Sorry I haven't updated in so long. On with the story.

Chapter three: Brothers Quarrel

Link woke up in the hospital tent. He started sweating again; he really didn't like to be in hospitals. He looked around and saw that all the doctors and nurses were busy. He tried to look around the doctors and nurses but couldn't see who they were treating. One of the doctors noticed that Link had woken up and walked over to him.

"I'm glade you're awake. I think it's time for you to go out with Kenshin so you can wait for your turn." The doctor said. Link nodded his head and got up. He felt a little wobbly but he walked out of the tent into the bright sunlight. He saw Kenshin and walked over to him. Kenshin smiled at him.

"You feeling better young one?" Kenshin asked. Link nodded his head.

"Yah. I'm sorry I couldn't see your challenge." Link said.

"It's ok. Your turn is coming up next." Link smiled. He started to look around the audience again. Kenshin had sat down against the wall when he noticed Link looking around.

"What's wrong?" Kenshin asked. Link looked at him.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just looking for someone." Link said.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Erthin. He's my older twin."

"Why are you looking for him?" Link sat down next to Kenshin and sighed.

"He said I'm weak and can't do anything right. Sure. I make mistakes but that's part of being alive. You make mistakes but you go on living. Some of the mistakes I make can be dangerous to the ones around me though. Like my sister. It was my fault she was nearly killed. If I had been paying better attention she wouldn't have been captured and…" Link trailed off. Kenshin looked at Link with sympathy. So young with so much responsibility. He decided that he had said enough and watched InuYasha kill a dragon. Link saw InuYasha kill the dragon with one swing. His eyes widened with surprise but passed as he saw InuYasha walking towards him.

"Good fight." Link said. InuYasha looked at Link and sneered.

"Oh look who woke up from the kiddy nap." InuYasha said. Link glared at the demon. Goddess what a grump. InuYasha walked away. Link got up and leaned against the wall. He looked around the audience and saw who he was looking for. Erthin. Sitting right next to Fiore. Link sighed and walked up to the gate. He had a five minute break before him match. What was he going to have to do?

"Alright Link! Your turn to show us your skills again. Since our last two dragons escaped let's have someone from the audience come out and fight with our young hero." The announcer announced. Link walked into the middle of the auditorium know full well who would come. And he was right. Erthin jumped from the audience and landed in front of Link.

"Hello, Rinku." Erthin said. (Rinku means Link in Japanese). Link smirked. He's using my nickname huh?

"Hello, Kumori." Link said. (Kumori means shadow in Japanese. Erthin means shadow in my language.) Erthin smirked back at Link. Well he's using my nickname. This should be fun.

"This just came in! The person in front of Link is Erthin! Link's twin brother! Let's see how much of a fight they can give each other. All weapons aloud!" Erthin and Link looked at each other. Both smirked. Link drew his sword followed by Erthin. Link ran at Erthin and swung his sword. Erthin smirked and jumped up, landing on Links sword. Link glared at Erthin.

"Darn you! I hate you! I was never able to master that move!" Link yelled swinging his sword from under Erthin's feet. Erthin did a back flip in the air and landed on his feet.

"I know you weren't able to master that move. Then again you weren't able to master this one either. That may be because I'm mostly shadow." Erthin said disappearing into the ground. Link looked around hoping to find some sign of where Erthin was.

"Whoa! Did you just see that? Erthin just disappeared into the ground! Amazing!" Link glared and closed his eyes. Sense his aura, sense his aura, sense his aura… THERE! Link turned around and swung his sword into the ground. Erthin appeared holding his shoulder.

"You've gotten better at sensing me, Rinku" Erthin said. "But as you know I have healing powers." Erthin pressed his fingers to his shoulder and his shoulder healed.

Link sighed.

"I'm very aware of that, Kumori" Link smirked. "But I am also aware of your weakness" Link took two objects out of his sack. A green crystal and a red crystal.

"FAORE'S WIND!" Link yelled holding the green crystal above his head. In a flash of green light Link was on the other side of the arena.

"Whoa! Link has powers to! That's so cool!" Link rolled his eyes and held the crystal above his head again. Erthin had started to run towards Link, so he had to time this right.

"FAORE'S WIND!" Link yelled again. In a flash of green light Link appeared behind Erthin. Erthin quickly turned around and saw Link. He knew what was coming next and tried to get out of the way. Link had put the green crystal away and was holding the red one. He slammed the crystal on the ground.

"DIN'S FIRE!" Before the fire erupted from the crystal Erthin had rolled out of the way. A dome of fire appeared around Link barely missing Erthin. Erthin stood up strait and gasped for air. Link was doing the same thing.

"Rinku, you're going to use up all of your energy using your magic. Maybe you should stop before you kill yourself." Erthin said. He watched as Link stood up strait barely holding the crystal. Link looked up at him and smirked.

"Don't you worry. I'm just using enough energy. I'll have enough after this. Besides…" Link reached into his sack and took out a bottle full of green liquid. Erthin stared at it. Then he stared at Link.

"You did come prepared." Erthin said. Link grinned and drank the potion. He took the bottle away from his mouth and gave a disgusted look. He put the bottle in his sack.

"I will never get used to the flavor." Link said. Erthin laughed and drew his sword and Longshot. He used his Longshot and shot at Link. Link let it grab his sword and drag him over to Erthin. Erthin looked at Link questionably at what Link did when he saw the red crystal. Link slammed the crystal to the ground in front of Erthin.

"DIN'S FIRE!" This time Erthin was caught in the dome and sank through the ground. He came back up and sank to his knees. Link bent down in front of Erthin.

"Heh. You got me this time Rinku. Good job" Erthin said starring tiredly at Link. Link smiled at Erthin.

"You did well too, Kumori." Link said. He put his crystal away.

"It looks like Link is the winner! Good job!" Link took a bottle out of his sack and gave it to Erthin. Erthin took it and looked at it.

"Rinku… This is a blue potion… These are expensive… I can't take this…" Erthin said. Link smiled full-heartedly at Erthin.

"You need it more then I do Kumori" Link said. Erthin smiled and drank the potion. He handed the bottle back to Link.

"Thanks Rinku." Erthin said as he started walking off. "By the way, I went easy on you."

"I know you did Kumori." Link said as he walked towards the gate.

"Hey Rinku." Erthin called. Link turned back around.

"Yah?" Link said.

"Be sure to win your Ocarina back."

"Don't worry I will! And enjoy the show!" Erthin smiled.

"Ok. I will." Erthin said walking to the stands. Link walked over to the gate.

"You better Kumori."

End chapter three.

Only Erthin, Link, and Fiore call each other by their nicknames. Sorry again that I haven't updated in so long. Don't forget to Review.