Chapter One

Greg stared at the body laid out on the ground. It was a woman and appeared to have been beaten. Further examination revealed lacerations on various parts of her body. They had been called to an empty lot near the strip. The area was riddled with broken bottles and who knew what else.

"Looks like she's been tortured," he said softly.

"We'll know more at the autopsy," Grissom said as he collected something from a wound.

He raised it closer to his eyes, "Glass."

"He used glass to torture her?"


The glass was inserted into an envelope, marked and placed in the kit. Greg finished taking pictures then put away the camera.

"There's not much blood," Greg observed. "She was dumped here."

"Hopefully, the evidence will tell us where she was killed."

Greg nodded and searched the scene for any more evidence he could collect. His flashlight illuminated a dusty footprint near the body. He knelt beside it, brought out his camera again and took a few pictures.

"I have a footprint," he called to Grissom.

"It could be nothing or everything," Grissom said calmly.

"It's something, at least."

Grissom only raised an eyebrow as they gathered their kits and left the scene.

Greg was silent most of the ride back, his thoughts on Sara. She was desperate to get back to work and she let him know everyday. He had to smile, though. As much as she loved theirone month old child, she was restless.

"You're awfully quiet," Grissom observed.

"Just thinking about Sara. She's restless and wants back to work."

"If she's ready, she can return tomorrow."

Greg smiled, "She'll be glad to hear that."

"Want to throw her a welcome back party?"

Greg laughed and shook his head. He doubted Sara would want a party. Getting back to work was enough for her.

"I'll throw her a private party. I think she'll enjoy it more."

Grissom nodded and drove the rest of the way in silence.

Greg headed home after several hours of waiting for the glass they found to be identified. Trace had been back logged with other cases. It had been window glass, but hadn't yet confirmed if it was the murder weapon. He decided to call it a night before he fell asleep in the break room. Besides, he missed Sara and his son. He pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex and got out. They had moved into a larger apartment, closer to work. He headed up the stairs, taking them two at a time until he reached the floor. He unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"Sara?" Greg called as he closed the door.

He strode through the short hallway and checked the living room. The T.V. was on, but the room was empty.

"Sara?" He called again as he turned around and went into the kitchen. Something was on the stove, bubbling over. He ran to it, turned off the heat and stirred the food.

"You're home," Sara said behind him.

Greg turned around and took her in his arms. He kissed the top of her head, letting her nearness comfort him.

"Rough night," he said. "We found a woman who might have been tortured to death. All we found was a piece of glass and a footprint."

"Did you test the glass?" Sara asked as she stirred the peas.

"Window glass. We think it might have been used on her."

"And the footprint?"

"Nothing, yet."

"I wish I was helping you. I'm going stir crazy."

"Grissom said you can start tomorrow," Greg announced, smiling.

Sara spun around, her eyes full of amazement. It then turned into happiness, the smile melting his heart.

"That's wonderful," she said, wrapping her arms around him, kissing him.

He loved making her smile, always had. She had a lovely smile and he had made it his life's work to bring it out often.

"He'll probably give you something light," Greg admitted.

"I don't care as long as I'm working."

"Greg smiled, "How's Erik?"

"He's fine," Sara answered. "He's asleep."

"I envy him right now. Lucky kid."

Sara smiled and brought his head down for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around her tighter, bringing her closer to him. He deepened the kiss until Sara pulled away.

"Dinner," she whispered.

"Can wait," he said, pulling her back into his arms. "I missed you."

"Good thing you turned off the stove," she mentioned before he took her mouth with his again.

Sara moved him into the living room and down onto the couch. She deepened the kiss, her hands moving up into his hair. Her lips traveled to his jaw line as her hands progressed down his arms and over his chest.

"Shall we go into the bedroom?" Greg asked, his hands roaming under her shirt.

"I'm comfortable here," Sara answered, nibbling on his ear. She smiled when he gasped.

"Me, too." Sara laughed and removed his shirt.

She tossed it over the couch then ran her hands over his chest, reveling in the feel of his skin. Her lips traveled down his body as her hands unbuttoned his pants. She then raised her arms as Greg removed her blouse. She took his mouth again as she began pushing his pants down his legs. She was inflamed as she ripped his jeans off him and tossed them over the couch. She took the time to admire him as he ran his hands up her body, setting her skin up in flames.

"It's not fair. I'm the only one with hardly any clothes on," Greg whispered, his eyes dark and sparkling with desire.

"Care to fix it?"

"Oh, yeah."

Sara helped Greg remove her jeans and they joined his on the other side of the couch.

"That's better," he said as his hands went back to sending little sparks along her skin.

Sara sighed and leaned into his hands as they massaged her breasts. She loved his hands on her. She was sent into another world when they made love. She never wanted to return to reality. The intensity of her love for him overwhelmed her to the point where she would explode.