you that in the early hours of the morning Mr Potter regained consciousness for three hours before going back to sleep, however his condition has improved drastically and he is expected to awake fully this afternoon.

St Mungo's staff

Draco sat and stared, it had been five years and he had almost given up all hope of ever seeing Harry alive again, after twelve months he had stopped going to the hospital altogether, preferring to focus on the twins rather than dwelling on something out of his hands. He could hardly control himself from jumping for joy at this news.

He raced home, hardly caring for the speed limit on any of the roads, he had no time for small town rules, he had to see Harry, nothing was going to stop him. As soon as he arrived home he apperated straight to St Mungo's, he knew he shouldn't have left the twins in Scotland on their own but they were in school so they would be fine.

When he reached Harry's room he saw his lover's eyes, not as bright as they had once been but still as expressive, they watched him and when his tired brain registered who it was he smiled.

Draco ran forward and hugged him, kissing whatever part of his face he could reached, Harry having just woken up was a little confused why he was being slobbered over.

"Draco …"

"Yes Harry"

"I'm okay you know, I'm not going any where."

"I'm so happy your okay, I missed you so much."

"Where are the children?"

"They're in school baby; I took them there this morning."

"School … but they're only 10 months old."

"Oh honey, you've been in a coma for the past five years, today was their first day at school, but I kept your promise, Dumbledore hasn't touched them."

"Five years …"

"But you did it, you saved us."

"I killed Voldermort … I remember."

"I was so scared that you wouldn't make it, I missed you so much, I don't want you to ever scare me like that again, do you hear me?"

"Do you think I can leave?"

"I don't know, I'll ask."

"Okay, thank you, I'd like to pick up my babies from school … I can't believe it's been five years."

"Neither can I."

The staff were very reluctant to allow Harry to leave, they had been told to tell Albus Dumbledore when he awoke, Draco strictly forbid that and Harry backed him up on that count so they didn't. They flooed back to Grantown as Harry wasn't up to apparition; he was struggling to walk let alone do anything else.

Draco settled him down on the sofa and lit a fire in the grate with his wand as it was becoming quite chilly, "Do you want anything?" He asked after placing a soft kiss upon Harry's lips.

"Yeah, a sandwich, whatever you have really, I'm not too fussed."

Harry devoured everything that Draco brought for him, after being fed on a tube for five years Draco wasn't surprised at his huge appetite and as he watched Harry's cheeks gained colour and he seemed to become livelier.

Draco couldn't have been happier at the sight of his lover who seemed to be recovering pretty quickly despite it all. However their was a little worry in the back of his mind, one that kept reminding him that before he went to fight Voldermort he wanted to escape, not just from him but the entire wizarding world and he was paranoid that Harry would make him leave again now that he was better.



"What's going to happen now, I mean with us."

"I don't know, I'm not to keen on deep thought at the moment, I'm still getting used to everything, like how long it's been, everything's changed."

"I'm not putting pressure on you but … I need to be apart of your life, the twins lives."

"I'm not running away again Draco; I don't have the strength to keep running."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Allowing me to stay, I do love you Harry, I never stopped."

"Thank you for never giving up hope that I'd recover, also for taking care of our babies, and mostly for not letting Dumbledore near them."

Harry and Draco walked down to the primary school together holding hands and generally talking, Draco sharing the memories of the past five years, telling Harry what had happened and letting him know what he had missed.

They stood in the playground with the other parents waiting. When the moment came that the children came running out Harry's nerves were all over the place, he squeezed Draco's hand for reassurance.

At first neither Glory or Gavin noticed him, it took them a moment to realise who it was standing next to their father. When their brains clicked, they hugged him. Their happiness overwhelming them.

"Dad, I can't believe this, you're alright."

"And you're both so grown up, I can't believe it."

"I think we all deserve a treat, I'm taking you all out for a meal tonight to celebrate Harry's homecoming."

The twins cheered and the family of four began to head back home, a lot of the other parents, used to seeing Draco around were all whispering to each other as they passed. They were all wondering who this man was that was accompanying Draco.

"What did you tell them, about their mother?" Harry asked as they let themselves into their home.

"I simply told them that, their father, my partner was in the hospital and my cousin agreed to be a surrogate mother for the twins."

"So … you know a lot of the people around town?"

"Only a few other parents, the twins have quite a few friends here, well Gavin does, Glory is a little shyer than her brother."

"Are they … I mean, the prophecy … are they …opposites?"

"Harry, I can't and won't lie to you, they are but I have never witnessed or indeed heard anything backing up what Dumbledore says, I don't believe that it will come true."

"Ah, good, since we're on the subject." Dumbledore said as he stepped out of the fire and joined the two in the living room, the twins were upstairs doing their homework so fortunately didn't witness this, or the shocked expressions on their parent's faces.

Harry stood up, his strength finally finding him again, "Get out of my house!" He said to Dumbledore, a hint of fierceness in his voice. Draco stood beside him to show that he too supported Harry's decision.

"Now, now, Harry, we need to discuss what you intend to do about the prophecy."

"I'm doing anything about it, not until I have to, they are five years old, I refuse to let their lives be as horrid as mine was. My children will grow up loved and free to be children. I will deal with the prophecy if and when I have to. Until that time you are to leave us in peace, I have done what I was born to do by destroying Voldermort and now I am going to live my life in peace."

"And what of Mr. Malfoy, I assume that the two of you will be staying together, especially since he has done such a wonderful job taking care of the twins and keeping them from me while you were away."

"Not that it's any of your business but yes, we will be staying together, I don't want to see or hear from you until it is time for Glory and Gavin to go to Hogwarts."

"As you wish, you will hear from me in six years then."

And with that the headmaster departed, he would of course keep his promise and leave the happy couple to live their lives until it was time for the two children to attend Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and the prophecy was activated.


I thought you guys deserved the new chapter. Thank you to everyone who reviewed, I couldn't believe I got seven for the last chapter. There will of course be a sequel, how could there not be but nothing is really going to happen in the six years between the end of this story to the beginning of their Hogwarts years so it seemed silly to just have a new chapter beginning six years later. I'll start the sequel soon don't worry but I need to finish my other stories first. xxxxxxxx