Shape of the heart

Lily has been having strange dreams of her future son, Harry Potter and the hard life he endures. To save her son from suffering she refuses to walk fate's path and begins to avoid James Potter. But she soon learns that it's not of what the mind decides, it's of what the heart desires...

A/N: Hahaha! I'm listening to Black Eyed Peas 'Don't Lie' and I absolutely love the song! And I'm listening to Pete Murray 'Better Days'…mmm…I love the song…and also 'Counting Down the Days' by Natalie Imbrulia or however you spell it… :) Heheh and I think I'm inspired to write the next chapter so yah! T.T What a cheap excuse. Anywho, thanks to all those who reviewed! You guys absolutely rock!

But anyhow, on with the story!

(Also note that I have major writer's block so don't blame me if this chapter absolutely sucks) (For some reason I like saying the word absolutely)

Chapter Three

I continued to run and I could see many faces from all around me turning to look at me in curiosity, shock and some smugness. Where was I to go? I didn't know. I was confused and lost.

The tears that streamed down my face never stopped and neither did my trembling. My hair swept behind me as I reached out and opened the door in front of me. The wind blew into the train. My adrenaline was running and my heart was pounding, I was afraid everyone could hear it. But…

…it was like I had been waiting for this moment. This moment to jump and fall to my doom. I felt thrill and horror run through me like an electric shock. But my hand was sweating as it tried to keep a strong grip on the side-handle.

"Lily!" called a voice.

No Lily…jump…jump and die…jump and die…jump…

I guess it's human to wish for a quick death. To stop living when something terrible happens. Just to not face our fears. It seemed human that we'd rather die than cause ourselves or someone else trouble. But wasn't the easiest thing in life to do is to die? You could die with a sudden shot to your head; you could die in thirty seconds if you've lost enough blood.

So if death was the easiest thing to do…wasn't the opposite the hardest? Wasn't living the hardest thing to do? To keep on living means that you could live on until you're 100 or even more…

So should I choose the easy way out of this situation…? Or the hard way…? No…I should keep on living…I would just die because I had given up hope…given up hope when I could have pushed myself harder to make the impossible possible.

And yet still, I remained where I was the only thing keeping me from falling was my slipping hand that had finally lost its grip on the side-handle. I was falling forward, falling forward out of the train.

It was too late to think of living now. No spell that would save me came to my mind and I felt like I was flying high as I fell. The wind caressed my face and I embraced the cold feeling of it, causing a chill to run down my spine. I closed my eyes and I could see my mother with arms wide open.

She caught me in her arms and pushed me back away from her. "Not yet Lily…" she whispered as I began to float back up to the train door. "Not yet…" she repeated.

"Lily! Lily!" two strong arms wrapped around my stomach and pulled me up away from my mother who was below me continuing to float, her eyes shining.

"Mother!" I cried. "Mother!" My face was wet from the many tears I shed as I reached out to my mother who grew further and further away.

"I'll continue…to wait for you Lily…" she said as she closed her eyes and white light engulfed her and blinded my eyes forcing me to shut them.


I opened my eyes and looked into concerned hazel ones. Those eyes belong to James Potter. My friends and his were crowded around us, looking down at me worriedly. "My mother…" I breathed, more tears welling up in my eyes. "My mother…she's…she's going to…going to wait for me!" I mumbled, my voice shaking. I gulped and sucked in some more air. "But…but I'm going to be brave…I'm going to be strong and keep living…no matter where this life will take me…I'll keep living until my mother calls me to her." I said with all the braveness I could muster.

James eyes were wide with surprise before they turned kind and gentle. "That's right Lily…and if you keep on living I'm be there with you too…I'll help you make the impossible possible…" he said kindly.

I may not have understood what he said right then but it was nice to hear those reassuring words.

"It's a promise ok?" he said.

He smiled.

I smiled back.

And we shared a moment.


:Yawns: Sorry, I kind of have to stop there because I'm kind of tired you know. So anyhow, review and tell me what you think ok? Also I apologise if the chapter was extremely short but hey, I got to rest my tired body you know? Anyhow I apologise for any grammar mistakes of anything else and Constructive Criticism is totally welcome. Alos, I think I might put this story on hold...I'm kind of having writer's block with it at the moment... Peace out—Chibi-Chichan!