Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or any of its characters. They are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. Any dialogue that is familiar is taken from Buffy episodes, including seasons six and seven.
Rated: PG-15/T+
Pairing(s): Spike/Buffy, mentions of Angel/Buffy
Spoilers: All seven seasons.
Summary: Fallo. To deceive.
She was looking at him as if he was someone she had never seen before and he wanted to laugh because he had never lied to her, ever. Even when she had asked him with her eyes to lie, with her fists to lie about who he was and what he was...
When it came to Buffy Summers, Spike was as honest as men came.
He'd first seen her, dancing on the floor, her body moving with innate grace and he had wondered of this Slayer, this girl would be his match. If the dance they would have would be his end...
His soul burned inside him, William laughing loudly inside his head and he turned to look at her face and saw the tears. "I love you," she whispers and he says nothing for seconds as everything he's ever known changes...
She's hot and warm and so tight and so good and this is heaven and this is what he's looked for as the centuries go by, and this is it and he can die happy now...
She's gone, dead and it's his fault, his fault and he knows it and the Nibblet does too 'cause her green eyes are blaming him every time they fill with tears...
"I could never be your girl..."
"You're beneath me."
She's lying, he can tell 'cause her eyes are too teary and too open and when has Buffy Summers been completely honest with him? Never, not even when he fucked her five ways to Sunday and not even when he helped her protect her sister without expecting payment, and he was lying bloody and broken in his crypt and she kissed him in thanks...
He got the soul for her. But he thinks that he also got it for him too 'cause sometimes, it's difficult to tell where Spike ends and William begins...
She takes his hand in hers, the flame dancing along but not burning...
"Real love is wild and passionate. It consumes you."
"Until there's nothing left."
She'd been talking about Angelus then and he could see it in her eyes, knew that her love for him blinded her to everything around her, knew that her love for Angelus would kill her eventually. Just like his love for Drusilla, Buffy's love for Angelus would destroy her someday...
But he wouldn't be around to see it again. Not again to see her kiss that stupid, idiotic moron with bad hair and think to himself why wasn't he ever good enough. What was it about him that drove women to hurt him and hate him and fuck him and never, ever love him?
He meets her gaze. Don't lie to me, he wants to say, not now when I'm dying...
He's worked to hard to be a man to fall for her lies again.
"No," he says sadly. "You don't. But thanks for saying it."