Summary: Sometimes the line between fantasy and reality can become blurred. If memory serves him correctly, Beast Boy remembers that even if things have looked bad before, the Teen Titans have always pulled through in the end. To him, it's almost like television; the good guys win and the bad guys go to jail. So, what happens when things do not go according to this normal routine? Someone will have to bring him back to reality before what he sees as his personal 'daytime T.V. show' becomes a horror movie. (BBRae, implied RobSF)
Lazily, one gloved thumb continually pressed the same button on the normally elusive remote, causing the channels on the large screen television to climb in number. Each program or commercial would remain onscreen for no more than a few seconds before the viewer moved on to the next one. A large yawn passed over his green lips as this process continued for several minutes on end, still not settling on any one particular station. Nothing seemed to distract him from his channel surfing, but that could possibly have been due to the loud volume of the television. Seeing as the rest of the tower's inhabitants were currently elsewhere, there were no objections to his manner of T.V. watching.
Letting out a very audible sigh, he exclaimed to no one in particular, "I'm so bored!" Flopping back onto the plush couch, he failed to cease flipping through all of the stations that they received in Titan Tower, despite his previous objection to himself.
Although his emerald eyes appeared to be glued to the screen, his thoughts were drifting. He did a mental check of the rest of the Titans' last known locations. Robin was training in the gym or conducting research, both of which he tended to do alone. This is not to say that he did not welcome the company of a certain alien teammate... Speaking of Starfire, she and Raven had ventured to the "mall of shopping", as she liked to put it. Of course, this was only after the empath had finished meditating. That only left Cyborg, who was more than likely making sure that every inch of his 'baby' was spotless. Oh well. As bored as he was, he was content to be watching T.V. for the time being.
At some point, the shape-shifter must have lost track of the time, seeing as how another figure soon walked into the room, hands over her ears due to all of the noise being generated from the large television. Calmly, she walked toward the couch, well aware that she was noticed by the only other person in the room. Her past several years on the team had taught her that asking for the volume to be lowered was rather useless. Instead, she simply levitated the remote from her teammate's hand to her own before he realized what was happening. Wordlessly, she turned the volume down before returning the object to Beast Boy and heading into the kitchen area.
Finally taking notice of the other presence in the room, he peeled his gaze away from the television and looked toward the violet-haired girl. He made no move to remark about what she had just done, but part of him did want to strike up a conversation for lack of anything else to do. "So," he started leisurely, waiting until he knew she had heard him until he continued. Although she made to movement to acknowledge him, he finished. "... you back already?"
Raven poured water into a kettle before gently setting it onto the stove. As she was doing this, she replied, "We were out for several hours, if you must know." Her voice was monotone, as was usual in her case. While she waited for the water to heat, she turned her head slightly to look over at him. "It seems that you have spent those hours rotting your mind away."
His green features soon contorted themselves into a mild glare in the goth's general direction when he heard her response. "Oh yeah... well..." There was a long, drawn out pause, as though he could not wrap his mind around a decent comeback for her remark.
As he tried to think up something to say, she merely raised an eyebrow in waiting. After a few minutes of silence, she finally said, "Don't try too hard."
This only made him harden his glare, which really just gave him more of a frustrated expression. It took another minute or two before he replied to her, his voice softer and more of a grumble than anything else. "... I'm not rotting my mind away..."
"That's what too much T.V. does to you, as I have mentioned before," she answered a bit more off-handedly than her earlier comments.
Silence once again reigned, until the kettle started whistling loudly on the stove. In her routine manner, she turned off the appliance before pouring the steaming water into a waiting cup and adding a tea bag. Replacing the kettle on a cool section of the stove, she took a seat by the counter and gingerly began to dip the tea bag up and down in the water to distribute the flavor faster. Feeling someone's eyes on her, she glanced back toward the changeling on the couch, only to see that he was still looking at her with the same expression as before.
Even though it was not in her manner to do so, Raven relented slightly. "If you insist on watching T.V., at least watch something educational. Who knows, it may actually help you." With that, she simply returned her attention to the warm liquid in front of her.
"What are you getting at?", the male Titan asked with one eyebrow slightly raised. When she did not respond, he continued, "Just so you know, I don't spend all my time watching T.V..." There was a few moments' pause. "... just most of it," he finished with an almost goofy smile.
Returning the hot cup to the saucer after taking a few sips, the empath reached for a book that she had left on the counter earlier. Opening it to where she had left off, she placed it in front of her so that she could drink and read at the same time. "You do realize that you're investing most of your energy in something that is fake?" It seemed as though her question was more of an afterthought, as she then indulged herself in the book that lay in front of her.
Seeing he had lost her attention for the time being, Beast Boy turned back around with a quiet "humph." With his arms firmly crossed, he returned to his channel surfing, not bothering to answer his teammate's question.
Note: That's it for now! I hope you enjoyed it. Please, read and review! (Also, the romance will start to show itself in the first chapter, so don't worry!)