A/N: Sorry, this is a week late, but my vacation came sooner then I thought (oh the horror) and now I am sitting on the forth floor of an office building at a desk in Colorado facing giant windows watching it snow! Now for a lot this is no big event, but where I live you see snow around every ten years, which means I have only seen it twice in my life and nothing like this! The snow at home does not stick to anything. This is so very awesome and you should feel honored that I am in here writing this instead of out there playing in the snow! G Sorry for those of you who felt the last chapter was rushed, I worked really hard trying not to let that happen, but I suppose it did. :) I may go try and fix it at some point, but with so much to do it might be awhile. Until then, here is the tenth and final chapter of The Haunted! Enjoy!
Chapter Ten: Epilogue
Alan stopped short as his two best friends and family stepped into an overgrown clearing where the blackened remains of foundation stood, burnt beds strewn here and there as well as other various items slightly singed and worn from age and time spent in the elements.
"This was is, there's the tree..." Alan trailed off in complete confusion. It was disorienting not to see the building there. He was holding hands with Tin Tin, Fermat stood to the other side of him looking around. He had finally described everything that had happened on the long flight back to his old school then on the even longer it seemed walk to find the old hospital. It was now officially one year since the capture and death of Kendra, and Alan was finally feeling comfortable enough to explain this portion of the adventure, or nightmare; however you looked at it; to his friends. He remembered it as if it had only happened yesterday, yet bits were missing that would more then likely never be found. For some reason this did not bother Alan at all, and it felt good to let his story known even if it was only to his girl friend and best friend.
Alan had not planned on ever coming back, he had never dreamed of it, nor was he going to ever really tell anyone of his time in the woods, but then an unexplainable need washed over him. The need to see it one more time, the need to go back. He had argued with his father about being allowed to go back for a full three months, finally winning with a good, "I need closer, dad." So it was agreed that he could go back, but not alone. It would be another full week before they had everything planned out and set up to go. Alan wasn't sure if anyone but himself and his two best friends noticed that this was the anniversary of Kendra's final stand.
Alan leaned into Tin Tin and smiled. God he loved her, he couldn't help but smile every time he saw her which was a lot. The three were official Thunderbirds and the first team, trained to work alone but mostly together for operations. Tin Tin smiled back and whispered into his ear.
"Alan, when should we tell our family that are engaged?" Alan looked up at her and grinned.
"You would think they would have noticed the rings by now. So much for observance." Alan laughed still talking in a whisper. Fermat, who was there when it happened and got to hear about the whole thing from both friends only laughed at there antics. (The family finds out in one week at a International Rescue Success Party.) (Alan and Tin Tin get married in four months, followed quickly by the realization that she is pregnant with there first babies.) (Twins) (A girl and a boy) (The first of many children.)
Stepping over a large fallen tree the three sat down on it's trunk and just looked around in wonder. To his word, Jeff despite being raving mad at the three teens, had let them home school so that they could devote as much time to Thunderbird training as they could. To his shock, Fermat had to be talked into not going back to Warton, where he had been accepted into the BRAIN team. (That's okay, he will star in a club such as that in Harvard) (That is where he will meet his future wife Polly) (She's a brainiac as well)
Alan watched his family as they searched for where Alan could have possibly been for that awful week, much to there utter confusion they found nothing. Meanwhile the three now adults continued to just sit and talk. Alan pointed out key features he remembered, giving his story behind them.
Evening was approaching quickly when Jeff turned towards his youngest son with a questioning look. Alan grinned and nodded, it was time to go home. He didn't know what made him do it or why, but just as they stepped out of the clearing he felt the sudden urge to turn around. Turning he gasped loudly. His family was to far ahead to hear him and kept walking, but his two best friends standing next to him did and quickly turned themselves.
There, in the middle of the clearing stood the hospital, just as tall and foreboding as Alan remembered it. His friends eyes were as wide as Alan's as they just stared. Movement caught their eye to the right and the ghosts of the children walked out to stand facing the trio in front of the building. Something was different about the ghosts though, they seemed clearer...cleaner maybe. Alan smiled at them and waved, some waved back, but all were smiling.
A slight cooling breeze blew and for a moment they thought they heard the wind whisper 'Thank you' but it was so faint none would be sure until they found there voice hours later. The sun seemed to cut through the trees making the clearing extremely bright and then they were gone. Standing in it's place was the dark empty clearing once again. The three just stood there for a good ten minutes eyes wide, it wasn't until a hand on there shoulders was felt that they snapped out of it with a jump.
"You guys okay?" Scott asked, looking at them worriedly. They had gotten fairly far when they realized they were missing three people. After swallowing a dose of panic the family had raced back towards the clearing only to find the three standing at the edge looking back in. The three seemed to be in a bit of shock and did not answer any questions as there family surrounded them and herded them back towards the school and their jet. A since of da-ja-vu hit Jeff as he slowly came to the realization of exactly what day it was. Thinking this must be what was going on with the 'kids' he left them alone.
Sitting in the same exact spot they had coming home a year ago, the three looked at each other and grinned. There mission was accomplished, the ghosts had gone home.
The End.