Kagome's Date

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Mark's Ice Cream parlor or anything else in this story! I only own my imagination (A.K.A: this story)!

Okay so this is how it works:



#Phone conversation#

(A/N: Authors note.)


Previously on Kagomes date:

Kagome and Hojo made out,

That's about it.

Oh Yeah!

And Hojo walked Kagome up to the door.


Scene 4, Warm Embrace


Kagome and Hojo reached the door.

"Well ummm…I guess this is goodnight." Kagome said sadly.

'This night has been perfect, why does it have to end?'

"Yeah, I guess so…" Hojo replied staring at his feet.

They were both silent…for what seemed to be forever.

'Isn't he going to ask me for a kiss? Doesn't he want one? After all the kissing we did on the beach I thought he would at least kiss me goodnight.'

Kagomes heart dropped, She decided to go inside before she started to cry…What a perfect night ruined.

"Well I better get inside…" Kagome got her keys out of the purse and turned to the door.

Hojo toke both her hands in his own as to stop her from opening the door.

Kagome looked up into his eyes.

"Kagome, Wait." Hojo said in his most manly voice. (A/N: Ha ha)

"Yes?" Kagome asked softly as she stared into his eyes.

'This is it. This is my chance to get that special goodnight kiss I've always wanted from Kagome. I better not blow it.'

"Kagome…." Hojo started after pausing out of nervousness.

Kagome brought her finger up to his lips.

'He wants to kiss me? He does! Should I refuse? After all there is that rule about no kisses on the first date. But then again, Who cares!'

Kagome would have gone on but then she stared deep into Hojo's eyes and then they both slowly leaned in. Closer, Closer, Closer Yet. And then when their noses were touching…Kagome dropped her finger, and they both closed their eyes.

'This is it.'

'This is it'

There lips barley touched, and then, well I think you guys get the point. But lets just say that it was the best kiss either of them had ever experienced.

(A/N: Awwwwww…How sweet.)

"HEY KIDS!" Kagomes Grandfather opened the door and jumped out.

Unfortunately He scared them half to death so they stopped kissing and stared at him half shocked and half not wanting to let go of each other.

"Ohhhhhh…" Kagomes Grandfather said when he realized what they had been doing.

"Ummm…I'm sorry kids, just go back to your kissing, forget I was here." Her grandfather quickly ran inside and shut the door behind him.

They both started to laugh. When they stopped they realized they were still in each others arms. They blushed but each managed to gain the courage to look into the others eyes. All was quiet. The was a small breeze and it made Kagome shiver. It was only a small shiver but they were so close that Hojo felt it.

"Your cold." Hojo said in a protective voice.

Kagome looked down a little.

"Only a little-" Kagome started.

But before she could finish Hojo pulled her closely into his warm embrace.

Kagome had to admit to herself that she was a little surprised but she was so happy (A/N: And warm) that all she did was put her arms around him. Kagome and Hojo stood there.

"Well we better get you inside, its been a big night and I can tell your tired." Hojo said softly breaking the silence.

"I am tired." Kagome smiled as they still held each other.

"But I don't care." Kagome finished looking into his eyes just for a minute before burying her head in his chest again.

"I want to stay here in this moment forever." She finished.

Hojo smiled and held her closer.

"I wish we could too. But we'll go out again. And its not like this will be the only night where we…..Wait…We will go out again wont we?" Hojo asked realizing that he hadn't asked yet.

"Of course we will! I mean I'd love to. I mean--" Kagome replied as fast as possible, And then realizing her mistake.

'Was I too eager? Does this show WAY too much of my affection for him? Should I have played with him?'

"I mean if you want to." Kagome said with a swift recovery.

"I can't think of anything else I would like better." Hojo said softly and acting like the adult in this relationship. Ha ha.

"Really?" Kagome said recovering from the shade of bright red she had turned from this whole conversation.

"Really." Hojo said secretly smiling.

They paused only for second. Hojo thinking he was being sneaky quickly put his head closer to hers so he could smell her hair. (A/n: Yes guys think we don't know but we do. Ha ha)

"Goodnight Kagome." Hojo softly said let go of her.

Kagome suddenly felt cold again.

"Goodnight Hojo." Kagome said turning to get in because she was so cold.

But then Kagome just turned back to Hojo and threw her arms around him for one last embrace.

"Can we continue this tomorrow?" Kagome whispered in his ear.

"Yes. What time should I pick you up?" Hojo whispered back in hers.

They both stepped back.

"7 O'clock." Kagome said with a sort of sadness in her voice.

"I will count the hours." Hojo said trying to break the seriousness of the conversation.

Kagome turned and opened the door……….Her grandfather and Mother fell out.


After Hojo had left and Kagome had changed.

In Kagomes room.

"You were spying on us the whole time?" Kagome said very annoyed at her family.

"I'm sorry dear, we were only trying to find out when you were going to come in." Her Mother said innocently.

Kagome raised an eyebrow at her. Her Mother only laughed.

"He's sweet though. And cute too." Her Mother said eagerly sitting at the edge of Kagomes bed.

"MOM…..Butt out." Kagome said surprised at her mother And embarrassed at the same time.

"Ha! But you think so too. You should see how red you are." Her Mother said laughing.

Kagome looked in the mirror and upon seeing how bright red she was started laughing too.


Well this looks like a good place to leave you.

It was kind of different this time so tell me if you do or don't like it.