The Assassins
By: darkangelprincess24
Disclaimer: Lawyers interrogate, she squirms "Say it!" Never!" "Say it! You don't own Inuyasha!" "But I will some fine day! Mwah-haha!" "She's gone cuckoo daddy…"
Chapter one: The Mission
"Miss Kagome and Sango, is it?" The secretary asked, one eyebrow raised.
A girl with wavy hair down to the middle of her back stood. She had so black hair, it almost seemed dark purple. The young woman, of about seventeen, had chocolate-y brown eyes. Kagome Higurashi wore a dark maroon halter top, and low rise jeans, complete with black converse, high tops.
The other girl, Sango Taesi, eighteen, stood also. She had dark brown hair, coming just past her shoulders. Today it was pulled back into a high ponytail. Sango wore a knee length, black skirt, with a matching t-shirt. She also wore black heels. Her brown eyes were full of curiosity, for Kaede would give them their next mission.
"Well then," The secretary continued, "Lady Kaede will see you now."
The two women nodded and walked into a large office with soundproof walls. It was painted a dull grey, as everything else in the office was. Lady Kaede smiled a warm smile as Sango and Kagome entered. Kagome did not return the smile, for it was seven o' clock on a Sunday morning.
"What is our mission?" She asked coldly.
Kaede cleared her throat. "The Evil Spiders are planning another attack." She paused. "Two young men, of about eighteen or nineteen, I think, are being sent to kill the two best assassins in our group, which, as you know is The Assassins. The two best assassins in this group at the moment two, Sango and Kagome."
The girls nodded, letting all of the information sink in. Sango was thinking of her boyfriend at the same time. He was eighteen, lecherous, and also in The Evil Spiders. He couldn't, not her assassin?
Kaede continued. "They know you two share an apartment. Don't ask how, they just do. The two men, uh, I believe the names are, InuYasha-" Much to Sango's horror, "-and Miroku Houshi."
Kagome looked over at Sango. She had paled, and was white as paper. Miroku? That was Sango's, uh, boyfriend that, ahem, bad things...
Seeing their glances, Kaede spoke once more. "You will have to kill them," Sango gasped slightly. "-or take them hostage." Observing once more, Kaede sighed. "Is that a problem?"
The girls quickly shook their heads no.
"Fine then. You two must prepare for the worst," She looked them both in the eye. "These men are the best assassins. Ever. Don't beat around the bush on this one." Kaede went back to some paperwork on her desk. "That is all."
Kagome stood, hovering over Kaede's desk, clearly angry. She screamed, "You woke me up at six thirty on a Sunday, just for a five minute conversation about someone trying to kill us?"
"Yes." Kaede said simply.
Sango and Kagome bowed low, then headed towards the local diner.
"Your mission, boys," Naraku said without looking up from a piece of paper. "is to kill the best assassins from our rival gang, called-" He snorted, "-The Assassins."
Miroku tensed in the navy blue office room. His dear Sango was in that gang. He now prayed that Sango sucked at assassinating people. Next, Naraku said the worst thing you could say to an in love Miroku.
"You must kill two seventeen year old girls. Their names:" He paused and looked up at InuYasha and Miroku. "Sango Taesi and Kagome Higurashi."
InuYasha noticed Miroku's scent quickly change from relaxed to pure fear and lost hope. InuYasha guessed the sudden change was because Miroku was just sent to kill his girlfriend. Kagome...that's a nice name, InuYasha decided, then felt silly. Knowing his luck, Kagome would be a 400 pound man in disguise.
The two men bowed, then turned to walk outside. First, Naraku spoke a warning.
"You must remember this. These girls, as young as they seem, are two of the best assassins in Tokyo." He heard InuYasha snort. "Heed my words, InuYasha and Miroku. I hear Sango is the devil in disguise, and as of this Kagome girl...she is to have the face of an angel, but she can probably kick you guys into next week."
InuYasha rolled his eyes as they walked out, though he was secretly glad that this Kagome could be beautiful. What are you saying, man! You're going to KILL Kagome! He pushed aside his conscience for once. He then noticed Miroku's hands clench into fists. Once outside, Miroku lost it.
"How can he say that?" He demanded, as if InuYasha would have the answer. "He hasn't even met Sango!"
InuYasha shrugged. His long, silver hair blew in the wind, and his amber eyes slowly closed. InuYasha hadn't slept for a few days.
At least, not very well. He kept having dreams of her. He knew she wasn't coming back, but a part of him still believed she would. He drove her away.
Author's note: Hi, everyone! Hope you like it! Review please!