Chains of the Past
A Ranma ½ Tenchi Muyo Crossover
Chapter One
Disclaimer: This goes for the whole story. I do not own Ranma ½ or Tenchi Muyo.
A/N: For those who read my author notes in Like Mother Like Son I am revising this story cosmetically. If at any time the story somehow changes I will place notes to alert everyone. I will not try to change the story through these revisions, but some details may change. Which ones those are yet to be known even to me.
Please read and review my new better-looking (in my opinion) story and let me know where I am lacking and where I am strong in.
It was a lovely day for travel. The sky was partly cloudy allowing for the warmth of the sun to envelope travelers while keeping the sun slightly obscure to tone down the brightness of the day. It was late afternoon so the sun was starting to set giving off vibrate colors. The trees in the forest cascaded the light and melded the shadows giving it the look that could only be caught in paintings. The sounds of the forest soothed those who could hear the orchestra the woods provided. Of course you couldn't forget the shrine hidden deep within the bosom of the forest. Its simple yet profound presence added a quiet strength that was easily felt. The couple who had traveled for most of the day looked upon the shrine which symbolized the end of one journey, and the beginning of another.
"Accordin' to mom, this is the place," Saotome Ranma stated to his companion. Dressed as he usually did in his Chinese outfit consisting of a red Chinese short sleeve shirt and black pants that were tied off at the ankles. He was carrying two packs over his back.
"She was not kidding when she said this place was well hidden," Ranma's companion, Tendo Nabiki, replied. She was wearing a blue polo shirt and tan slacks. Ranma was carrying her pack at the moment.
Ranma smirked. "That's definitely a good thing. So, shall we?"
Before either of them could move to knock on the wooden door it opened revealing an old male priest. He was wearing a traditional priest outfit. His gray hair was in a ponytail that went down to his shoulders. His eyes, which were behind glasses, still looked as sharp as they were in the man's prime. When he saw the two travelers he smiled. "Ah, you must be Ranma and Nabiki. Please come in. I have some tea ready."
Not wanting to be poor guests Ranma and Nabiki quickly took off their shoes and followed the priest into a small dining area of the shrine. Being the proper host the priest poured three cups of tea and motioned for Ranma and Nabiki to take some seats. "Saotome Ranma, Tendo Nabiki, I, Masaki Katsuhito, welcome you to my shrine."
Ranma started to get a bit embarrassed. "Please don't be so formal," he requested smiling a bit nervously. "I'm not really used to it."
Katsuhito smiled. "Your mother told me that you were not one who dwelled in formalities. Very well then. How was your journey here? I hope it was uneventful."
"It was actually," Nabiki replied. "All things considered, things these last two days were relatively peaceful. Stressful, but peaceful."
Katsuhito looked at Nabiki with a hint of mirth. "Oh, that's a rather unusual combination. You'll have to tell me how that works someday."
"We thank you for takin' us in so suddenly," Ranma said. "We hope we aren't a bother."
"Nonsense," Katsuhito replied. "Your mother is a close family friend. She has done so much for us especially when my daughter passed away. Helping you with your problem is only a small token of appreciation I can give. Besides, my grandson is getting a little lonely being the only youth around. Your company will lift his spirits."
"Yeah, mom mentioned a bit about 'em," Ranma stated. "He's studin' to be a kendoist, right."
"Not really, but he does have a bit of skill with a blade," Katsuhito replied. "If you do not mind, I would like for you to help me train him. Your mother did mention your abilities with the arts."
"I would be honored." Ranma looked around. "Mom also mentioned 'bout helpin' out around here a bit. What do you want us to do?"
"Just some simple chores like sweeping and cleaning. Plus any repairs that need to be made I may call for your help." Katsuhito slightly smirked. "I have Tenchi do most of the chores while he is here for training, but he is here for only another month." Katsuhito looked at Nabiki. "Nodoka also mentioned your skills with finances, Nabiki. I would be honored if you could take a look at my records and see if you help improve the shrines financial situation."
Nabiki smiled. "I can lend a hand."
Katsuhito smiled. "Excellent." He faced Ranma. "Ranma, your mother mentioned a curse I would believe only if I saw it. What was she talking about?"
Ranma sighed a bit. "It would be best to show ya now before anything unexpected happens. Could I get two glasses of water please? One cold and one warm."
Katsuhito nodded and left towards the kitchen. A couple of minutes later he returned with two glasses of water. Ranma poured the cold water over himself activating his curse. Katsuhito's expression of confusion changed to one of slight amusement and said, "Jusenkyo."
Ranma looked a bit shocked. "You know about Jusenkyo?"
Katsuhito sat down at the table. "I have only heard about it and assumed it was only a legend, but I can see clearly that is not the case."
Ranma nodded. "Yeah, but they ain't there no more. They've been destroyed."
Katsuhito looked curious. "Really?"
Before Katsuhit could inquire further he heard his grandson enter the shrine. "Grandpa, are you here?"
"In here Tenchi," Katsuhito yelled towards the front door.
A few moments Tenchi entered the dining room area wearing his usual white short sleeve button up shirt and black pants. He glanced over to the two females sitting across his grandfather at the dining room table. "Grandpa, who are these two?"
Katsuhito slightly smirked. "Tenchi, don't be rude. I clearly remember telling you about our guests earlier today. This is Saotome Ranma and Tendo Nabiki. Ranma, Nabiki, this is Masaki Tenchi, my grandson."
Tenchi looked confused. "But, I thought Ranma was a man." He remembered his grandfather telling him about Ranma and Nabiki coming today, but he remembered his grandfather telling him it was Nodoka's son, not daughter.
Ranma shook his head slightly and poured the warm water over his head triggering his curse. Tenchi stood there with his jaw hanging when he saw the transformation. "But… how…" Tenchi's inexperienced mind couldn't handle the shock to his system and promptly shut down. Tenchi fainted and crumpled to the floor.
Ranma sighed. "I hate it when they do that. It's not that bad."
Nabiki and Katsuhito were slightly chuckling.
After Tenchi was revived and shown Ranma's curse Ranma and Nabiki was shown to their rooms (they ignored Nodoka's request to put them in the same room). After they put their things away the four sat down to dinner. Ranma's hunger drove him to eat like he normally does (very fast, probably without chewing) and Nabiki ate a bit faster than normal. Not that she ate sloppily or like a pig, but she did eat faster.
Katsuhito watched the two eat. "A bit hungry aren't we?"
Nabiki looked a bit embarrassed and stopped eating. "Sorry, it's just that we hadn't had anything to eat since we left and it's a long journey to here from Nerima."
Katsuhito chuckled. "Pay me no mind. I made plenty." Katsuhito glanced over to Ranma who was still eating. "His mother warned me that he had an extraordinary appetite and I can see that fact wasn't an understatement."
Nabiki slightly shook her head and resumed her eating at a normal pace. She swore she broke Ranma out of that habit of his of imitating a vacuum cleaner at the table, but it looks like she would need more work.
After the main meal was done desert was served. "So tell your plans for school while you're here," Katsuhito politely said. "We wouldn't want either of your educations affected by your move here."
"I've decided to take the year off from school to save some money," Nabiki stated while eating her ice cream. "Delicious ice cream."
Katsuhito nodded. He knew college could be expensive, especially if you want to go to a good one. "And what about you Ranma? I hear you're a senior now."
Ranma, who was eating his ice cream at a civilized pace, nodded. "Yep. I setup somethin' with an old teacher of mine. I'll be takin' some courses here instead of goin' to a school."
Tenchi looked rather surprised. "I didn't know you could do that."
Ranma shrugged. "It's not somethin' they do normally, but mine was a special case."
"So what about entertainment?" Tenchi asked. "Take it from me, there's not much to do around here."
"I'm sure we'll manage," Nabiki said. "We didn't come here for the sights. The peace and quiet will suit us just fine."
"Really?" Tenchi asked a bit confused. "How about friends and"
"We have no need for those," Ranma cut in. "We'll be fine by ourselves."
Katsuhito raised an eyebrow slightly. "I take it this involves the troubles your mother mentioned about?"
Ranma quietly ate some more of his desert. "Yeah, it does."
"It's not something we want to talk about now," Nabiki politely stated. "Things happened and it's still a sore subject for us."
Katsuhito nodded. "I understand. Nodoka mentioned you would reveal all when you were ready. Now let's finish our desert before it melts."
"Already sound asleep," Tenchi stated. "Must have been quite a day."
Katsuhito and Tenchi were sitting on the porch looking up at the night sky. Ranma and Nabiki had headed up to their rooms after supper was done. It didn't take long for them to collapse on their futons and drift of into slumber.
Katsuhito looked up towards the sky. "I'd gathered as much. Nodoka wouldn't have sent them here under such conditions without a reason. Especially with only enough money to buy train tickets and a cab fare." Katsuhito looked over to Tenchi. "So, Tenchi, what did you observe about our guests during our conversation."
Tenchi frowned in thought. "Well… Ranma kind of confused me. He seemed happy to be here surrounded by nothing."
"Oh, are you insulting the shrine Tenchi?" Katsuhito said with a playful glare.
Tenchi quickly shook his head. "No, nothing like that grandpa, but it's hard to ignore what Ranma said."
Katsuhito nodded. "That is true. They both seemed to want nothing but peace and quiet with few people around as possible." Katsuhito closed his eyes. "But the one that intrigued me was Nabiki."
Tenchi looked a bit confused. "Why's that grandpa?"
"I've met and known people like her," Katsuhito said like a wise old sage. "They show the world what they want to, hiding what they want to keep hidden under a mask of sorts. Some take it to the point of hiding behind a wall of ice, but I do believe she hasn't done that yet. But what I am concerned about is what she is trying to hide from everyone else, and why." Katsuhito sighed. "Many times people like her keep themselves hidden for so long they grow detached from everything else, separating themselves from the world. It never ends happily that way. I wouldn't want a woman with much promise to waste her potential like that." Katsuhito glanced over to the side to see Tenchi sound asleep sitting up. "Though I should be more worried about you wasting your potential," he said with a glare. "You seem to be doing that more and more every day."
A/N: Yes, I'm alive! And kicking! Hope you all like the new look for the beginning of the story.
Comments, concerns, complaints, drop a line. I have a forum topic open under the Mission: Impossible forum on this site. I check it regularly.
Have fun and stay safe. Peace!