Title: Harry Potter and the Kryptonian Destiny
By: Touch of the Wind
Published: 06-22-05
Completed: 02-05-06
Edited: 07-05-06
Chapter 9
Harry lowered his arms and looked around, he was in a beautiful room; it was ornate and seemed to have a woodland theme. A window the size of one wall showed a balcony which Harry walked onto to. He looked round his breath caught in his throat at the beautiful scene in front of him. It seemed to be a city.
It rose high with the trees and had stretches of balconies linking one area to the next. It was silent but it wasn't an unusual silence but a peaceful one. Silent filtered through the trees casting a golden glow on everything making it seem more magical than Hogwarts.
Looking down at himself he was surprised to see he was wearing a blue robe with black trousers made of a fine material that Harry didn't recognise. He had a black shirt on and just from looking at it Harry could tell that it would have being very durable in a fight. On the pocket it had the kryptonian symbol for war sewn on to in blue thread. Walking back into the room he found a mirror and stared at his reflection. He looked powerful yet modest. A voice drew him from his musings.
"Very handsome." He turned to see Scarlet smiling to him from the doorway. She wore a top which went down to her wrists and covered her neck. It fitted her form and was silk from its appearance. It was blue and Harry thought he could see Japanese or Chinese designs running throughout the top in a lighter shade of blue. She wore black trousers similar to his own and had no shoes on her feet. The most shocking fact was that she had brown hair. It cascaded down her back in waves that shined in the golden light.
"Scarlet? You hair…." Harry trailed off; an amused smile came across her face.
"I am naturally a brunette; I dye or at least did dye my hair." She answered walking to him.
"Do you know where we are?" She asked when he hugged.
"No idea, you know where Clark is?" She nodded and they walked from the room. The corridors were as incredible as the room he was in at first. Beautiful paintings adorned the walls; Scarlet stopped in front of one of the doors and went inside. The room inside was gorgeous. In the centre of it though was a table which greatly resembled the table in the cave. The markings were very similar but said different things. Clark was stood behind the table reading it.
"Hey Harry."
"Hey Clark."
Seats slid out of no where they shrugged and sat down. The voice Jor-El filled the room.
"Well done Zal-El you have completed the challenge. For this the stone has given you a domain, here you will train your army. Only those selected by me can enter here. You will always be save here my nephew." The voice echoed throughout the room.
"Wow!" Clark said.
"Zal-El you're part of this story is over but you have another battle that needs to be fought. Lord Voldemort will learn standing against a superior race will be his demise. Avenge my brother well." Harry nodded his face stern.
"Good luck." Jor-El's voice faded from the room.
"Well it seems like I'll have to go back to Hogwarts." Harry muttered.
"I think I should go home and tell Mom and Dad that I'm okay. You two stay here and I'll be back in an hour then we should explore." They nodded and Clark went onto the balcony and flew off. A sonic boom shattered the peace.
"Harry, you're going to leave aren't you?" Harry nodded and gathered Scarlet into his arms.
"Harry, I love you."
"I love you too Scarlet." They then kissed passionately.
The next day
Harry was sat in the airport waiting for the plane to board. Sirius and everyone had being happy to see Harry unhurt but were upset when he told them nothing about why he came to Smallville and his relationship with Clark and Scarlet. He had become withdrawn and quiet. Yet they had noticed he had grown a lot in the past few weeks and had put on weight and his muscles had shown up more. Harry now stood over 6ft whilst he had being barley over 5ft5 before.
"Harry, why don't you put on some music over there?" Hermione pointed to a duke box, Harry nodded absently and walked over to the box and put his money in. Missing Scarlet he put her favourite song on 'I will always love you' by Whitney Houston. Sighing he leant against the box closing his eyes picturing her smiling at him and her laugh.
Sirius and everyone were puzzled when they heard his choice of song. They noticed a young woman standing near Harry she was quite small standing at about 5ft6. Her brown hair fell onto her pink denim jacket, she wore black trousers and a pair of boots, her face was sad as she looked at Harry. They couldn't help but think they recognised her. Harry sighed and wished she was here.
"My favourite song." Her voice said, Harry opened his eyes quickly desperately hoping she was there and it wasn't his imagination. Harry gasped and stood up straight as he saw her there in all her beauty, he was slightly annoyed when he saw some males staring at her. Without a word he held out his hand, smiling she took it and he pulled her into his arms. They swayed to the music; Scarlet leaning into his chest and Harry buried his face into her hair which smelt of strawberries.
Sirius and the Weasley's just stood there in shock as Harry, the boy who was scared to ask a girl to the Yule Ball danced with one in the middle of the airport as if he had no cares. As the song ended Scarlet looked up at Harry and he smiled won at her. Tears streamed down her face. He picked up a lock of hair and looked at it.
"You decided to keep it brown then." She nodded.
"It kind of grew on me."
Harry looked behind Scarlet and saw the Kent's stood there all smiling at Harry. Harry and Scarlet walked over to them. He looked at Martha who was crying.
"Thanks for everything Aunt Martha." He hugged her. He turned to Mr Kent.
"Thanks Uncle Jonathon." He gave him a hug but with a lot more backslapping. Turning to Clark next he smiled.
"Thanks Clark, for everything." He said whilst adding mentally; take care of her won't you. Clark nodded and pulled Harry into a hug. Finally he turned to Scarlet and pulled something out from his pocket. A velvet box. He handed it to her, still crying she opened it and gasped at what was inside it. Inside lay a necklace, it had a pendant on it, and turning onto the back she noticed that it said, I Will Always love you. Handing the box to Mrs Kent she pulled Harry into a hug.
"Don't I get a kiss farewell?" He murmured into her ear. She pulled back and smiled at him as there faces grew nearer.
"It's a goodbye, not a farewell." She whispered before pulling him into a loving kiss. They pulled away and Harry drew Scarlet into another hug clutching onto her not knowing the next time he'd see her. Sirius and company were seriously confused now. They looked at each other when their flight was announced. Harry gave Scarlet one last peck on the lips and pulled away. Nodding to the Kent's he headed back to Sirius. He picked up his hand luggage and headed towards the boarding point.
Glancing back he mouthed I love you at her and smiled slightly when she mouthed it back. He then moved threw the doors and boarded the plane before Sirius and everyone boarded hoping to get a seat by himself. He sat in his seat and let more tears flow freely down his face as he looked out of the window.
The End
Thank you to all my reviewers that have being with this story each chapter, I love you all!
If you see any mistakes in grammar or spelling or something you don't think fits or you don't understand then please tell me and I will try and set things straight.
The Second instalment of this trilogy is now up on my profile, 'Harry Potter and the Kryptonian Destiny 2', hope you like it.
For those of you who want to know what Harry's domain looks it follow these instructions:
Go to google .co .uk and type in 'Ravnica Backgrounds'
Then you will be able to find the website I found it from first, it should be something like www .wizards .com and have this or something very similar as the explanation on the google search screen- Discuss "Wallpaper of the Week: Ravnica Forest" on the message boards · Discuss on the message boards, Magic Arcana archive · Magic Arcana archive